
Farming in the Beast World: The villain cub is super clingy

[Females are few and males are many, farm and raise cubs, space power] After a bomb blew up the base, Si Yan traveled into the book. When she woke up, she saw four cute snake cubs who would kill her in the future. In the original book, her legs were broken by the fourth brother, her arms were broken by the third brother, her eyes were blinded by the second brother, and she died after being stabbed in the heart by the eldest brother. Si Yan kicked her legs. No, I can't lie down! However, after she was whitewashed... The eldest brother: "I think that black tiger can be our second father." The third brother: "The white eagle is more suitable." The fourth brother: "Obviously the silver wolf is better." The second brother: "..." Snake Wang: I always think about putting a hat on him every day. He is really his good son.

wina_aubre · ファンタジー
300 Chs

Chapter 6 Apologize to my kids!

Beiji's sudden apology made Si Yan slightly stunned. Before she could react, Xiqing's face looked ugly. He gritted his teeth and suddenly rushed forward, hugging the cold potatoes and meat in front of him.

  Si Yan: "..."

  Seeing this, Beiji also rushed forward quickly and hugged a pile of potatoes in the cave. The two kids ran out with the food.

  This sudden change made Si Yan, who was extremely tired, unable to react. She hurriedly got up to chase them, but the two kids had already run far away. She was too tired to chase them.

  Si Yan returned home angrily and fiddled with the fire. She was very angry but helpless.

  She heated up the soup that the two kids didn't drink, drank a few sips, ate some meat, and fell asleep on the bed.

  The hard animal skin and stone bed was not comfortable to sleep on, and Si Yan got up not long after sleeping. She stretched and decided to solve the problem of the comfort of the bed first.

  The plants beside the cave were quite lush. Si Yan weeded and collected a lot of clean hay. She shook off the ashes and exposed it to the sun. After drying it for a while, she wove the hay together.

  The hay mat does not need to be woven too finely. The rough weaving makes the hay mat more fluffy and comfortable.

  It didn't take long for the hay mat to be woven. Si Yan hung the hay on the branches to continue drying.

  Just after drying the hay mat, Si Yan heard the noisy sound outside.

  She vaguely heard the voices of the two cubs and ran out in a hurry. Under

  the big tree not far away, a tall fat female grabbed Beiji and Xiqing. Beiji and Xiqing were dragged by the fat female and were in a very embarrassed state. There seemed to be sweet potatoes all over the ground.

  "The cold-blooded snake orcs that no one wants are out to steal things again!" said the fat female Xiong Nai.

  Si Yan ran over quickly: "Stop! You dare to touch my cubs!"

  Xiong Nai looked at Si Yan strangely. Si Yan was a well-known bad female in the tribe. She was lazy and bad, and she didn't care about her cubs at all.

  Si Yan saw that Xiong Nai still didn't let go of her two cubs. The little Xiqing and Beiji struggled desperately. Si Yan rushed over and grabbed Xiong Nai's hair. Xiong Nai's scalp was scratched and hurt, so he had to let go of the two cubs.

  "Si Yan, are you sick? These two snake cubs stole things!" Xiong Nai said.

  Xiqing and Beiji, who finally broke free, ran to the side. The two cubs quickly picked up the sweet potatoes on the ground and stayed away from Si Yan and Xiong Nai.

  This bad female never cared about their business. If they got into trouble, she would always beat them without asking why!

  This bad female would definitely help Xiong Nai beat them.

  Xiqing and Beiji huddled together stubbornly.

  Si Yan saw that the two cubs were very far away from her. It could be seen that the two cubs had no intention of relying on her, and even avoided her.

  With a twitch in the corner of her mouth, Si Yan decided to deal with the people who bullied her two cubs first.

  Si Yan continued to pull Xiong Nai's hair and asked coldly: "Why do you bully my cubs!?"

  Xiong Nai didn't expect that this thin little female was so strong and actually hurt her. She was very unhappy: "I bullied the cubs? Si Yan, please be reasonable, they stole my red earth fruit! They are thieves who steal things!"

  Red earth fruit is sweet potato.

  Si Yan looked at the sweet potatoes they were holding: "You stole other people's red earth fruit?"

  Xi Qing's face showed some contempt and anger, Bei Ji lowered his head.

  In the past, as long as someone said that they did something bad, the bad females never cared and only believed outsiders. It was impossible to expect the bad females to help them.

  Si Yan only glanced at the expressions of the two cubs, and turned back to Xiong Nai and said: "They didn't steal your red earth fruit."

  Xi Qing and Bei Ji suddenly raised their heads and looked at Si Yan.

  Xiong Nai said: "Impossible!"

  Si Yan: "Did you see them steal it with your own eyes?"

  Xiong Nai: "My red earth fruit was placed on the big leaf over there. I left for a while and disappeared when I came back. But I just saw them walking over with the red earth fruit. If it wasn't them who stole it, then who stole it?!"

  Si Yan said coldly: "So you didn't see my cub stealing your red earth fruit, so you said they stole it?"

  Xiong Nai: "Xi Qing and Bei Ji are famous thieves in the tribe. There would be no one else except them!"

  Xi Qing and Bei Ji looked aside with an ugly face.

  Si Yan gloomy: "Did you leave for a long time?"

  Xiong Nai: "Not long, just a little while."

  Si Yan said: "Then you shouldn't have walked far, you wait."

  Si Yan let go of Xiong Nai, she approached the big leaf, touched the leaf, and used her plant system ability to sense it. She did feel some sweet potato scent. She squatted down and looked carefully, and saw some small footprints left on the ground.

  "Come and see," Si Yan shouted, "What are these footprints." Xiong

  Nai hurried over, and saw some plum blossom footprints next to the big leaf.

  Xiong Nai was puzzled: "These look like the footprints of little bear cubs. Could it be that Xiqing and Beiji really didn't steal them?"

  Si Yan saw the direction of the small footprints and ran over quickly. She pushed aside the grass and saw a few little bear cubs hiding in the grass and eating sweet potatoes with big mouthfuls!

  Xiong Nai shouted in surprise: "It's Xiong Rou's cubs!"

  The ground was in a mess and the sweet potatoes had been almost eaten.

  Xiong Nai grabbed the four little bear cubs on the ground without saying a word. The little bear cubs didn't expect that they were discovered, and they punched and kicked and howled.

  Si Yan stared at the four bear cubs fiercely. Maybe Si Yan's eyes were too scary, and the four bear cubs finally felt scared and quieted down.

  Xiqing and Beiji were still standing far away. Si Yan said to Xiong Nai sternly: "Xiong Nai, you have to apologize to Xiqing and Beiji!"

  Xiong Nai said disapprovingly: "What is there to apologize for? They are just cold-blooded snake orcs. It's not the first time they have stolen things. Who knows if the red earth fruit in their hands is stolen from others?"

  Xiong Nai's contemptuous tone made Si Yan very uncomfortable. She looked back at her two cubs, only to see that the corners of Xiqing and Beiji's lips were pursed into a line with grievance and stubbornness.

  Si Yan said angrily: "You are an adult female at least. You slandered the two cubs for stealing things. After proving that they didn't steal, you are so thick-skinned that you don't even apologize?!" Xiong Nai

  : "I won't apologize! Anyway, they either stole from me or from others. Look, they don't say anything!"

  Si Yan said with a dark face: "You really don't apologize?"

  Xiong Nai said stubbornly: "I won't apologize! I will never apologize to the cold-blooded snake orcs!"

  Si Yan laughed angrily. Orcs' affairs should be solved with orcs' methods! She said directly: "If you don't apologize, I will beat you!"

  After that, Si Yan really pounced on him and fought with Xiong Nai. Xiong Nai was taller and stronger than Si Yan, but for some reason, she just couldn't beat Si Yan.

  Si Yan beat Xiong Nai so hard that his face was swollen and his nose was swollen. She was so ferocious that the four bear cubs beside him were scared.

  After beating him, Si Yan pulled Xiong Nai in front of the two cubs. Xi Qing and Bei Ji looked at her with complicated expressions.

  "Apologize!" Si Yan said coldly.

  Xiong Nai felt very wronged because the red fruits he had worked so hard to dig today were gone and he was beaten severely.

  Si Yan: "I asked you to apologize!"

  Xiong Nai was forced to be unable to bear it, and quickly shouted "I'm sorry", then turned around and ran away crying.