
Farming in the Beast World: The villain cub is super clingy

[Females are few and males are many, farm and raise cubs, space power] After a bomb blew up the base, Si Yan traveled into the book. When she woke up, she saw four cute snake cubs who would kill her in the future. In the original book, her legs were broken by the fourth brother, her arms were broken by the third brother, her eyes were blinded by the second brother, and she died after being stabbed in the heart by the eldest brother. Si Yan kicked her legs. No, I can't lie down! However, after she was whitewashed... The eldest brother: "I think that black tiger can be our second father." The third brother: "The white eagle is more suitable." The fourth brother: "Obviously the silver wolf is better." The second brother: "..." Snake Wang: I always think about putting a hat on him every day. He is really his good son.

wina_aubre · ファンタジー
300 Chs

Chapter 38 Heavy Rain

Tyson's back as he ventured down the cliff in the rain was reflected in the hearts of the orcs present.

  Si Yan bit her lip and turned her head.

  As a thin female, Si Yan was particularly firm: "I believe Nan Mo will be fine."

  "We must believe in Tyson. Tyson will definitely bring Nan Mo back."

  As long as she didn't see Nan Mo's body, Si Yan would be sure that Nan Mo must still be alive.

  The three cubs were washed by the rain, looking at Si Yan's thin and determined figure, in silence.

  Back in the cave, Xiqing and Beiji sat by the fire and warmed themselves, and Dongchi also sat in the corner watching them.

  The firelight reflected Si Yan's face red.

  There was no sadness on Si Yan's face, only a firm belief that Nan Mo was still alive.

  Si Yan's firmness gave the cubs spiritual strength, and imperceptibly, the cubs also believed that Nan Mo was still alive.

  They were waiting for Tyson to bring Nan Mo back.

  Si Yan fiddled with the fire for a long time, and finally thought of a question. She asked softly, "What is a guardian beast?"

  "It's not something that's bad for you." Dong Chi said coldly as always.

  Si Yan was silent.

  Xi Qing looked up at Si Yan and explained, "Mom, a guardian beast is a one-way contract."

  Si Yan lowered her head and asked Xi Qing, "What is a one-way contract?"

  "Some males who are rejected by females are willing to protect females and guard females..."

  Xi Qing didn't want to say that Tyson was too good, so she interrupted these descriptions and continued, "They will take the initiative to become the guardian beasts of females and protect females."

  After that, Xi Qing said, "Mom, there are no adult males in our family, so it's good to have one more guardian beast."

  The beast world is full of dangers. The four of them can only reach the strength of gray crystal at most. It can be said that the family is full of women, children, sick and disabled. If it weren't for the protection of the village, they would have been finished long ago.

  They don't want their mother to have many males, but the guardian beasts don't resist.

  But it can't be said that they like it.

  Si Yan's expression was solemn. She asked, "Does it mean working as a bodyguard? Do I have to pay him? How much per month?"

  Bei Ji asked, "Mom, working as a bodyguard?"

  Xi Qing said, "You don't need to pay. He voluntarily protects you, and he will hunt, give you food and clothes, and protect you for life."

  "..." Si Yan found something wrong this time.

  Hunting, giving females food and clothes, and protecting females for life.

  Isn't that the role of a husband in the human world?

  She stood up suddenly and said, "I already have a beast husband, and I won't want another beast husband."

  Si Yan said, "I want to make it clear to Tyson!"

  Unclear relationships are the most hurtful. Tyson is a good male, and she doesn't want to hurt Tyson.

  Xi Qing quickly grabbed her. Xi Qing's little face was crisp and tender. He said softly, "Mom, guardian beasts and beast husbands are still different."

  Bei Ji helped explain, "Mom, beast husbands can have babies with females, and they have the right to mate. Guardian beasts don't."

  "..." Si Yan sat down.

  In her previous life, she was a little soldier, and there was an iron rule in her army.

  - You can find a partner by yourself, or the army can assign a partner. But you can only have one partner in your life,

  and you must be loyal to your partner. Even though Si Yan has not seen her partner yet, she can barely be regarded as an assigned partner.

  If they don't get along well, they can divorce.

  But there is an iron rule of only one partner in your life. Then she will never have another partner

  in her life. In fact, whether it is the monogamous education she received since childhood or the iron-blooded iron rule in the army, Si Yan cannot accept a second partner if she already has a partner.

  The guardian beast, who guarded her all her life, hunted for her all her life, provided her with food and clothing, can only become a marginal guardian beast.

  It is somewhat unfair to Tyson.

  If Tyson just follows her, just like she followed her superiors and her brothers in her previous life. It's not a big problem. As

  long as Tyson doesn't have other ideas.

  Si Yan supported her head.

  "We still have to make it clear to him."

  Xiqing and Beiji were silent.

  After the conclusion of the guardianship contract, to some extent, it has similar constraints as the companionship contract. For example, if the female dies or the female forcibly terminates the contract, they will suffer catastrophic damage.

  Just like Xiong Rou's partner, one of the reasons why the village determined Xiong Rou's death was that half of Xiong Rou's beast husbands died at the same time.

  This is not fair to males, but this is the price of seeking heirs.


  The rain is getting heavier and heavier, and there is almost no sign of stopping.

  This also completely blocked Si Yan from continuing to look for Nan Mo.

  Tyson went to find Nan Mo, and she still had three cubs to take care of.

  Looking at the heavy rain, and the small river in front of the cave has swelled into a big river, Si Yan's heart was inexplicably panicked.

  "Is it the rainy season?" Si Yan asked the cubs in the cave.

  The cubs shook their heads.

  "Mom, it's not the rainy season yet."

  This rain is a bit abnormal.

  "After a heavy rain, the weather often gets hotter." Si Yan murmured. "The rain is too heavy, it's about to flood the cave."

  Xiqing and Beiji followed Si Yan and looked in front of the cave. In the heavy rain, visibility was less than a few meters, and nothing could be seen clearly. Si Yan

  said: "I will go to the vegetable field to harvest all the vegetables that can be harvested. You take the seeds and salt from home, and we are ready to go up the mountain!"

  "Okay. Mother." Xiqing said.

  Si Yan rushed into the rain curtain.

  The space was 0.5 cubic meters larger, which was already a lot larger. Si Yan stuffed the vegetables and fruits in the field into the space, and at the same time, she dug a big wood for some reason, collected the rainwater, and then stored it in her own space.

  At this time, Si Yan's idea was very simple. The river water after the heavy rain was not drinkable. She had to store the rainwater from the sky for drinking.

  She didn't expect that this big bucket of water would save their lives when the Fiery Day came.

  It was pouring rain, and no one could see what she was doing. She put the things into the space, and did it all silently.

  When she rushed back to the cave, the rainwater was already level with the cave.

  The three little cubs raised their small heads and looked at her. Even for Dong Chi, who had always been against her, Si Yan saw his natural dependence on his mother behind his contempt.

  "We have packed up our things. Shall we leave now?" Xi Qing asked.

  Si Yan took the salt that Xi Qing held high in her hand, fearing that it would dissolve into the water, and put it directly into the corner of the space.


  Si Yan pulled down the straw curtains and straw mats at home, put them on the heads of Xi Qing and Bei Ji, and also on Dong Chi's head, and then squatted in front of Dong Chi.

  "Come up."

  Dong Chi paused for many seconds, he looked at Si Yan's slender back.

  "Come up!" Si Yan repeated.

  After a long time, Si Yan felt the thin little body slowly climbing up.

  His intact arm hesitantly wrapped around Si Yan's neck, and suddenly clasped it tightly.

  Dong Chi lowered his head, his head against the back of her head, dull.

  "Mother." Xi Qing and Bei Ji raised their heads and looked at Si Yan.

  Si Yan dragged Dong Chi with one hand and Bei Ji with the other. Bei Ji held Xi Qing, and Xi Qing held a small bucket of things that needed to be taken away.

  "Let's go."

  Rushing into the rain, Si Yan led the three cubs up the mountain.

  The cold rain slapped the family of four, but the cubs washed by the rain felt more solid than ever before.

  It was as if they were not afraid even if the sky fell.

  "Xi Qing, hold on tight!"

  The rain was too heavy, and the mountain water rushed down. Xi Qing swung his big tail and wrapped around the tree to fix it.

  Then Xi Qing smiled at Si Yan, and his ostentatious smile revealed his expectation of being praised by Si Yan.

  Si Yan couldn't spare a hand to pat his head, so she also smiled and praised: "Xi Qing is awesome."