
Farming in the Beast World: The villain cub is super clingy

[Females are few and males are many, farm and raise cubs, space power] After a bomb blew up the base, Si Yan traveled into the book. When she woke up, she saw four cute snake cubs who would kill her in the future. In the original book, her legs were broken by the fourth brother, her arms were broken by the third brother, her eyes were blinded by the second brother, and she died after being stabbed in the heart by the eldest brother. Si Yan kicked her legs. No, I can't lie down! However, after she was whitewashed... The eldest brother: "I think that black tiger can be our second father." The third brother: "The white eagle is more suitable." The fourth brother: "Obviously the silver wolf is better." The second brother: "..." Snake Wang: I always think about putting a hat on him every day. He is really his good son.

wina_aubre · ファンタジー
300 Chs

Chapter 289 Red Fruit Vermicelli

When Si Yan's eyes swept over the orcs, the orcs were excited.

  They expressed their love and admiration for her one after another!

  "Wise Si Yan, we like you so much!!!"

  "Wise Si Yan, hurry up, we are so excited, we are all waiting for your red fruit vermicelli."

  "Although we watched the vermicelli being made along the way, can we watch you cook it?" "

  We are looking forward to it, we are really looking forward to it!! "

  "Lord Si Yan, you must do your best, we all believe you can get first place!"

  "Nonsense, the first place must belong to Lord Grey Parrot!"

  "No, it's Lord Si Yan!! "

  "It's Lord Grey Parrot, it's Lord Grey Parrot!! "

  "Okay, okay, don't argue, Lord Si Yan and Lord Grey Parrot are both amazing!"

  The orcs in the audience were very enthusiastic, looking at her with excitement and excitement.

  Si Yan smiled politely at everyone.

  Tyson spread out a large pile of sweet potato dried vermicelli.

  The orcs stared at these convenient and easy-to-make foods with burning eyes.

  Si Yan said: "Everyone has seen the production process of red ground fruit dried noodles. The main raw material here is red ground fruit, which is easy to grow and plant. As long as everyone masters the planting technology of red ground fruit, weak beastmen can choose to plant red ground fruit on a large scale." The

  strong beastmen shook their heads when they heard this. Strong beastmen can only become stronger by eating raw meat, and they know nothing about planting.

  A deer beastman said: "Lord Si Yan! Our tribe can grow something alive."

  Another sheep beastman also said: "We can too."

  "Red ground fruit is easy to grow. I have grown it alive!"

  "I have grown it alive before!"

  Si Yan smiled and said: "Everyone is very good."

  As she said, she took out a sprouted red ground fruit and said to the beastmen: "After the red ground fruit sprouts, bury it directly in the ground and you can plant it."

  "When planting, we should pay a little attention to the fact that the red ground fruit is not resistant to waterlogging. It will not grow well if there is too much water. When planting, make a ridge like this, so that the water cannot flood it, and it can grow more and better..."

  Si Yan explained the techniques and key points of sweet potato planting to the weak beastmen.

  The whole venue was silent, and everyone was listening attentively.

  After Si Yan finished speaking, the weak beastmen recalled for a while and became even more excited.

  "Lord Si Yan, you are so amazing!"

  "Thank you, wise man."

  "Thank you, wise man, for teaching me."

  After everyone quieted down, Si Yan continued: "As long as there are a lot of red earth fruits, it is not difficult to make red earth fruit dried vermicelli that can be stored."

  After speaking, Si Yan took out some of the dried vermicelli and said: "The storage period of dried vermicelli is very long. As long as the storage conditions are suitable, it is no problem to store it for 1-3 beast years. When there is no food in the Great Cold Season, it will be very comfortable to cook a bowl of sweet potato vermicelli. In fact, strong beastmen can also eat it."

  Si Yan picked up a stone pot and lit the fire to boil water. After the water boiled, put in the sweet potato vermicelli, a little meat slices and green leafy vegetables, and finally added a little salt.

  "Strong beastmen may not be able to strengthen their muscles by eating sweet potato vermicelli, but they can fill their stomachs and at least they won't starve to death."

  The strong beastmen who were watching carefully on the side could not hide their excitement.

  Even a strong orc tribe will have a few weak orcs, not to mention that there are many weak female orcs brought back from the weak orc tribe.

  With this dry vermicelli, how many females and cubs can be saved from dying during the severe cold season.

  Si Yan put the cooked sweet potato vermicelli into many stone bowls, and Tyson handed the stone bowls to the orcs to eat. The orcs ate it in one bite, and then drank up the soup directly.

  "Delicious!! This is delicious!!! Soft and smooth!!"

  "I don't know how to describe it, but it's delicious, really delicious."

  "I want to try it too! Give me some!!" "I

  want it too! Give me some, I want it too, give me some!!"

  After all, Si Yan didn't cook too much sweet potato vermicelli, and the orcs who could eat it were very excited. This feeling was like winning the lottery.

  "Give me some, I want some too."

  "I've finished the noodles!"

  "Soup, just give me some soup!!!"

  "I want that leaf, don't drink it all, I want a little, just a little!"

  "Brother Tyson, give it to me!!!"

  "Brother Jintong, I have insect crystals, give it to me, give it to me!! "

  These orcs seemed to be very excited as if drinking a bowl of noodle soup from Si Yan would prolong their lives.

  Tyson and Jintong were busy with the sweet potato noodles until the last drop of soup was finished!

  "Red ground fruit noodles can be made!"

  "Not only can it be stored, it's also very delicious!"

  "My female master will definitely like it very much!"

  "Do you know how many orcs our tribe lost during the great cold season last year? Many males died, and in the end, in order to save the females and cubs, we ended up... The males even cut their flesh and forced the females to eat their own flesh. You don't know how terrible it is when there is no food..."

  "It's good now, it's good now. As long as you are diligent enough, you won't starve to death."

  "The orcs in our tribe are very diligent."

  "So are we!"

  The orcs were encouraged.

  Xuelin walked to Si Yan and looked at her with a satisfied smile: "Si Yan, if your method is implemented, the orcs can survive the cold season and the famine season, the number of orcs who starve to death will be greatly reduced, and the number of orcs in this world will gradually increase. This is a great thing that will benefit all orcs."

  Si Yan nodded gently.

  The Grey Parrot Sage looked at Si Yan with praise and admiration.

  Xuelin said directly to everyone: "The Sage Competition is over now. For the question of food that can be stored for weak orcs, I think the Grey Parrot Sage and Si Yan Sage tied for first place. Do you have any objections?"

  The jam made by the Grey Parrot Sage is sweet, can be stored, takes up little space, and is full of energy after eating.

  In Si Yan's opinion, his jam is richer in vitamins and other nutrients.

  In times of famine, a bottle of jam can definitely save lives.

  It deserves the first place.

  And the red ground fruit powder made by Si Yan.

  The materials are easy to obtain, and can be made and stored vigorously. The storage time is very long. It tastes good after being cooked and can fill the stomach.

  It can be used as daily food, or as daily food stored for use during the Great Cold Season.

  As long as the orcs are diligent enough, they can survive the Great Cold Season.

  This food is of great significance to the beast world, and it deserves to be the first.

  The gray parrot smiled and said, "I think the food of the wise man Si Yan is better than mine. It can help more orcs survive the famine. The wise man Si Yan of the Illusionary Territory is the first, and I am at most the second."

  Si Yan shook her head and said, "Your jam is very rare, it is nutritious, and it is a food of great significance. I think you should be the first."

  Xuelin smiled and said, "Okay, stop fighting."

  Without the female Jin Yao, the wise man competition became much more harmonious. The orcs looked at the humble gray parrot and Si Yan, and couldn't help laughing.