
Farming in the Beast World: The villain cub is super clingy

[Females are few and males are many, farm and raise cubs, space power] After a bomb blew up the base, Si Yan traveled into the book. When she woke up, she saw four cute snake cubs who would kill her in the future. In the original book, her legs were broken by the fourth brother, her arms were broken by the third brother, her eyes were blinded by the second brother, and she died after being stabbed in the heart by the eldest brother. Si Yan kicked her legs. No, I can't lie down! However, after she was whitewashed... The eldest brother: "I think that black tiger can be our second father." The third brother: "The white eagle is more suitable." The fourth brother: "Obviously the silver wolf is better." The second brother: "..." Snake Wang: I always think about putting a hat on him every day. He is really his good son.

wina_aubre · ファンタジー
300 Chs

Chapter 274 Gecko Tells Stories

Jin Sisha stood up straight, but was a little shaky.

  He was dazed as he watched the witch doctor of the Golden Dragon Clan treat Jin Yao. He was dazed as he watched the three brothers of the Jin family surround Jin Yao and worry about her.

  Finally, he took a few steps back and left the cave to get some fresh air.

  Today had been a very stupid day.

  In order to take the blame for Jin Yao, he actually ate so much meat that in the end, he dug a huge pit when he defecated and buried it quickly after he finished. It was so smelly.

  When they returned to the cave, it was normal for the eldest brother, the second brother, and the third brother to come to see Jin Yao.

  After all, they grew up together and loved her brothers.

  Jin Yao should not have lied to them, she should have explained the matter clearly, and then discussed what to do next.

  But she didn't. Not only did she not do that, but she hinted in a few words that Si Yan poisoned Jin Yao because she was jealous of Jin Yao and wanted to return to the Golden Dragon Clan.

  But in fact, that was not the case.

  He could see Si Yan's eyes clearly.

  Si Yan didn't like Jin Yao at all. No matter what Jin Yao said or did, she didn't care at all.

  She even seemed to look down on the Golden Dragon Clan.

  Jin Yao's poisoning was entirely her own fault.

  Why did he do such a stupid thing as taking the blame for Jin Yao?

  This not only ruined the reputation of the Golden Dragon Clan, but also pushed Sister Si Yan further away.

  Jin Yang supported the wall with one hand and his head with the other.

  His head hurt, like a needle prick.

  Thinking that the competition was still going on, Si Yan should still be making things at the competition site. Jin Yang stumbled back to the competition site.

  The competition was still going on, and Si Yan had already started putting iron beads into pottery, and then melted it in a charcoal fire.

  The molten iron was molten, red and hot.

  Si Yan used a few pieces of wood to clamp the pottery and poured the molten iron into the mold.

  She focused on doing her own thing, and the affairs of the Golden Dragon Clan did not seem to have any impact on her.

  Tyson wagged his tail, looked at Si Yan with sparkling eyes, and asked excitedly: "Si Yan, what are we making?"

  Si Yan smiled and said: "This is an axe."

  The molten iron was formed, and Si Yan asked Tyson to put the axe into the water to cool it down.

  Looking at the bubbling axe.

  Si Yan's mind was empty for a while, her thoughts flew far away, and suddenly asked: "Old Gecko, is there really a beast god in this world?"

  Hearing her call, the gecko crawled out of her already large space, and he said lazily: "Of course there is."

  Si Yan asked: "What kind of person is the beast god in this world? Is he a gentle, kind and pure and kind god?"

  When she didn't know what the god looked like, the god that appeared in Si Yan's mind was a ball of light, and there was a white glowing god in the light. The god's eyes looked kind and gentle, and could illuminate the darkness of the world.

  The gecko felt that Si Yan seemed to be thinking about something terrible, and immediately said, "Hey, don't think like that. There are no pure and kind gods."

  Si Yan paused, a little surprised, "Aren't all gods pure and kind?"

  The gecko was sweating coldly, "Grandson, you must have read a lot of mythological stories in your previous life."

  "I have."

  "Tell me which ones."

  "Journey to the West, Investiture of the Gods, Classic of Mountains and Seas."

  "Then tell me, which god in them is pure and kind?"

  Si Yan thought for a while, "Tang Monk?"

  "Tang Monk?" The gecko screamed immediately. Fortunately, no one except Si Yan could hear his voice.

  The gecko realized that he had lost his composure.

  He immediately adjusted himself.

  "Tang Monk is protected by a stupid monkey. If it weren't for that stupid monkey, he would definitely be the first to die. Do you believe it?"

  The gecko stiffened his neck and said, "Don't think about it, don't think about being pure and kind."

  "Grandson, I'll tell you a story."

  Want to hear a story?

  Si Yan didn't even care about the ironware. She immediately took a wooden cup of water, found a stone, sat down and rested to listen to the story.

  "Go ahead." Si Yan said with interest.

  The gecko suddenly became serious. He jumped onto a stone in front of Si Yan and looked at her at eye level.

  "Si Yan, this is a story that every new god in the Pantheon must listen to."

  "The protagonist of this story is the pure and kind god in your imagination."

  The gecko cleared his throat, looked at Si Yan with his eyes, and then told the story.

  "In the past, there was an ordinary king who was pure and kind. He was very kind and happy. He had parents who loved him, and brothers and sisters who were united and friendly. He had a beloved queen, and he had three cute and smart little princes."

  In Si Yan's eyes, a harmonious and united big family has been gradually revealed.

  "His country has 50,000 people, and everyone lives and works in peace and prosperity."

  "He meets all the conditions for becoming a god, and he naturally became a god."

  Si Yan listened attentively, and she put the water down.

  "As a god, he is full of gentle and warm power. His bones and blood are treasures. Drinking a drop of his blood can extend one's life by a hundred years."

  "After he discovered the function of his blood, he distributed his blood to his parents, siblings, queen and children. Just as you thought, the people he loved became immortal because of his blood."

  Si Yan's hand paused slightly.

  Gecko glanced at her and said, "It's like a piece of Tang Monk's meat, right?"

  "This god was very careful at the beginning. But later..."

  "You know, the world will not be peaceful forever. War, plague, famine, corruption, one by one."

  "In despair, his people saw his relatives who were immortal. Everyone wants to live forever, and no one wants to get sick."

  Si Yan was stunned and said, "What happened later?"

  "Grandson, the greed of his people was infinitely expanding, and they calculated on their own god. They asked him for flesh and blood, but he couldn't bear to see his people suffer, so he cut his flesh and bled and gave them. He was kind and simple, and used his flesh and blood to quell disasters again and again."

  "Later, he found out. He couldn't stop it."

  Si Yan paused. She had experienced the inheritance of the Beast God, so how could she not understand Gecko's words.

  "When you are needed, you are God. When you are needed more, you may just be a bowl of universal medicine, a piece of Tang Monk meat that can make people immortal."

  Si Yan's fists clenched tightly, and her mood became tense as the story progressed.

  "What is his ending?"

  The gecko lowered his eyes, "He didn't die, but his parents, brothers and sisters, the queen and three children all died."

  "The people he loved most were eaten by the people he had always protected. They couldn't eat the gods, so they ate their relatives who had eaten the flesh and blood of the gods."

  For some reason, Si Yan felt an unbearable sense of sadness in her heart. She asked anxiously: "What happened later? I don't believe this is the ending!"

  The gecko looked at Si Yan and said heavily: "This god, he is crazy."

  "He destroyed the world he loved for many, many years. He turned his world into a grave to bury the people he loved."

  "Grandson, you have to know that that world is not full of bad people. In fact, there are many innocent people."

  "This matter, in the final analysis..."

  Si Yan, the gecko: "It is God who is wrong, it is God's innocence that is wrong."

  The gecko looked up at the blue sky above his head.

  Then he lowered his head.

  "From then on, kindness is still one of the requirements for the Pantheon to select new gods, but you can't be naive."

  "As a god, you must see clearly, be able to judge the situation, know how to use your power, and know how to distinguish between good and evil."

  "You are good."

  The gecko whispered, "You can feel the pain of others. You are kind deep down. You are not naive. If someone bullies you, you will definitely fight back."