
Farming in the Beast World: The villain cub is super clingy

[Females are few and males are many, farm and raise cubs, space power] After a bomb blew up the base, Si Yan traveled into the book. When she woke up, she saw four cute snake cubs who would kill her in the future. In the original book, her legs were broken by the fourth brother, her arms were broken by the third brother, her eyes were blinded by the second brother, and she died after being stabbed in the heart by the eldest brother. Si Yan kicked her legs. No, I can't lie down! However, after she was whitewashed... The eldest brother: "I think that black tiger can be our second father." The third brother: "The white eagle is more suitable." The fourth brother: "Obviously the silver wolf is better." The second brother: "..." Snake Wang: I always think about putting a hat on him every day. He is really his good son.

wina_aubre · ファンタジー
300 Chs

Chapter 260 What a great time!

 Tyson and Jintong made jar after jar of sweet potato water.

  Si Yan asked them to pour the filtered sweet potato residue into the forest nearby as fertilizer to improve the soil.

  There were still a lot of sweet potatoes left, so Si Yan used snake scales to cut them into very thin slices, and then roasted them over and over on the fire.

  She planned to make some sweet potato chips as snacks for the cubs.

  These sweet potato chips were naturally not intended to be used for the competition.

  The orcs on the side watched and couldn't stop drooling again.

  "What exactly did Si Yan the wise man make in that big jar?"

  "Also, she roasted the red earth fruit slices, and they smelled so good!"

  "I never knew that red earth fruit could be eaten like this!!"

  "Oh my God, I really want to try it and see what her red earth fruit tastes like."

  After the sweet potato chips were baked, Si Yan put the chips in a wooden jar.

  Then, she looked up and asked the orc who was managing the order, "Can I have my family come over for dinner?"

  There is order in the beast world, but it is not so standardized.

  So the orc nodded. "Sure."

  So Si Yan waved to everyone excitedly. "Wang, cubs, come over for dinner!"

  After saying that, she looked at the group of relatives and friends who were sitting still, and then called them one by one.

  "Sheying, Shechuan, Mingyan, Xiaolanhai, Yinhong, come over for dinner!"

  The orcs whose names were called, some looked excited, and some suppressed their excitement. Soon, they gathered around Si Yan's big pot.

  They had a tacit understanding, and everyone carved a bowl.

  Except for Wang.

  He still took a basin.

  Si Yan took out a few small pots of wine. The males like to drink it, and she happened to have it here. It was all rice wine with a low alcohol content.

  Then she started to make soup for everyone.

  The salted carrot and pork ribs soup and another pot of very rich pork stew were served separately.

  The cubs were different from the adults. They took the dried sweet potatoes prepared by Si Yan and started to eat them. They were crunchy and fragrant, and tasted very good.

  "Delicious, so delicious! Mom, this thing is so delicious!" The cubs were excited and satisfied.

  Lan Hai looked at their dried sweet potatoes eagerly, and Dong Chi generously gave him a lot.

  "Brother Lan Hai, try it."

  Lan Hai ate it, and his beautiful blue eyes curved. "Fragrant and crispy. Delicious."

  Several brothers hurriedly gave him handfuls of dried sweet potatoes.

  "Brother Lan Hai, if you like it, eat more."

  "I like it too, but I'll give it to you!"

  The little mermaid Lan Hai looked at the four beautiful and cute brothers and smiled happily.

  The males formed a circle, drinking and eating meat with big mouthfuls.

  Si Yan sat next to She Wang. There were too many spices in the pot of stew, so she couldn't eat it, and she couldn't drink the wine, so she scooped some carrot and pork ribs soup.

  Just when she was about to eat. Wang took out the steamed rice from the side and gave it to her.

  He said, "Yan Yan, the rice you like."

  He had been following Si Yan for so long that he had already learned how to cook rice.

  Si Yan was stunned. Then she smiled. She took the rice and ate the carrot and pork ribs soup, enjoying it very much.

  Not long after, the Gray Parrot Sage came over with the other two participating wise men.

  The Gray Parrot asked expectantly, "Wise Si Yan, we... none of us can cook. Do you have any extra rice? We can pay!"

  Looking at their wine and meat, the Gray Parrots were drooling.

  Si Yan held the rice and smiled, "No, no, you guys come and eat." The

  Gray Parrots had seen them bring their own stone bowls, so they also dug out stone bowls.

  However, the snake beastman was arrogant and only gave them half a bowl of meat and half a bowl of soup.

  Although the meat and soup might not be enough. But as guests, the Gray Parrots did not dare to have any objections.

  After they brought the meat and soup, they ate them in one bite, and their tongues were screaming.

  "Oh my god!!! So delicious, so delicious!!!"

  "Is this the ear of a hog? The ear of a hog is surprisingly soft and crispy?"

  "And this, the large intestine of a hog."

  "No one has ever dared to eat the large intestine of a hog. Wise Si Yan cooked it, and it tastes so good!!"

  Si Yan smiled and said, "We have washed the large intestine many times and cleaned it. Don't worry. It's not dirty."

  The Gray Parrot Wise was very excited. "Wise Si Yan, I have learned something. It turns out that food can be cooked like this. It turns out that this is the only way to avoid waste."

  "We usually waste too much food."

  "If these parts can be eaten, more orcs will not have to go hungry."

  The orcs watching outside were drooling.

  "Ears, heads, large intestines, and internal organs, can actually be eaten?"

  "Bones can actually be used to make soup!"

  "If we learn all of this, we will be less hungry during famine."

  "You all see clearly, you must all see clearly, you must learn!"

  The White Eagle Orc Sage and the Mermaid Orc Sage also slowly came over, and they spoke carefully:

  "Wise Si Yan, we..."

  Si Yan smiled and said, "Prepare the bowls."

  "Wang, help give them some meat and soup."

  The Emperor Snake Orc Wang started working again.

  Just like before, the White Eagle Orc and the Mermaid Orc only had half a bowl.

  The White Eagle Orc was almost about to explode. "God of Beasts, it's delicious, really delicious!"

  "My mouth is dancing!" "

  I have never eaten such delicious meat in my life!"

  "I am so moved, I am moved to tears."

  The Mermaid Orc slowly approached the little blue sea, and then began to eat.

  "God of Beasts, it's delicious, thank you for giving the Beast World such delicious food."

  "I want to cry, this is the first time I have eaten food that tastes like this."

  "I didn't expect, I didn't expect food to be like this!"

  Others, the orc wise men from White Tiger City, Water City, and Deserted City all looked at Si Yan eagerly.

  Si Yan glanced at the ones from the Golden Dragon Clan, and it seemed that even Jin Yang's appetite was whetted, and he was ready to go.

  Seeing Si Yan looking over, Jin Yang swallowed his saliva and said, "What are you looking at? We, the Golden Dragon Clan, also use fire to cook food. Jin Yao the wise man can also cook food!"

  Jin Yao immediately said, "Yes, fourth brother, I will cook for everyone

  right away." Si Yan used the garbage they didn't want to make so many delicious foods that made everyone drool.

  In theory, preparing food is the job of males, but now it is a competition for wise men, and if they want to win, only Jin Yao can do it now. Jin Yang

  walked over and asked, "Yaoyao, do you want fourth brother to help you?"

  Jin Yao immediately said, "No, no. We still have extra pig meat. Our meat is much better than the useless ingredients over there from Si Yan. There is no reason why we can't cook as well as she does."

  Jin Yang nodded and started to make a fire.

  Jin Yao began to prepare the food.

  She looked at the pig meat in front of her and hesitated.

  In fact, in the Golden Dragon Clan, she didn't have to work. All the work was done by other males. She only had to bring the things made by the males to the father, mother and several brothers.

  Now, she has to do it herself.

  However, she has watched it so many times, there should be no problem.

  Si Yan smiled in the direction of Jin Yao.

  She just called her family to come over for dinner, but she didn't expect to add a cooking competition to the wise man's competition.

  But it doesn't matter.

  Si Yan looked at the orcs in Water City, Deserted City and White Tiger City and said, "I'm out of food here, why don't you wait for the Golden Dragon Clan, their ingredients are better than ours."

  Hearing the first half of Si Yan's words, the eyes of the orcs in Water City, Deserted City and White Tiger City darkened.

  After hearing the second half of the sentence, they all looked at the Golden Dragon Clan.

  The Golden Dragon Clan is the most noble race in the beast world. Maybe they are better at processing food? !