
Farming in the Beast World: The villain cub is super clingy

[Females are few and males are many, farm and raise cubs, space power] After a bomb blew up the base, Si Yan traveled into the book. When she woke up, she saw four cute snake cubs who would kill her in the future. In the original book, her legs were broken by the fourth brother, her arms were broken by the third brother, her eyes were blinded by the second brother, and she died after being stabbed in the heart by the eldest brother. Si Yan kicked her legs. No, I can't lie down! However, after she was whitewashed... The eldest brother: "I think that black tiger can be our second father." The third brother: "The white eagle is more suitable." The fourth brother: "Obviously the silver wolf is better." The second brother: "..." Snake Wang: I always think about putting a hat on him every day. He is really his good son.

wina_aubre · ファンタジー
300 Chs

Chapter 255 My sister is better than your sister even at playing with mud.

Charcoal with a burning temperature of 1300 degrees?

  The old gecko suddenly laughed.

  His grandson is amazing, quite amazing.

  After working for a while, Si Yan and others returned to the City of Beasts with what she found.

  Other tribes also found some food for the weak orcs, as well as some wood.

  Only Si Yan brought back not only wood, but also stones and mud.

  When Si Yan went to dig these things, many orcs watched.

  But they didn't understand why Si Yan brought back these strange things.

  Jin Kun was watching Si Yan from a high place, and suddenly sneered.

  "This black stone is hard and useless. It takes a lot of effort to split and chop it. Even if the weak beastmen understand it, they still can't make tools with it. Because they can't split it at all."

  Jin Qian also said: "This stone is pitch black, what can be made of it? Even the wise men of the Golden Dragon Clan can't use it, why did Lao Liu dig it out?" Jin Ting

  : "There is so much mud. A normal wise man would bring mud back?"

  Jin Kun was silent for a while and said: "Are we too cautious and overestimating Lao Liu?"

  Jin Ting said: "No matter what, my little sister will definitely win the extra credit question."

  Jin Kun asked, "What about the question about food?"

  Jin Ting said, "Many wise men know that red earth fruit can be made into dried red earth fruit. I guess the sixth brother is planning to make dried earth fruit."

  Jin Kun, the third brother, sneered and said, "The sixth brother even knows about dried earth fruit. His knowledge is pretty good."

  Jin Ting said, "However, our little sister can not only make dried red earth fruit, she can also make dried meat. Look." The

  three brothers looked over and saw that Jin Yao had indeed brought back two high-level pig beasts and a lot of refined salt.

  The beastmen who were watching said, "Fuck, what's this white stuff? Isn't it refined salt?!"

  "Refined salt, it's refined salt!! The Golden Dragon Clan is really rich and powerful. How much is so much refined salt worth?"

  "And these two prey are not ordinary prey! Look at the white hair on its forehead. It's a pig beast living at the foot of Wanxue Mountain!"

  "The Golden Dragon Clan actually hunted all the pig beasts at the foot of Wanxue Mountain!"

  "The meat is really good, bright red and elastic, with full fat. The beast god is coming again, I can't bear it, I want to have a bite now, this is very high-quality pig beast meat!"

  "Look, what kind of wood is that?"

  "This is a red wood core, as heavy as a thousand gold coins, this is heavy wood!"

  "Heavy wood? Is it a heavy wood that a wise man once called as a pillar of a beam?"

  The dazzling high-end materials made the beastmen who were watching stare straight.

  The Golden Dragon Clan is rich and powerful, and it is indeed very rich and powerful!

  Jin Yao looked at the country beastmen who were watching with contempt.

  It was probably the first time for them to see such good things, so let these low-level orcs in the countryside broaden their horizons.

  Then, Jin Yao also got busy.

  Jin Yang followed Jin Yao and was busy. He took the time to look at Si Yan's group and watched Si Yan playing with mud. Although she was smiling, her face was dirty.

  Jin Yang's handsome face frowned slightly.

  Lao Liu is too disrespectful of his image. Look at what is this, mud, stone, wood, it's just garbage. It doesn't match their golden dragon clan at all.

  Also, as a female golden dragon, how can you make your face so dirty, and you actually do it yourself, which is really ruining the image of female golden dragons.

  Thinking of this, Jin Yang strode over.

  "Si Yan!" Jin Yang shouted loudly.

  Si Yan felt puzzled and raised her head. "What's the matter?"

  Jin Yang said, "Your hands are full of mud, what do you look like?"

  This Jin Lao Si ran to her and acted stupid again.

  Si Yan tilted her head and asked, "What the hell is it to you?"

  Jin Yang was so angry, "Listen, listen, listen to the words you used. How can you, a grown lady, keep saying the word 'fart'?"

  The corners of Si Yan's lips twitched.

  Jin Yang said, "You shouldn't hold mud with both hands, and you shouldn't squat on the ground and get covered in mud. Look at your belly, it's not small, you should have cubs. Although they may be inferior snake cubs, you shouldn't teach the cubs in your belly like this."

  Si Yan stood up and said, "Jin Lao Si. We are competing, you shouldn't come to interfere with my competition."

  Jin Yang looked at her mud and said, "You are playing with mud in a good competition of wise men. Even if you are going to lose, you can't lose so shamefully."

  Si Yan said speechlessly, "Who said I am going to lose."

  Jin Yang pointed to his side and said, "Look at what materials we use over there, and then look at the materials you use over here. Lao Wu, you are a good Jinjing orc, and you are a purple crystal orc, but you can't even get a few good materials. You are bound to lose like this."

  Jin Yang is very confident that the materials they found are the best in all aspects.

  And Si Yan, what kind of mud and stone are those.

  What can these things be used for?

  Si Yan's mouth twitched again, and she said, "Whether I win or lose, don't worry about it."

  Jin Yang whispered, "Si Yan, I am your brother, I care about you."

  Si Yan: "..."

  Si Yan: Why are you so speechless?

  Jin Tong waved his hands impatiently and said, "Jin Yang, do whatever you want to do. Don't come here to get involved. People who don't know would think you are trying to interfere with us or steal our skills."

  Jin Yang said angrily, "I'm stealing our skills, I'm stealing our skills and you guys are playing in the mud?!"

  "Playing in the mud?" Jin Tong laughed and said, "Believe it or not, my sister is better than your sister even at playing in the mud. You can wait and see who wins and who loses."

  Jin Yang paused and said, "Aren't we brothers? Our sisters are the same person."

  Jin Tong: "You still know that."

  Jin Tong: "Get out, get out quickly, don't delay us from playing in the mud.

  Damn it, I've lived for more than 20 years, and this is the first time I'm so happy playing in the mud."

  Jin Yang: "..."

  Jin Yang: "Jin Tong, don't swear!"

  Jin Yao was halfway through doing something when she realized that Jin Yang was gone. When she looked up, she saw Jin Yang running to Si Yan.

  Jin Yao's face turned green all of a sudden.

  Jin Yang is really great. On the one hand, he said that she is very good and will definitely win, and on the other hand, he went to Si Yan. Maybe he told Si Yan about their group's plan and program. Sure enough

  , with a sister, she is nothing.

  After being driven back by Jin Tong, Jin Yang was also angry and speechless.

  Si Yan seemed to be still playing with mud.

  How could she win by playing with mud like this? !

  Si Yan did not use precious clay, but ordinary soil.

  She was using ordinary clean soil to make a small earthen cellar, leaving a few holes at the bottom, and adding some burning wood on the top. After waiting for a while, when the mud dried a lot, she poured a lot of wood in, and then sealed the top with mud.

  After waiting for a while, Si Yan also blocked all the ventilation holes under the small earthen cellar.

  Jin Tong and Tyson did not understand why Si Yan did this. Si Yan washed her hands and wiped the sweat off her face.

  She smiled at the two and said, "Wait a little longer, tomorrow is the time to witness a miracle!"

  Jin Tong said excitedly, "I am looking forward to tomorrow, and I am also looking forward to what this thing will look like tomorrow."

  Just wait until tomorrow to see if her charcoal can be made smoothly.

  The first day of the wise man competition is over.

  On the way home, Tyson had already gone back.

  The cold-blooded snake orc followed behind her.

  Jin Tong stared at the backs of the two people with murderous eyes.