
Farming in the Beast World: The villain cub is super clingy

[Females are few and males are many, farm and raise cubs, space power] After a bomb blew up the base, Si Yan traveled into the book. When she woke up, she saw four cute snake cubs who would kill her in the future. In the original book, her legs were broken by the fourth brother, her arms were broken by the third brother, her eyes were blinded by the second brother, and she died after being stabbed in the heart by the eldest brother. Si Yan kicked her legs. No, I can't lie down! However, after she was whitewashed... The eldest brother: "I think that black tiger can be our second father." The third brother: "The white eagle is more suitable." The fourth brother: "Obviously the silver wolf is better." The second brother: "..." Snake Wang: I always think about putting a hat on him every day. He is really his good son.

wina_aubre · ファンタジー
300 Chs

Chapter 250 Today is another day that has attracted much attention.

They arrived at the center of Wanshou City, and as soon as they arrived, they heard a piece of news.

  The order of the competitions in this year's Wancheng Fair has been changed.

  The first game is still the Wise Man Competition, which lasts for seven days.

  The second game was changed to the Warrior Competition, the third game was the Witch Doctor Competition, and the fourth game was the Priest Competition.

  The Witch Doctor Competition was changed from the second game to the third game. After all, the witch show has not arrived yet, so this is a good thing for Si Yan and the others.

  There is another big news.

  In previous years, the Wancheng Fair was a six-party competition because the Void Territory did not participate.

  This time, because the Void Territory joined on time, it should have been a seven-party competition, but this year the Golden Dragon Clan also participated strongly, and Wanshou City did not dare to not give the Golden Dragon Clan face.

  So it became an eight-party competition.

  "Doesn't the Golden Dragon Clan have their own inheritance of the Beast God? In previous years, they disdained the Wancheng Conference and never paid attention to it. Why are they participating this time?"

  "I don't understand."

  "Have you heard? The precious little female of the Golden Dragon Clan, Jin Yao, who is very good at both witch doctor and priest, is also participating."

  "Jin Yao? I've heard of her. It is said that she is very beautiful."

  "Beautiful? How beautiful can she be? Can she be prettier than the proprietress of the Illusion Wine Shop?"

  Si Yan and others were respectfully led to the middle area by the orcs of Wanshou City.

  There, people from other forces, except the Golden Dragon Clan, have already arrived.

  Several tall tiger orcs from the White Tiger City arrived. They were obviously a little excited when they saw the black tiger orc Ming Yan following behind Si Yan.

  "Young Master."

  "Young Master, why did you go to the Illusion Territory? You are standing in the wrong place, come here, come here!"

  Ming Yan stood behind Si Yan indifferently.

  When Bai Shou from White Eagle City saw Si Yan, he was more excited than everyone in White Tiger City. He greeted Si Yan and said, "Miss Si Yan, our high priest will appear at the final priest duel!"

  Si Yan: "..."

  Si Yan raised her eyebrows and said helplessly, "I know, thank you for telling me."

  The tribes looked at them in a speechless manner.

  The relationship between White Eagle City and the Illusionary Territory seems to be very good, and the Lord of Black Tiger City, the little prince of White Tiger City, is also in the Illusionary Territory.

  This relationship seems to be very subtle.

  After Bai Shou's greeting, the mermaids also looked over.

  When Si Yan was still wondering what the mermaids were going to do, the elder of the mermaids came over in small steps and said, "Auntie Salmon told us about you after she returned to the sea."

  Auntie Salmon? Oh, it's that salmon mermaid orc!

  Salmon is a roving fish, a fish that swims back and forth between freshwater and saltwater. So she will go to freshwater lakes and the sea.

  The elder of the mermaid tribe said, "Thank you, Madam Lord, for helping to take care of the little koi and little Blue Sea."

  Si Yan said, "Little Blue Sea is now in the City of Beasts, resting in the small pond behind the Illusion Wine Shop."

  The elder of the mermaid tribe smiled and said, "Madam Lord, in fact, we have already met Little Blue Sea. His original form is a whale, and that small pond is a little small for him, so he has been sleeping all this time."

  Si Yan heard a hint of reminder, and she said, "If Little Blue Sea is willing, I will take him back to the sea."

  The elder of the mermaid tribe said politely and respectfully, "No, no, I just want to ask for him to make his fish tank... a little bigger. We wanted to help dig it directly, but Little Blue Sea didn't want to destroy the wine shop..."

  Si Yan didn't expect that it was because she didn't take good care of her godson that the mermaid elder came to beg for mercy. She said awkwardly, "This... is easy to talk about." The orcs

  in the audience watched them chatting with each other, and said in surprise,

  "Why didn't I know that the Illusion Territory has such a good relationship with so many big tribes?"

  "White Tiger City, White Eagle City, and the mermaid tribe. I heard that the lord's wife might be the second lady of the Ten Thousand Beast City, so the Ten Thousand Beast City should be included!"

  "Eight tribes, the False Territory has won over all four directions?"

  Si Yan looked at the other two groups.

  Water City, animals that can live in water or on the shore.

  The giant crocodile orcs are the main carnivorous orcs, fierce and cruel.

  When these fierce giant crocodile orcs saw Si Yan looking at them, their behavior was completely different from what Si Yan thought.

  Their faces flushed at first, and then they stood straight with excitement.

  "That beautiful female looked at me."

  "You are talking nonsense, she was obviously looking at me!!"

  "Oh my God, this is the first time I have seen such a beautiful female since I grew up. Do you think she is willing to give birth to a nest of crocodile eggs for me? If she is willing to give birth to a nest of crocodile eggs with me, I am willing to die!"

  "What are you dreaming about? If you want to give birth, give birth to me."

  As they were discussing, a particularly terrifying breath overwhelmed the sky, and the giant crocodile orcs trembled immediately.

  "This cold murderous aura scared the crocodile to death. Is it that snake beastman?"

  "Why is he so fierce?"

  "I heard that snake beastmen have a strong possessiveness. It seems to be true."

  "That little female is pitiful. He won't let her have more beast husbands."

  Si Yan was embarrassed. She had good hearing and heard all the discussions of the giant crocodiles.

  How could a crocodile that looked so fierce be so stupid?

  Si Yan looked to the other side, the deserted city.

  The city in the desert is composed of beastmen living in the desert. Because they have lived in a harsh environment for a long time, in order to survive, they are more fierce and cruel.

  But after Si Yan looked over, the faces of these tall and mighty desert males suddenly turned red strangely. Then they stood up straight with the same excitement.

  "She looked at me. She looked at me!"

  "Don't move. She was obviously looking at me."

  "I am more handsome, right? She would rather let me be a beast husband? I think I have hope."

  "I think you are dreaming!"

  Si Yan was very embarrassed and she quickly retracted her gaze.

  Damn it, how come the male orcs here react so simply and directly to the females?

  If she keeps watching, Shewang will definitely be completely jealous.

  Si Yan was inspired, and when she looked forward, people from the City of Beasts also arrived.

  Si Yan saw two familiar faces, the Wise Gray Parrot and the Warrior Green Parrot, as well as some orcs she had met a few times but couldn't remember their names.

  When everyone saw Si Yan, they all went over to greet her politely.

  "Hello, wise Si Yan."

  "Hello, Second Miss."

  "Hello, boss, hello, boss."

  Si Yan: "..."

  Today is another day that has attracted much attention.