
Farming in the Beast World: The villain cub is super clingy

[Females are few and males are many, farm and raise cubs, space power] After a bomb blew up the base, Si Yan traveled into the book. When she woke up, she saw four cute snake cubs who would kill her in the future. In the original book, her legs were broken by the fourth brother, her arms were broken by the third brother, her eyes were blinded by the second brother, and she died after being stabbed in the heart by the eldest brother. Si Yan kicked her legs. No, I can't lie down! However, after she was whitewashed... The eldest brother: "I think that black tiger can be our second father." The third brother: "The white eagle is more suitable." The fourth brother: "Obviously the silver wolf is better." The second brother: "..." Snake Wang: I always think about putting a hat on him every day. He is really his good son.

wina_aubre · ファンタジー
300 Chs

Chapter 24: Scraping barnacles off turtles to relieve boredom

Si Yan sat on the ground holding her stomach, thinking that at this moment, the four cubs at home would probably criticize her to death.

  The eldest cub Dong Chi would probably say: "The bad female really abandoned us, I knew it."

  The second cub Nan Mo... The second cub probably doesn't need to hide, stand with his four brothers, and listen quietly to everyone discussing her, the bad female.

  As for the third cub Xiqing, Xiqing is a little awkward, but he should have accepted her to some extent. I wonder if he is a little worried about her.

  As for the fourth cub Beiji, he is the only cub that Si Yan is sure to worry about. It's a pity that she can't tell Beiji where she is now.


  Yanxiang tribe, Si Yan's cave.

  There is no hot rice or soup in the cave. In the darkness, four pairs of vertical pupils stare, and the whole place is lifeless.

  Dong Chi said to his three brothers coldly, "Don't wait, that bad female is dead outside. She won't come back."

  The atmosphere in the cave was very tense, Bei Ji suddenly got angry, "Brother, don't say anything, you are obviously worried about her too!"

  "I worry about her? What a joke."

  Bei Ji said angrily, "You only say angry words!" Dong

  Chi's voice was cold, "She sold me once, she can sell me a second time, not to mention that my hands and feet are broken, I am a useless waste, it is only a matter of time for her to abandon me!"

  After saying that, Dong Chi became even more depressed.

  "Sooner or later, she will abandon me again."

  When Si Yan was still crazy, Dong Chi, as the eldest brother, took on the responsibility of taking care of several brothers. At the same time, he was also the one who took care of Si Yan the most and worried about Si Yan among the four brothers.

  Sometimes Si Yan ran away by herself, and Dong Chi would look for her all night in the back mountain.

  At that time, although they all knew that Si Yan was unreliable, and although Si Yan would be scared by them and beat and scold them, no one of the cubs really left her.

  Beiji said hurriedly: "Brother, don't worry, mother said your hands and feet will be fine." Dongchi

  smiled coldly. In the past few years in Yanxiang tribe, he had never seen anyone recover to normal after having broken hands and feet.

  In Yanxiang tribe, males with broken hands and feet would have broken hands and feet even if they recovered, and would become useless from then on.

  What's the use of just a few wooden boards on his hands and feet?

  He is a waste, a waste that will be abandoned sooner or later!

  Xiqing was silent for a while, then said: "She shouldn't abandon us now. I think she may have met with an accident."

  After Xiqing finished speaking, the cave was quiet for a while, and Beiji suddenly got up and ran out of the cave.

  Beiji: "I finally have my mother, I can't let her disappear. I'm going to find her!"

  Dongchi stared at Xiqing coldly.

  Xiqing followed helplessly: "I am worried about Beiji being alone, I will accompany him."

  Dongchi gently leaned on the stone bed, turned to Nanmo and said: "You accompany Xiqing."

  Nanmo nodded and turned to leave.


  She didn't know how she struggled in the sky before, anyway, the pair of shoes that were so broken were rubbed off.

  Now Si Yan is barefoot, and her left foot and right foot are rubbing together.

  In the moonlight, Si Yan watched the turtles flapping on the coast one after another. There are

  all kinds of creatures growing in the sea, one of which is called barnacles.

  Barnacles are hermaphrodites that like to attach to smooth surfaces and parasitize. Among them, they especially like turtles.

  Look, the little turtle that Si Yan just fished out has a layer of barnacles on its shell that is about the same size as it.

  This parasite lying on its shell will not only erode its shell, but also reduce the turtle's movement speed because it is too heavy, thus making the turtle lose its ability to survive.

  It happened to be boring, so Si Yan used her dagger to scrape the barnacles to relieve her boredom.

  Her dagger cut off a large piece of barnacles in one go, and she saw the little turtle shrink back.

  "I'll help you clean the barnacles, and I'll use them for dinner," Si Yan said.

  I don't know if the turtle understood, but it cooperated with Si Yan.

  After cleaning the barnacles on the turtle's back, Si Yan released the turtle back into the sea. Si Yan, who was watching the little turtle leave, was about to get up to grill the barnacles, but at this moment, she saw more and more turtles crawling onto the shore and surrounding her. The

  little turtles carefully surrounded her and nudged her bare little feet with their heads.

  "You all want me to clean the barnacles for you?"

  The little turtles nodded their round little heads in unison.

  So Si Yan sat down again. Interestingly, she saw this group of little turtles lined up one after another in an orderly manner, as if they were queuing up in front of a barber shop waiting for a haircut.

  Si Yan cleared barnacles from the turtles one by one to pass the long night. The barnacles behind her might be enough for her to eat for a week.

  Finally, the last barnacle was cleaned up, Si Yan put down the last little turtle and stretched her body.

  At this moment, the blue waves were rippling, and Si Yan saw the heads of cute little turtles one after another on the sea surface. They seemed to express their gratitude to her, and then one after another plopped into the water.

  Si Yan blinked, this wonderful feeling was something she had never experienced in the end of the world.

  Not long after, a huge white falcon came back with a beast in its mouth.

  Just when Mu Xiao was about to deal with the prey, he saw Si Yan had already started to deal with the barnacles, and said in surprise: "You are hunting again?"

  Si Yan's eyelids jumped. Why did he say "again"?

  Mu Xiao stared at the food prepared by Si Yan, and looked her up and down several times, staring at Si Yan and making her uncomfortable. Mu Xiao quickly said: "Little female, wait for me!"

  Si Yan looked back and saw Mu Xiao fiercely carrying the prey, running to the other side of the sea and dealing with it.

  Just when Si Yan started a fire to barbecue, Mu Xiao came over with a pile of furs. Si Yan recognized that they were the furs of wild animals. Mu Xiao

  put down the pile of furs, took out two newly made shoes from the middle of the furs, and put them directly on her feet.

  The red short boots were inlaid with feathers of the same color as Mu Xiao's own fur on the edges, which were obviously his feathers.

  Si Yan retracted her feet, and Mu Xiao held her little feet with one hand.

  "So small. Female feet are really tender." He said while observing.

  Si Yan hesitated for a while. She lost her shoes and her feet lost protection. She really needed a new pair of shoes.

  So she said, "I'll take your shoes and return them to you later."

  Mu Xiao said, "No need to return it. It is natural for males to prepare clothes for females."

  Si Yan didn't understand.

  Is this also a rule in the beast world?

  She hesitated for a moment, then put her feet into the boots.

  Surprisingly, the size was just right and it was very soft and comfortable!

  Seeing the good effect, Mu Xiao excitedly took the hide of the saltwater crocodile and said, "There are also hide clothes and hide skirts. You can try them all!"

  The saltwater crocodile is an extremely ferocious beast in the sea. Green crystal beastmen dare not approach it at all, and only red crystal beastmen like Mu Xiao dare to fight it.

  It is notoriously ferocious and terrifying, but its hide is very good and its meat is delicious.