
Farming in the Beast World: The villain cub is super clingy

[Females are few and males are many, farm and raise cubs, space power] After a bomb blew up the base, Si Yan traveled into the book. When she woke up, she saw four cute snake cubs who would kill her in the future. In the original book, her legs were broken by the fourth brother, her arms were broken by the third brother, her eyes were blinded by the second brother, and she died after being stabbed in the heart by the eldest brother. Si Yan kicked her legs. No, I can't lie down! However, after she was whitewashed... The eldest brother: "I think that black tiger can be our second father." The third brother: "The white eagle is more suitable." The fourth brother: "Obviously the silver wolf is better." The second brother: "..." Snake Wang: I always think about putting a hat on him every day. He is really his good son.

wina_aubre · ファンタジー
300 Chs

Chapter 233 False Awakening Memory

Walking in the White Eagle City.

  The 6-year-old Si Yan no longer trusts anyone easily.

  She keeps a distance from all patients, and she will be more cautious when approaching a patient.

  And when a patient comes forward to complain to her, Si Yan will also start to judge.

  Does the other party want her to empathize with his pain, or does he want to get something from her.

  She learned to be alert, she learned to think.

  A male eagle beastman picked up a piece of meat for her. "Miss Si Yan, thank you for coming to see us. This piece of meat is what we saved with great difficulty. Eat it."

  He looked at her expectantly, and Si Yan looked at him calmly.

  The little snake beastman looked at her. If it were the old her, she would definitely accept it happily.

  But now, she seemed to be different in some way.

  After taking a look at the piece of meat, she looked up at the eagle beastman in front of her.

  She thought: It turns out that the orcs who look honest also have many bad intentions.

  Si Yan looked directly at the other party with her innocent eyes, and her eyes were actually somewhat penetrating. The other party was actually guilty of being looked at by this 6-year-old cub. For a moment, she and the high priest were double-reflected.

  Si Yan asked very bluntly: "Why did you give me a piece of meat tainted with evil smell?"

  The male orc said: "How can this be diseased meat? Miss Si Yan, you can't wrongly accuse an honest man! This is the fresh meat of a wild beast I hunted!"

  Si Yan's voice was crisp but powerful, and she said: "Bury it."

  "Bury it? Miss Si Yan, this is really good meat, we are giving it to you because you have worked hard!!"

  Si Yan ignored him and walked forward.

  After she walked away, the male orc who gave her the bad meat said in annoyance: "Damn it, she can actually tell the diseased meat? She is only six years old, and I actually thought of the high priest for a while. What if she doesn't want the meat? Wasn't this little female infected with the plague? Why is she fine? Won't she be infected? Damn it, I can't even try."

  Another male orc said to him: "Mugen. You said, the little female was infected with evil spirit, why is nothing wrong with her?"

  "Need I say more? It must be the high priest who saved her."

  "How did the high priest save her? You say, the high priest cares about her so much, maybe there is something special about her. If we eat her meat and drink her blood, will our disease be cured?"

  "I don't want to die, and I don't want my female master and my cub to die."

  "How about, let's give it a try. Anyway, she won't die if we cut a piece of her meat and drink a bowl of her blood."

  "That's right. Even if something happens to her, the high priest will try every means to save her."

  The little snake orc was born sensitive. He was keenly aware of the malicious intent nearby.

  He looked in the direction behind him with great disgust.

  Si Yan's blood is useless. His blood is useful.

  The little snake orc whispered, "Si Yan, be careful."

  Si Yan nodded and hummed.

  It turns out that as long as you are careful, all the little thoughts of those bad orcs will be exposed.

  Two cubs, one male and one female, are walking towards the water source. This world is full of plague and is bleak and destitute.

  But the flowers by the river are blooming very brightly.

  Si Yan squatted down and drank a few sips of water. Before she finished drinking, she immediately stood up. Her hand gently rested on the heart-linking scales given to her by the little snake orc.

  I saw a group of white eagle orcs with darker and darker eyes, who surrounded Si Yan, a little female who looked only six years old, as if they had lost their minds.

  Eat her meat and drink her blood! Their diseases can be cured!

  This obsession spread wildly in their hearts.

  "Mugen, are we really going to do this?"

  "Do you want to live? If you want to live, come on. If not, get out! Don't blame me for not playing with you!"

  "But she is only six years old, and she is still a female."

  "Are there not enough females dying? Aren't there enough females dying in our city?!"

  They looked at Si Yan with eyes that almost seemed to want to eat her alive.

  At this moment, a nine-year-old male snake orc stood in front of Si Yan. His long tail was like a protective circle, protecting Si Yan.

  "Get out." His eyes were cold and fierce.

  "Hahaha, so funny, so funny, I was actually threatened by a cub today!!"

  "Snake orc, I hate snake orcs the most, just right, kill them together, eat his meat and drink his blood, Bai Kui knows, maybe she will let me be her beast husband!!"



  These white eagle males almost lost their minds, they fluttered their wings, and one after another pounced on the cold-blooded snake orcs.

  These orcs looked too crazy, Si Yan was a little scared, she trembled all over, but she did not retreat.


  Time seemed to stand still at this moment.

  The little snake orc's eyes suddenly glanced at Si Yan's head. On her head, a pitiful little golden dragon that looked like a gecko sat steadily, and seemed to be watching the show happily.

  Little golden dragon?

  The little snake orc's eyes suddenly changed.

  The gecko was startled and immediately raised his head: "Huh? ! ! He recovered his memory? What's going on?"

  Then, he saw that the little snake orc turned around and hugged Si Yan, who was trembling with fear. Then, the electric current on his big tail lashed all the white eagle orcs who wanted to get close to Si Yan! !

  As long as he was there, as long as he was still alive, he would not allow any orc to hurt her! !

  Little Si Yan lay on the little snake orc, and she looked up at him.

  While he was hugging her, he looked at these orcs who had lost their humanity with a cold face.

  Then, he raised his hand and covered Si Yan's eyes.


  "Yeah." The male responded to her call, and his steady voice reached her ears, "Don't be afraid, don't look."

  The old gecko poked him, "Young man, you are so cool."

  The little snake beastman's cold eyes swept across the old gecko, and finally, the tip of its tail directly pierced the heart of the male white eagle who came to kill him! !

  Warm blood splashed everywhere, and the little snake beastman hugged Si Yan tightly, not letting her get a single drop of blood on her body.

  The gecko looked at the snake Wang. He was very sure that this long insect had recovered his memory now.

  The inheritance world is indeed fair enough. Because Bai Feng took advantage of the loophole and disrupted the fairness, the inheritance world directly let Snake Wang recover his memory to balance this fairness! !

  After the death of a white eagle male, the other white eagle males became even crazier!

  "Kill them, kill him!!!"

  A group of white eagle beastmen rushed towards the two cubs together!

  Then, they saw that the little snake beastman's tail was condensed with countless terrifying electric currents!

  He swung his long tail! All

  the white eagle beastmen in front of him were seriously injured!

  Then, another strong electric current passed.

  The cold-blooded emperor snake beastman did not intend to let go of any male who tried to hurt his female master.

  All the white eagle beastmen present died.

  "Wang..." Si Yan twisted his hand to see if he was injured.

  "Don't look." The little male's voice couldn't help but become gentle.


  Although the little snake beastman was also very good to her before, for some reason, the little snake beastman now gave her a little different feeling.

  The old gecko took advantage of Si Yan not being able to hear him, and he patted Si Yan's head and laughed at the snake: "Isn't she cute? My dear grandchild is very cute, isn't she? She fascinated you, right? Tsk tsk tsk, you long worm who doesn't love cubs, let me see if you love our Si Yan cubs!!"

  Snake orc: "..."

  Snake orc: "Don't move, I'll carry you."

  "Oh." Si Yan said in confusion.

  The old gecko laughed again: "Hahaha, you quarrel with my grandson, don't you? You are so capable, aren't you?! Look, look, you see that my grandson still can't walk, don't you? You have to hold her, don't you?!"

  The conscience asked, the four "are you", and the snake orc almost staggered.

   Don't worry, everyone, we will return to the main plot this week.

    The plot of recognition should be coming soon!