
Farming in the Beast World: The villain cub is super clingy

[Females are few and males are many, farm and raise cubs, space power] After a bomb blew up the base, Si Yan traveled into the book. When she woke up, she saw four cute snake cubs who would kill her in the future. In the original book, her legs were broken by the fourth brother, her arms were broken by the third brother, her eyes were blinded by the second brother, and she died after being stabbed in the heart by the eldest brother. Si Yan kicked her legs. No, I can't lie down! However, after she was whitewashed... The eldest brother: "I think that black tiger can be our second father." The third brother: "The white eagle is more suitable." The fourth brother: "Obviously the silver wolf is better." The second brother: "..." Snake Wang: I always think about putting a hat on him every day. He is really his good son.

wina_aubre · ファンタジー
300 Chs

Chapter 199: Pandas Don’t Remove Dark Circles from Their Eyes

The atmosphere was awkward.

  The green parrot had no choice but to give up.

  Si Yan looked up at her beast husband with a cold look in his eyes, and her distinct black and white eyes curved.

  The male lowered his head, "Hmm?"

  Si Yan retracted her gaze, curled her lips and continued to look back at the auction site.

  Each tribe provided different items. Si Yan bid on many seeds and fruits provided by the weak beastmen, and also reaped a lot of rewards.

  Then, Si Yan saw a group of very unpopular snake beastmen who offered their snake sloughs for auction.

  Wang's eyes turned cold.

  Si Yan looked over curiously. These snake beastmen were not small in stature and looked like python beastmen.

  "You don't like them?" Si Yan asked curiously, "I don't think I've seen this kind of snake beastman in the Illusion Territory. Their snake sloughs are not left for females, can they be auctioned?"

  Wang explained, "They are the water python clan. We don't accept water pythons in the Illusion Territory."

  Si Yan asked curiously, "Why don't you accept water pythons?"

  "The water python clan doesn't abide by the rules. They not only sell and trade their own snake sloughs casually, but they may also devour their partners."

  Si Yan was stunned, "What did you say? Snakes... eat partners?" Wang

  lowered his eyes and looked at the little female who seemed a little scared, and his expression became gentle.

  "The probability of successful mating of the water python clan is very high, but the price is that after mating, the female will be very weak and irritable, and sometimes she will replenish her physical energy by eating males."

  "Of course, our anaconda clan has no precedent of devouring the same kind."

  Si Yan: "..." I'm scared to death.

  Wang's eyes became deeper and deeper, "Do you want to eat my flesh?"

  Si Yan quickly refused: "No, no, no, I don't have this idea, thank you."

  After waiting for a long time, I finally waited for the auction of scar removal cream.

  Si Yan sat up straight immediately.

  Xiqing's face has always been a knot in her heart, and she must heal Xiqing's face.

  The auctioneer held up a small stone jar and said, "This is a scar removal cream provided by the cattle orcs. It is said that during the Fiery Day, the cattle witch doctor who was good at making scar removal cream has died, so this is probably the last one."

  "The last one?"

  "The cattle witch doctor is gone? Alas..."

  "The scar removal cream of the cattle orcs has always been very useful."

  Many orcs sighed.

  There are not many capable priests and witch doctors in the beast world, so every priest and witch doctor is respected.

  If one or two are gone, it would be a great pity.

  As soon as the explanation was finished, an orc said impatiently: "Ten red insect crystals, don't fight with us, our females have scars on their faces and need them. This is the last one, and I can't do anything without this one!"

  "Twenty red insect crystals. You only have ten red insect crystals, what are you talking about?"

  "One purple insect crystal! Sorry, our females also want it!"

  Things related to females are especially easy to sell, not to mention that this may be the last scar removal cream.

  Soon, the scar removal cream was bid up to fifty purple insect crystals.

  The value of fifty purple insect crystals is already very high.

  Si Yan raised her hand: "One golden insect crystal."

  "The False Wine Shop offers one golden insect crystal!"

  "They are so rich!"

  "Did you take out the insect medicine just now to buy the scar removal cream?"

  Bao Lin looked at Si Yan jealously.

  She also wanted the scar removal cream, but she couldn't bid anymore after bidding for twenty purple crystals.

  The scar removal cream in previous years was not that expensive. Who knew that after it became out of print, the price would rise sharply.

  I didn't expect Si Yan to want it too, and I didn't expect her to be so rich.

  The more Baolin thought about it, the more she couldn't understand why the father beast mother was so partial to her and why she gave her a golden beast crystal.

  Sure enough, as long as the second child was there, none of the good things would be related to her!

  Si Yan was also a little nervous. Her entire fortune was only 2 gold crystals and 50 purple crystals.

  If she couldn't win the bid, she might have to find another way.

  "Add 50 purple crystals." Xuelin was rich.

  Si Yan: "..."

  She turned her head to look at Xuelin, only to see him looking at He Mei affectionately.

  Damn, Xuelin really wanted the scar removal cream.

  "The city lord bids 1 gold crystal plus 50 purple crystals. Is there anyone who wants to bid?"

  Si Yan raised her hand: "2 gold crystals!"

  "2??" The beastman looked at Si Yan.

  "How can they be so rich?"

  "In addition to the 1 gold crystal they just earned from selling insect medicine, they actually have another one?"

  "Oh my God, can brewing wine make you so rich?"

  Baolin's brothers and sisters were all red-eyed.

  How can Si Yan be so rich? ? ? ! !

  Si Yan clenched her fists.

  She had to buy this scar removal cream, whether for Xi Qing's face or to repair the last emotional rift between herself and Xi Qing.

  This thing is very important to her!

  He Mei cried while holding her dark circles. Xue Lin looked at Si Yan and raised her hand again.

  Si Yan looked in the direction of Xue Lin and He Mei, and her eyelids twitched.

  What more? ? !

  Si Yan immediately said, "Wait!"

  Xue Lin waited.

  Si Yan took a few steps forward and asked, "Why does City Lord Xue Lin need this scar removal cream?"

  Xue Lin looked at Si Yan's serious look, and he hugged He Mei lovingly and said, "My Mei Mei wants to get rid of her dark circles."

  Si Yan sighed.

  Pandas want to get rid of their dark circles.

  This matter... is... Fortunately,

  although there are auctions in this world, the auction rules are not perfect, and it doesn't seem to matter if we delay a little time.

  Si Yan said, "Meimei."

  He Mei said gently and cutely, "Little Si Yan."

  "The scar removal cream is for removing scars, it may not be useful for removing dark circles..."

  He Mei was anxious, "But, I have tried everything, I don't want dark circles."

  She smiled and said to He Mei, "You are so cute now, why do you want to remove dark circles?"

  Si Yan smiled and said, "I'll put on some makeup for you. You can first see how you look without dark circles before deciding whether to apply the scar removal cream, okay?"

  Si Yan looked very gentle, and He Mei knew that Si Yan was the little girl who had lived in the small earthen bag for many years.

  So He Mei said, "Si Yan, do you know how to put on makeup?"

  Si Yan said, "Yes."

  He Mei: "Okay, let's try it."

  Si Yan took out a makeup box from her hand while everyone was not paying attention.

  This makeup box is different from the popular makeup boxes in the previous world. She uses it when she occasionally needs to disguise herself.

  Although her makeup skills are not very good, it is not difficult to cover up He Mei's dark circles.

  He Mei took off the mask and showed her chubby round face.

  "Meimei is so cute, why do you want to change?" Si Yan praised sincerely.

  Is she cute?

  He Mei blushed, feeling Si Yan fluttering the powder puff on her face.

  Si Yan continued, "Meimei, you are most beautiful when you don't have dark circles under your eyes, believe me."

  Si Yan patted the powder evenly on her face, and soon, the panda without dark circles appeared.

  Xuelin frowned.

  It's not that it doesn't look good, but how can I say it.

  He still thinks Meimei with dark circles is the cutest.

  Si Yan took out the snake-scale mirror that was hung on her waist and given to her, and took a picture of her.

  When Meimei saw it, the whole beast was frightened and jumped up immediately.


  She wiped her face immediately, "It's so ugly, so ugly, I don't want to remove the dark circles, wuwuwu, Xuelin, wuwuwu, I don't want to remove the dark circles under my eyes."