
Farming in the Beast World: The villain cub is super clingy

[Females are few and males are many, farm and raise cubs, space power] After a bomb blew up the base, Si Yan traveled into the book. When she woke up, she saw four cute snake cubs who would kill her in the future. In the original book, her legs were broken by the fourth brother, her arms were broken by the third brother, her eyes were blinded by the second brother, and she died after being stabbed in the heart by the eldest brother. Si Yan kicked her legs. No, I can't lie down! However, after she was whitewashed... The eldest brother: "I think that black tiger can be our second father." The third brother: "The white eagle is more suitable." The fourth brother: "Obviously the silver wolf is better." The second brother: "..." Snake Wang: I always think about putting a hat on him every day. He is really his good son.

wina_aubre · ファンタジー
300 Chs

Chapter 186 Si Yan was taught a lesson.

Seeing that he was about to lose face, Panda Hemei was a little anxious. She moved her chubby body, leaned close to Xuelin's ear, and whispered, "How about we call the Grey Parrot Sage to help with the calculation?"

  Xuelin: "This..."

  Si Yan did not embarrass them, and chuckled, "There are 45 red crystals in 5 pots."

  "45?" Xuelin looked at Si Yan suspiciously, and asked, "Lord Si Yan, do you know arithmetic?!"

  Si Yan nodded slightly, "A little."

  Xuelin was excited, "Lord Si Yan, come here quickly, let's talk about arithmetic!"

  Si Yan didn't know before that Xuelin was actually an arithmetic fanatic.

  He likes arithmetic very much, and can even calculate addition and subtraction within 20.

  But he can't do more than that.

  He asked Si Yan excitedly: "When the number is very large, besides counting one by one, is there any other way?"

  Si Yan: "..."

  She sighed, and then said: "Lord City Lord, why don't I teach you the correct writing method."

  "Correct writing method?"

  Si Yan's heart skipped a beat.

  It seems that the word "正" in this world is not written like this?

  Forget it, I'm too lazy to care, I'll teach you anyway.

  Si Yan picked up a branch and drew on the ground. "There is a word, pronounced "正", and it is written like this. Or there is another word "卌", if you don't use "正", you can also use "卌."

  Si Yan wrote and said: "正 is exactly Wubi. "卌" is four vertical lines and one horizontal line, which is also Wubi."


  "So, you can use the word "正" to count, and draw a stroke for each one you count. Finally, count how many "正" characters there are, and count them in order, 5, 10, 15, 20... This can save a lot of counting effort, and it is not easy to make mistakes."

  Si Yan said, Xuelin was counting on his fingers beside him.

  After 20 is 25, after 25 is 30... Oh, I seem to understand a little bit, it seems to be quite simple.

  Si Yan saw that she had taught it well, she looked up and asked: "Lord City Lord, do you want more wine?"

  But at this moment, there was a noisy sound outside.

  "Dad, Mom, my daughter was bullied, woo woo woo, there is a female named Si Yan, she beat me..."

  Si Yan's ears trembled slightly.

  Tsk, trouble is coming.

  Xuelin also has good ears. He heard Baolin's yelling and was a little embarrassed.

  But soon, Baolin rushed in crying.

  She was about to complain, but she saw Si Yan, and her face suddenly sank!

  Si Yan smiled at her awkwardly.

  Baolin pointed at her angrily and asked: "Dad, Mom!!! Who is she?? !! Why is she here!!!"

  "Dad, she is a bad female, don't pay attention to her. She is a bad female!!!"

  Xuelin was still immersed in the arithmetic knowledge taught by Si Yan, and was a little impatient.

  "Baolin, you are fooling around!!"

  "Dad! Father beast!!!!" Baolin was furious, "How can you say that about me? She, she is a bad female!" The

  cold-blooded snake beastman raised his head and warned with a hissing sound.

  Baolin couldn't see this. She stretched out her arm. There was a blue spot on her arm, which was the wound left by the fight with Si Yan.

  "Dad, look, these, these, these are all caused by her. She, she beat me without knowing right or wrong. My daughter was beaten, my daughter was beaten..."

  Xuelin looked at the word "正" on the ground, and then looked at the wine next to her.

  In any case, Xuelin was full of good feelings towards Si Yan.

  He asked Si Yan: "Lord Si Yan, can you tell me what's going on?"

  Si Yan said: "Lord Xuelin, this is exactly what I want to ask you. My beast husband and I were walking on the streets of Wanshou City, and Ling Qianjin stopped us and said that snake beastmen were not worthy of entering Wanshou City. When I was explaining to Ling Qianjin that we were entering Wanshou City legally, Ling Qianjin swung her whip at us. It's

  not easy for males to intervene, so in the end, Ling Qianjin and I had a sparring match. I believe you also know that there will inevitably be accidental injuries during the sparring process."

  "Baolin lost?" Xuelin looked at Baolin.

  "Dad!!!" Baolin was ashamed and angry.

  "That's not the point. The point is that she hit me, she hit me!"

  However, Xuelin seemed not to hear Baolin's words, and said with emotion and appreciation: "Lord Si Yan is indeed a hero among women."

  He looked at the panda Hemei, and then smiled: "Lord Si Yan, my family still has a lot of useless sons, do you want to pick one? Choose one to be a beast husband?"

  Another one who thinks she doesn't have enough beast husbands and wants to find one for her?

  Si Yan was embarrassed, "No, no. Lord City Lord doesn't know that my male is jealous. I only need him as a beast husband."

  The snake beastman hanging on Si Yan was cold, and he released a faint murderous aura towards Xuelin.

  Xuelin concentrated his spirit, referring to the snake, "Lord Si Yan, although it seems to be too much to say so. But I still want to say that you can spoil your male, but don't spoil it too much."

  Si Yan: "..."

  Suddenly being taught a lesson?

  Xuelin said very disapprovingly: "Your idea is wrong. Very wrong."

  "There are so many more males than females in this world. If every female wants only one beast husband like you, then wouldn't the other males have no right to mate and reproduce? If the females are all like you, the male nature cannot be released and is suppressed every day. Wouldn't the males be in chaos? Wouldn't there be fighting everywhere and war everywhere?!"

  Si Yan: "..."

  Xuelin: "Also, you are the female master, you are the head of the family! How can you let the male control you? If he doesn't want you to accept a beast husband?! You have good talent and understanding. It's a pity to only accept one beast husband. It would be better to accept more beast husbands and give birth to a few litters of cubs of different races. Look at my family. The female in my family controls me. If she doesn't want to, I dare not do anything."

  Si Yan: "..."

  She admitted that what Xuelin said made sense. After all, the world environment is different, the education is different, and the situation is different.

  The snake beastman spitted at him more and more coldly. He said coldly: "Mind your own business."

  Xue Lin was not afraid of him at all. He said: "Lord Si Yan, look at this world, which female does not have a group of males. Have you ever thought about a sentence, what is it, the famous saying of Lord Beast God, oh yes - existence is reasonable."

  Si Yan hurriedly said: "Lord City Lord, my existence is also reasonable."

  In order to stop Xuelin from continuing, Si Yan quickly said, "Too many males will lead to more male competition. The jealousy of males every day will affect my winemaking and arithmetic research." After

  Si Yan said this, Xuelin immediately shut up.

  Winemaking and arithmetic... are also very important.

  Si Yan smiled.

  Xuelin thought of the wine and quickly said, "Lord Si Yan, I want the wine, five pots!"

  Si Yan said, "Okay, I will have someone send it over when I go back."

  Wang seemed to have a bad temper these days.

  Si Yan felt that he could not help but want to communicate with Xuelin, so she quickly held him down and turned to leave.

  However, at this moment, Baolin suddenly appeared, blocked her way and said, "Don't go, the accounts between us haven't been settled yet!"

  Si Yan was a little impatient, she whispered: "Miss, I still have things to do. Please make way."

  "No! The accounts between us haven't been settled yet! Don't think you are great just because you got the face from my father beast. After all, he is still my father beast. If you have a dispute with me, he will definitely help me!"

  Baolin said with gloomy eyebrows: "Si Yan, I want you to be in trouble!!"

  Si Yan raised her eyebrows.

  At this moment, the dark purple cold-blooded snake orc on Si Yan's body pounced over like lightning and bit Baolin's arm!   Si

  Yan: "..."

  Baolin: "Ah ...