
Farming in the Beast World: The villain cub is super clingy

[Females are few and males are many, farm and raise cubs, space power] After a bomb blew up the base, Si Yan traveled into the book. When she woke up, she saw four cute snake cubs who would kill her in the future. In the original book, her legs were broken by the fourth brother, her arms were broken by the third brother, her eyes were blinded by the second brother, and she died after being stabbed in the heart by the eldest brother. Si Yan kicked her legs. No, I can't lie down! However, after she was whitewashed... The eldest brother: "I think that black tiger can be our second father." The third brother: "The white eagle is more suitable." The fourth brother: "Obviously the silver wolf is better." The second brother: "..." Snake Wang: I always think about putting a hat on him every day. He is really his good son.

wina_aubre · ファンタジー
300 Chs

Chapter 160 Si Yan is pregnant

Si Yan is a little depressed.

  It's probably because it's just been a few days since she mated. Si Yan feels that she was left out too quickly.

  Because of this, Si Yan rarely loses her temper.

  If he doesn't hold her, she will just sit there, turn her head away, not look at him, not move or speak.

  "Yan Yan?"

  Si Yan is angry and ignores him.

  The gecko watching the show laughed in the space.

  Si Yan heard him laugh and was even more furious.

  "Old gecko, what are you laughing at? I need him to practice. Now I can't practice without contact. Why are you so happy?"

  "No, no."

  "Then what are you laughing at? Are you laughing at me for being hypocritical?"

  "Hahahaha, no, no, no. Hahaha."

  Si Yan listened to his laughter and became even more angry!

  The gecko held back his laughter and said, "Grandson, let me analyze it from a male perspective."

  "Humph." She just had a good time with the beast husband, but the beast husband didn't hold her, and the old gecko laughed at her.

  Si Yan felt uncomfortable.

  "The last time you mated, you were in a coma for five days. This scared the worm."

  "It's not that he doesn't want to touch you now. He should have tasted the taste of meat for the first time, and when he saw you, he wanted to mate with you again, but he was afraid of hurting you, so he just kept his distance."

  Si Yan: "... Impossible!"

  Si Yan: "No, no, no, no."

  If this is really the result, it would be too speechless.

  Gecko: "If you don't believe me, ask."

  Si Yan: I won't ask, am I shameless?

  Si Yan was angry, and the snake beastman was a little confused. He came forward, looking at her pink skin but didn't dare to get too close.

  "Are you angry?"

  The cold-blooded snake beastman didn't understand a little. He moved a little closer, and then whispered: "Yan Yan, do you want to mate?"

  Si Yan was embarrassed.

  The snake beastman was still talking to himself: "Not now, you have slept for many days, and your body has not recovered yet. If you want to mate, you have to wait a little longer. Don't worry, I will bear it with you."

  Si Yan suddenly exploded.

  "I didn't, I didn't!"

  Si Yan couldn't explain clearly, she was extremely angry, "Fuck you!!!"

  After saying that, she kicked the cold-blooded snake orc out of the cave angrily.

  After the tall male was kicked out by that tender little foot, he looked cold and expressionless, but in fact he was very confused. The

  awakened cold-blooded snake orcs looked over here.

  "The lord was kicked out?"

  "Madam's kick was really handsome and powerful."

  "What about the lord, can he still enter the cave tonight?"

  A group of orcs looked at the gossip here.

  Wang looked at the cave in front of him that seemed like he couldn't go back, turned around with an expressionless face, and looked at the orcs who were gossiping.

  When the orcs saw Wang's expression, they immediately dispersed and did what they had to do.

  Wang turned around and left the cave.

  After kicking Wang out, Si Yan felt a little guilty.

  After all, he was the lord of the false territory. Wasn't her kick a little too disrespectful?

  Would he feel embarrassed and hurt?

  Si Yan covered her forehead. If she had known, she would have controlled herself and not kicked him.

  But he was really too much, and she couldn't help it.

  After a while, the orcs here saw their king, the anaconda orc, coming back with a lot of things.

  A huge, processed prey.

  A bunch of familiar and unfamiliar fruits and vegetables.

  A large bag of fine salt that he had robbed from somewhere.

  His hands were full, full.

  Arriving at the entrance of the cave, the anaconda orc put down the things. He had a blank expression on his face, cold and handsome, and he slowly spoke.

  "Yanyan, I brought something back."

  Si Yan ignored her.

  "There are prey, salt, and some fruits and vegetables that I don't know if they can be eaten."

  Si Yan still ignored her.

  "I saw something that looks like your pepper, but it's green instead of red, and it's a little bigger."

  "Green pepper?!!!" Si Yan came out of the cave in an instant. "Where is it, let me see!"

  Seeing Si Yan come out of the cave, the anaconda snake orc's eyebrows softened.

  He searched in the animal skin bag of his fruits and vegetables, found the green pepper, and handed it to Si Yan.


  Si Yan took the green pepper, broke it open and smelled it, her eyes lit up, "It's really a green pepper!"

  With the green pepper, she can unlock more dishes!

  For example, green pepper and potato shreds, green pepper scrambled eggs, green pepper fried meat, green pepper twice-cooked pork! !

  There are too many to count!

  Si Yan was happy. After she broke the green pepper, she directly transported the seeds into the space. The gecko saw the green pepper seeds and planted them resignedly.

  Looking at Si Yan expectantly, Si Yan looked at him. Seeing that he found the green pepper, Si Yan stepped forward and hooked his finger, as a face for him as the lord. He

  led him back to the cave.

  The lord was comfortable.

  The lord was satisfied.

  The lord hugged his wife to sleep.

  But it was uncomfortable not to hug.

  It was also uncomfortable to hug.

  After hugging for a while, Si Yan felt that he was hugging her tighter and tighter.

  Si Yan woke up from her sleep and pushed him.

  But she heard the snake beast whisper in her ear.

  "Yan Yan, I want to mate..."


  Fuck going crazy!!

  Si Yan really felt like she was going crazy.

  Why did the damn cultivation have to be done through contact?

  Why couldn't she practice it herself? ?

  Why did this erotic snake's concentration become so poor after physical contact!!!

  More than half a month passed like this.

  Si Yan was still in the cave, drinking distilled water and fanning herself to avoid the heat.

  Suddenly, she felt her stomach churning.


  "Ugh, ugh, ugh, ugh..."

  This commotion was even worse than when she was flying dizzy in the air.

  She wanted to vomit badly, but couldn't.

  After vomiting for a long time, she saw stars and felt dizzy.

  "Old gecko, old gecko, what's wrong with me? I feel like I'm going to die, and I can't complete your mission of tearing the sky apart."

  The gecko crawled out and looked her up and down, then crawled back into the space and said, "You're fine, you're just pregnant."


  Si Yan suddenly sat up straight, "What did you say?"

  The gecko responded with a grin, "Grandson, you're pregnant. I feel like you're pregnant with our baby this time."

  "..." Si Yan was speechless. "I'm pregnant now?"


  "How long will the pregnancy take?"

  The gecko said, "If you are pregnant with a snake beastman, then you have to carry it for 2 months, and after laying the eggs, let the worm incubate them for 2 months."

  "If it is one of our beastmen, then you have to carry it for 3 months, and after laying the eggs, let the worm incubate them for half a year."

  "..." Si Yan was speechless, and just as she was about to lean on him, she had another strong dry heave.

  The gecko: "You kid are really making your mother suffer."

  Si Yan remained speechless and looked up at the sky.

  Wang returned to the cave at this time, and seeing that Si Yan was pale and vomiting from time to time, he anxiously found Yinxiu.

  It was too late for Si Yan to stop him.

  So when Yinxiu came, he took a look at her, and finally said with joy: "Congratulations, ma'am, you are pregnant."

  Si Yan already knew the result and had been hit hard, so she didn't have any expression.

  The elegant snake beastman was completely stunned.

  He hadn't recognized all four cubs in the last litter.

  How... there are cubs again?