
Farming in the Beast World: The villain cub is super clingy

[Females are few and males are many, farm and raise cubs, space power] After a bomb blew up the base, Si Yan traveled into the book. When she woke up, she saw four cute snake cubs who would kill her in the future. In the original book, her legs were broken by the fourth brother, her arms were broken by the third brother, her eyes were blinded by the second brother, and she died after being stabbed in the heart by the eldest brother. Si Yan kicked her legs. No, I can't lie down! However, after she was whitewashed... The eldest brother: "I think that black tiger can be our second father." The third brother: "The white eagle is more suitable." The fourth brother: "Obviously the silver wolf is better." The second brother: "..." Snake Wang: I always think about putting a hat on him every day. He is really his good son.

wina_aubre · ファンタジー
300 Chs

Chapter 154 Right and Wrong

He is very handsome.

  She likes good-looking people, and she instinctively pulls towards him.

  The handsome male who looks like a god slowly lowered his head, his flawless white eyes blinked lightly, the corners of his lips curved, and he smiled at her gently.

  Seeing the perfect smile in front of her, she felt a rare joy in her heart.

  Her emotions seemed to be very barren. Few things could infect her.

  But this particularly handsome male in front of her. She could feel that she liked him.

  However, this male did not hold her in his arms for too long. He handed her to another pair of orcs in front of him.

  She was a little reluctant and looked at him.

  He smiled at her gently, and then said to the orc holding him: "Lord Xuelin. This is Si Yan. I entrust her to you. I hope you take good care of her. When she grows up, I will take her away."

  "Okay. Lord Bai Feng, you can rest assured."

  After the handsome male put her down, he seemed very anxious, and seemed to be hiding from something.

  He just looked at her for a little longer, and quickly turned around and left.

  The little girl looked at the direction where he left, and felt a little reluctant in her heart.

  But this shallow feeling soon disappeared.

  She lived in this city. She was sent to a house like a small mound.

  At first, someone took care of her every day.

  But later, these people seemed to find that she couldn't speak and had no emotions. So gradually, more and more people came to bully her.

  "Look, the second young lady is a fool!" "

  She is so stupid, you see, we bully her, she didn't react."

  "Shh, don't let the city lord see it."

  "What are you afraid of? Although the city lord gave her good food and drink, he didn't really care about her. I don't know if he really cares about her."

  The memory fragments flashed very quickly, and the next memory was almost all memories of being bullied.

  Being bullied and beaten. She didn't feel angry.

  No one cared when she was sick. She didn't feel angry either.

  Once someone even cut off her water. She was thirsty for three days before someone brought her water. She almost lost her life.

  Later, one day, a little female who was not much older than her appeared in her life.

  The little female had two small tufts on her head, which she did not have.

  She felt vaguely that she also wanted to have two small tufts. She was a little envious of her.

  She watched the two small tufts run in front of her. Gradually, the two small tufts became the horns of the devil.

  She bullied her more fiercely and excessively than anyone else!

  She said with disgust: "You are the second one. Look at your silly look."

  "With this, how can the great wizard like you!!"

  "Such a stupid female is my sister, you made me embarrassed in the City of Beasts."

  "You, throw a snake on her and see if she will hide."

  "Hahahaha, she won't hide, she won't hide!!!!"

  "Too stupid. Hahaha, so stupid, how can you be so stupid!"

  Little Si Yan's eyes trembled slightly.

  She didn't like this kind of slippery long worm.

  She was a little scared.

  But she didn't know how to resist, so she let herself be bullied and often got injured.

  He missed his beautiful brother.


  On this day, the people who bullied her would come to treat her wounds, dress her, and tidy up her room.

  And when all this was done, the handsome brother came.

  Bai Feng came. During

  the days he came, he went in and out, and seemed to be talking to many people.

  She wanted to tell the handsome brother that these people bullied her.

  But her feelings were very weak, and her thoughts were also very weak. She didn't know how to express it at all.

  He came in a hurry and left in a hurry.

  After he left, there was nothing in her room except some toys he brought.

  And every time Bai Feng left.

  The person who bullied her would get worse.

  Because of this daily bullying, the little girl, who was only two or three years old, gradually understood an emotion deeply - fear.

  She didn't want to be bullied.

  Bug bites really hurt.

  There are so many snakes, really so many snakes, Yanyan is so scared...

  Who can take Yanyan away? Yanyan doesn't want to stay here. Yanyan

  doesn't want to be here...

  When she was bullied, she was sometimes scared and screamed, but once she reacted, she would be laughed at and bullied more severely.

  One after another, terrifying beast snakes crawled towards her.

  She didn't know how to escape, and she was so scared that she threw the snake in her hand.

  Day by day, in this repeated cycle of fear and expectation, she became stressed and grew up.


  She was thrown into the snake cave by the bad female. The bad female knew that she was afraid of snakes, and the bad female wanted her to be bitten to death by the snake.

  But she didn't die.

  She crawled out of the snake cave by instinct. She wanted to escape and ran aimlessly.

  Finally, she left the City of Beasts.

  On the way, she saw a black tiger orc covered in blood. She took away all his things, including animal skins.

  She was picked up by a group of bear orcs, who took her to a tribe.

  Because she had been eating less, she was very thin, and because she had been very tragic all the way, she was very dirty.

  The wolf orcs and bear orcs in this tribe seemed to look down on her, but they were reluctant to give up a female orc.

  So they settled her in a corner of the tribe, and would allocate some meat to her according to the tribe, and let her fend for herself.

  No one took care of her, so she could only excrete randomly and didn't know how to clean up. The cave was a mess.

  Slowly, she felt her belly getting bigger.

  Two months later, she laid four eggs.

  Her nature made her love these four eggs.

  She held these four eggs every day, humming and singing random songs.

  Two months later, the egg hatched, and four little snakes came out of the shell. The little snakes were naturally affectionate to her.

  Snake, snake, snake!!! It's a snake!!! The snake will bite her, the snake will hurt her!!!

  She was stressed and scared.

  Days passed, and the little snakes grew up slowly. They found that when the mother was quiet, she was in a daze and did nothing.

  She was very lazy. She never cleaned up the cave, nor did she know how to make food. She could only wait for the food distributed by the tribe to avoid starving to death.

  Once they turned into snakes, their mother would go crazy and beat and scold them crazily.

  Until that time, lightning fell from the sky and struck the trees in the forest.

  The trees burned and the forest caught fire. Xiqing found her who had lost herself in the forest.

  Because Xiqing was frightened by the fire in the forest, he suddenly changed his shape in front of her, and she suddenly went crazy and pressed Xiqing into the fire.

  "Ah, snake, snake, snake!"

  She burned Xiqing's face.

  Xiqing's face was half burned, he was in pain, he was terrified.

  But the cubs didn't know that their mother was also terrified.

  She didn't mean it.

  Really didn't mean it.

  I'm sorry, I'm really sorry.

  She looked at the injured and screaming cubs, and tears filled her eyes in an instant.

  She was particularly powerless, and there were many regrets and sadness in her calm emotions.

  But she didn't even know how to apologize.

  She watched the cubs hide from her in fear, and she saw that the cubs looked at her differently.

  What should she do? Will she hurt the cubs again?

  She couldn't raise them well, she couldn't raise them well.

  So, one day, a female bear beastman came to her and told her.

  They would give her two animal skins and take her two cubs back to raise.

  They smiled and promised to be good to her cubs, give them food and water, and not burn them.

  At that time, she couldn't tell right from wrong, she looked up at Xiong Rou and their faces.

  Maybe this was a good thing for her cubs.

  She agreed.

  And pressed her handprint on the contract.

  Just as she was pressing the handprint, she saw the eyes of the children gradually turned into hatred.