
Farming in the Beast World: The villain cub is super clingy

[Females are few and males are many, farm and raise cubs, space power] After a bomb blew up the base, Si Yan traveled into the book. When she woke up, she saw four cute snake cubs who would kill her in the future. In the original book, her legs were broken by the fourth brother, her arms were broken by the third brother, her eyes were blinded by the second brother, and she died after being stabbed in the heart by the eldest brother. Si Yan kicked her legs. No, I can't lie down! However, after she was whitewashed... The eldest brother: "I think that black tiger can be our second father." The third brother: "The white eagle is more suitable." The fourth brother: "Obviously the silver wolf is better." The second brother: "..." Snake Wang: I always think about putting a hat on him every day. He is really his good son.

wina_aubre · ファンタジー
300 Chs

Chapter 151 Si Yan's Decision

A skinny and small female dared to talk to him, Lord Yuan Dingshan, like this!

  Yuan Dingshan immediately glared at her.

  At this moment, the cold-blooded snake orc lying behind Si Yan opened his dark purple eyes and shot coldly at him.

  In an instant, Yuan Dingshan immediately retracted his eyes as if he had seen a huge enemy.

  The cold-blooded snake orc, who had slightly woken up, adjusted his posture to make it more comfortable to lean against Si Yan.

  Si Yan had long been accustomed to this kind of trick of Wang in her sleep day after day.

  Jie Ling glared at Yuan Dingshan.

  As both of them were purple crystal orcs, the Lord of Xuwang was frightened with just one look. What a useless thing.

  Yingzhao saw that Yuan Dingshan could not stand on the top of the mountain, so he had to walk out.

  He said, "I didn't expect that the insidious cold-blooded snake orc's little trick could scare everyone?"

  Si Yan looked at Yingzhao. She also knew this person. After all, she had let Tyson fight him before.

  Yuan Dingshan is here, Yingzhao is here too, it seems that as the gecko said, the heroine of the world is not dead yet.

  "Old gecko, can you see the luck of the heroine of the world?"

  The gecko shook his head: "The fake sky has hidden it, and we can't see the soaring luck. But it is basically certain that the heroine of the world is still alive."

  Sure enough.

  Si Yan curled her lips.

  How can she be so powerful, her heart is broken but she is still alive.

  Just like Xiaoqiang.

  It is better not to call Jie Ling in the future, just call Xiaoqiang.

  Yingzhao laughed sarcastically: "What did these snake beastmen do? At best, they just did some work. We gave them the biggest source of life?

  Did you know that the snake beastmen are insidious and cunning for the first time? Have you ever thought that this is their strategy to attack the heart?

  You actually choose to believe the snake beastmen at this time?!"

  After Yingzhao finished speaking, he pointed at Si Yan and said quickly: "The lord's wife in front of you is just like the snake beastmen, insidious and cunning, with bad intentions! There is only one Dark Sun Lake, if she doesn't give it all up, she won't let everyone live!!"

  Yingzhao's words made everyone waver again.

  That's right, the reputation of the snake orcs has never been good. This time they were indeed grateful to the snake orcs for building a water cellar for them.

  But thinking back, the biggest benefit is still in the hands of the snake orcs!

  The orcs were chattering. The weather was dry and there was only one water resource. When it came to life and death, everyone wanted to fight for it.

  If the quarrel continued, as long as one or two more people instigated it, the scene would be in chaos.

  But the root of this matter is the source of life, water!


  if it rained.

  If, if there was enough water.

  There would be no trouble.

  At this moment, the beautiful little mermaid koi, the fish tail turned into legs, she took small steps to Si Yan.

  When Si Yan saw her, she said anxiously: "Little Koi, what are you doing out here? Go back to the water!"

  The little mermaid Koi shook her head and said: "Si Yan, there is a piece of information. Although I don't think this information may be useful to you, I still want to tell you.

  Although we freshwater mermaids are not good at controlling water, Aunt Salmon told me that the mermaid prince among the saltwater mermaids is very powerful. He is good at controlling water after he grows up.

  The Fiery Sun can dry up freshwater lakes, but it can't dry up seawater.

  If we can find the saltwater mermaid prince, we can bring seawater here.

  But there is a problem, seawater cannot be drunk."


  Si Yan was stunned.

  Yes, seawater is also water.

  When the Fiery Sun came, countless water resources evaporated.

  But the amount of seawater is huge, and it won't evaporate so quickly!

  Without saltwater mermaids...

  Without saltwater mermaids, this information seems to be useless.

  Yingzhao on the opposite side continued to stir up the emotions, "We have so many orcs, we can definitely kill all the snake orcs and occupy the Dark Sun Lake!

  What we fight for is always more reassuring than what others give us, right?

  As long as we kill the snake orcs, we can survive!

  Fiery Sun, to survive, we must rely on our own hands, not on others' charity!!"

  Yuan Dingshan coughed twice. "When did the Dark Sun Lake become the private property of the Illusionary Territory?

  The Illusionary Territory can occupy the Dark Sun Lake by force, why can't we fight back? Why should we let them occupy the Dark Sun Lake!!"

  The words of Yingzhao and Yuan Dingshan were very influential, and many orcs were moved.

  One tribe may not be able to beat the snake orcs of the Illusionary Territory.

  Then what about a group? What if they

  unite? ? ?

  The Illusionary Territory occupies the Dark Sun Lake by force.

  Why can't they? ! !

  Water... water...

  they want water.

  They want to survive! !

  Si Yan frowned at the situation that was about to get out of control.

  If she didn't make a choice, the war was about to break out.

  It's good for no one, only for the old turtle in the sky!

  In the space, the gecko suddenly shouted: "Grandson, let them have the Dark Sun Lake!"

  Si Yan was stunned. "But, there are seven or eight thousand snake orcs in the Illusionary Territory. If we give them the Dark Sun Lake, how will the snake orcs survive?"

  The gecko smiled and said, "Don't worry, Xiao Fengfeng is here! He's here with good things." "

  Xiao Fengfeng? Wizard Bai Feng?"


  Si Yan paused, and then she seemed to hear a cry in the sky in the distance.

  Si Yan's eyes lit up instantly.

  "Everyone be quiet!!" Si Yan shouted.

  After the lord's wife spoke, the orcs of the tribes consciously quieted down.

  Si Yan said: "Okay, since everyone is so determined, I'll give you the Dark Sun Lake."

  After Si Yan's words fell, the tribes couldn't believe it.

  "Is she crazy?"

  "Or are we hallucinating?"

  "She's not afraid of us."

  "Look, all those snake beastmen are dying one by one."

  "Or do the snake beastmen have some conspiracy?" "Anyway,

  I don't believe it. I don't believe we can get the Dark Sun Lake so easily."

  The emerald snake beastman Sheying came to Si Yan's side with little strength.

  Si Yan ordered: "Wake up everyone and withdraw from the Dark Sun Lake."

  Sheying looked at Wang habitually. Wang opened his cold eyes and looked at him coldly. Sheying woke up instantly. He bowed slightly, turned around and went to wake up the snake beastmen.

  Everyone didn't understand why Si Yan did this.

  But none of the snake beastmen questioned Si Yan's decision.

  They woke up from their slumber one after another, and then withdrew from the lake that had been occupied for a long time.

  Not only the snake beastmen, but also the beautiful mermaids followed and packed up.

  "Why did you follow?" Hu Hui asked puzzledly.

  Although Hu Hui was from the fox tribe, he always listened to Wang's words. So at this moment, he held the little female cub Kong Mian and stood with the snake beastmen.

  The mermaids glared at Hu Hui, as if they saw something ugly and were very disgusted. "We mermaids only talk to good-looking beastmen!"

  They said, and moved away from Fox Gray.

  Fox Gray, "...", looked confused.

  The legs of the mermaid beastman turned into human legs, but he couldn't take a step, so he followed with small steps.