
Farming in the Beast World: The villain cub is super clingy

[Females are few and males are many, farm and raise cubs, space power] After a bomb blew up the base, Si Yan traveled into the book. When she woke up, she saw four cute snake cubs who would kill her in the future. In the original book, her legs were broken by the fourth brother, her arms were broken by the third brother, her eyes were blinded by the second brother, and she died after being stabbed in the heart by the eldest brother. Si Yan kicked her legs. No, I can't lie down! However, after she was whitewashed... The eldest brother: "I think that black tiger can be our second father." The third brother: "The white eagle is more suitable." The fourth brother: "Obviously the silver wolf is better." The second brother: "..." Snake Wang: I always think about putting a hat on him every day. He is really his good son.

wina_aubre · ファンタジー
300 Chs

Chapter 148 The Blazing Day is Coming

She took back the fish bead and put it into the space.

  The weather was extremely hot. In the cave, Dong Chi, Nan Mo and Wang were almost all in a state of summer sleep.

  They only woke up occasionally to eat and drink a little.

  They ate very little and consumed very little.

  They curled up in the deepest part of the cave.

  One father and two cubs, sleeping in almost the same position.

  "The attack power of the snake orcs is so weak now."

  When Wang said that there were seven or eight thousand snake orcs in the False Forest, Si Yan felt that those foreign tribes were dreaming to wipe out the snake orcs in one fell swoop.

  But now, looking at the cold-blooded snake orcs in front of her who were weak DEBUFF, it felt that annihilating them was a piece of cake.

  Si Yan wetted the animal skin with water and gently wiped the three snake orcs to cool them down.

  "It's strange. After waiting for so many days, the Blazing Day is already right at the top. Why haven't we arrived at Black Tiger City yet? Did something unexpected happen? How are Xi Qing and Bei Ji now?"


  The barrier of the Ten Thousand Beasts City has been opened.

  Although it was hot in the City of Beasts, it was much better than outside.

  Xiqing and Beiji, who had finally made it to the City of Beasts, ran around the city curiously.

  The golden orc knocked on the door of each house. He showed a sunny and bright smile and asked, "Excuse me, have you seen my sister?"

  The orc was too lazy to pay attention to him, but still asked, "What does your sister look like?"

  The golden orc straightened his body, patted himself confidently, and said proudly, "She should be the same as me, shining with gold and very beautiful!"

  "I haven't seen it, you lunatic!"

  With a bang, the door was closed, and the golden orc was disappointed.

  He was embarrassed and noticed something next to his feet. He lowered his head and saw two pink and tender little cubs looking up at him.

  Along the way, the golden orc and the two cubs have become familiar with each other.

  He squatted down and asked, "Xiqing Beiji, what's the matter?"

  Xiqing: "Uncle, we are a little tired." Beiji

  : "It's so hot, our body functions have declined, can we hibernate?"

  Because of the barrier, the temperature in Wanshou City is lower than outside, between hibernation and not hibernating.

  You can choose to hibernate.

  Or you can insist on holding on.

  The golden orc shook out a huge animal skin from behind and spread it out generously. "You can hibernate in the animal skin. Uncle will take you."

  The two little snake cubs smiled in surprise. They turned into snakes and drilled into his animal skin.

  Although they had known this uncle for a short time, they felt quite safe.

  They were really too tired. As soon as they entered, they fell asleep.


  Outside the Dark Sun Lake, Hu Bu met Jie Ling under the guidance of Ying Zhao.

  Jie Ling was wearing a tight animal skin skirt, covering the big hole in her chest that had not yet healed. Her face was a little sickly pale, but because of this, she had a more sickly beauty like Lin Daiyu.

  Hu Bu was forced to come all the way here, and he was in a bad mood.

  "Jie Ling, after all, you are a junior, why don't you come to see me yourself, but ask me to come to see you?!" He saw Ying Zhao and Yuan Dingshan, two purple crystal orcs, and said with a suppressed temper.

  Jie Ling smiled calmly, "Grandpa, how is the situation of the snake tribe in the Illusionary Territory?"

  Hu Bu: "You said those snake orcs, they are basically hibernating, and have no attack power. But..."

  Jie Ling asked: "But what?"

  Hu Bu: "But, I don't know what those snakes are doing. They actually made something called a water cellar for many tribes.

  Now when our fox tribe contacted the tribes, we found that no one had the intention to attack the Illusionary Territory.

  Now there are only a few tribes, such as the Yanxiang tribe, who are somewhat dissatisfied with the snake orcs in the Illusionary Territory."

  "Water cellar?" Jie Ling's eyes were slightly confused.

  Was it Si Yan's work?

  She was really smart to think of such a thing. He

  was worthy of being the person she liked at first sight, and worthy of being her nemesis.

  She slowly raised her head and looked in the direction of the Dark Sun Lake on the horizon, as if looking at her nemesis from afar.

  She was very smart. She stored water resources to fundamentally solve the problems of other tribes.

  As long as the water resources she stored were enough for other tribes to survive for a month, the Blazing Day would be over, and those tribes would not attack the snake orcs because of the life-and-death crisis.

  If these tribes could not unite to strangle the snake orcs in the False Territory, then her mission would definitely fail.


  Jie Ling curled the corners of her lips.

  "Grandpa Hu Bu, don't worry."

  After this life-and-death catastrophe, Jie Ling seemed to have grown a lot.

  "In previous years, the Blazing Day occurred once every ten years and lasted for a month. We could survive it if we stockpiled enough supplies and water resources. But this time... This Blazing Day is different from previous years."

  Jie Ling was a little tired, and she slowly closed her big watery eyes.

  "This Fiery Day is a disaster day that occurs once every thousand years. It will last for two or three months. Can their water cellar last for two or three months?"

  "Two or three months?" Hu Bu said in surprise, "This disaster day will last so long?!"

  "Yes. So long..." Jie Ling laughed softly, "If it can't last for three months..."

  "In order to survive, Dark Sun Lake will be in chaos!"


  Outside Dark Sun Lake, all tribes built water cellars at the last minute.

  Their water resources are stored in the water cellars, and even if the Fiery Day comes, the rate of water resource reduction will be much slower.

  All tribes are full of confidence that they will be able to survive the Fiery Day for a month!

  Only the Yanxiang tribe did not have a water cellar. The small lake they guarded dried up within a few days after the Fiery Day came.

  The Yanxiang tribe, without water to drink, borrowed water everywhere.

  However, water resources are so precious, who is willing to give them water!

  The wolf orcs were anxious, they surrounded the village chief of the Yanxiang tribe and said, "Village chief! What should we do? We have no water to drink. What should we do!"

  The village chief said angrily: "The first thing that the Illusionary Territory did was to build a water cellar for us, but what did you do? You drove them away! Tell me, what do you want me to do now? Do you want me to use my old face to borrow water?

  You are really promising. You are useless, and you just want to sell my old face!

  The problem is, is it useful to sell my old face? Our lakes are all dry, and the only ones left are water cellars owned by others.

  We go and beg them to build a water cellar for our dry lake?"

  The wolf orcs of the Yanxiang tribe said anxiously: "But, but...what should we do, are we waiting to die?"

  "Yes. Should we die?"

  "I don't want to die, I want to live!"

  "Village chief, isn't Tyson Si Yan's male? We grew up with Tyson, can Tyson just watch us die? Let's ask Tyson to help. He should do us all this favor."

  "Yes, if there is no water cellar, we can just rob one. As long as the Illusionary Territory doesn't care, we can rob water cellars from other tribes!"

  "Deer orcs, yes, that group of weak orcs, deer orcs. I have long disliked them!"

  "Let's go and rob them. We can only rob them now."


  The village chief shouted angrily, "You are still robbing other people's water cellars. You really want to piss me off to death... Don't you think it's not shameful enough?"

  "Village chief!!! If we don't drink water, our females and cubs will die!"

  A chubby bear orc ran over, "Village chief, Xiong Nai, Xiong Nai is about to give birth. We need water, please. We really need water."

  "Xiong Nai, Xiong Nai!"

  "There are not many females in our tribe. The females who are breeding have no water to use."

  "Village chief!!!"

  The village chief looked at this mess of orcs. In the end, his wrinkled face sank slightly, and he sighed deeply. "Forget it, I don't want this old face anymore. I'll go talk to Si Yan."

  The village chief is so old, but now he has to ask for this water.

  In fact, the first thing that Yanxiang tribe built for them was a water cellar, but they refused.

  Originally, the village chief didn't need to save face this time...

  The scene fell silent, and everyone felt mixed emotions.

  At this time, a female sika deer slowly walked out from the side, and everyone looked over with respect.

  Mei Wen, the witch doctor of Yanxiang tribe, walked out.

  "Wait, I'll go with you."

  The village chief sighed again, "Mei Wen..."

  Mei Wen walked forward, and said helplessly, "After all, it's related to the life and death of the children."