
Farming in the Beast World: The villain cub is super clingy

[Females are few and males are many, farm and raise cubs, space power] After a bomb blew up the base, Si Yan traveled into the book. When she woke up, she saw four cute snake cubs who would kill her in the future. In the original book, her legs were broken by the fourth brother, her arms were broken by the third brother, her eyes were blinded by the second brother, and she died after being stabbed in the heart by the eldest brother. Si Yan kicked her legs. No, I can't lie down! However, after she was whitewashed... The eldest brother: "I think that black tiger can be our second father." The third brother: "The white eagle is more suitable." The fourth brother: "Obviously the silver wolf is better." The second brother: "..." Snake Wang: I always think about putting a hat on him every day. He is really his good son.

wina_aubre · ファンタジー
300 Chs

Chapter 145 Give the Great Devil a Name

Females in the beast world do not need to work, they only need to take care of children at home every day.

  Females are scarce, with a ratio of one female to ten males, resulting in a large number of males liking and following females regardless of height, weight or body shape.

  Therefore, females in the beast world do not have much concept of beauty.

  They believe that being strong, easy to give birth, and not prone to illness is beautiful.

  Therefore, most females in the beast world are unhygienic, tall, and obese.

  A clean and beautiful little female like Si Yan is too dazzling, almost stunning all the males in front of her.

  In the lake, many male freshwater mermaids are looking around, and the desire for mating in their eyes is already very obvious.

  Si Yan complained to the gecko helplessly. "I knew that my face would cause trouble."

  The gecko stretched his limbs. "It depends on whether you think these males who have intentions on you are more troublesome, or the blood-colored lightning on your head is more troublesome."

  Si Yan: "..."

  Gecko: "My dear grandson, you have gradually gained strength and can protect yourself with this face."

  Si Yan was very impressed with this: "Old gecko, you are right."

  Silver wolf orc Tyson looked at Si Yan with a blushing face, stuttering a little and a little worried.

  "Si Yan, you have become a fish. Do you have to stay in the water all the time? Do we have to move from Dark Sun Lake to the water?"

  At this moment, a chilly voice sounded from the side, and the hissing snake tongue made people panic.

  "You can make a fish tank." The anaconda orc said coldly.

  It should not be difficult for him to raise a fish.

  Si Yan turned her head and saw Wang, whose face was slightly pale because of the rapid round trip.

  "Big Devil! You are back so soon!"

  Dong Chi: "Mother!"

  Nan Mo: Mother! How did you become a fish!

  The two snake cubs immediately switched to another person. They hung on Si Yan, tickling her, and Si Yan couldn't help shaking.

  Seeing that Si Yan was in good condition and not injured, the anaconda beastman was slightly relieved.

  But when he saw that the fish gauze on her body was very transparent, and that her upper body was only covered by two shells to cover her beautiful chest, the male's face darkened visibly.

  In the beast world, there is no such thing as exposure or not.

  Mermaids all dress like this, and there is nothing wrong with it.

  But at this moment, only one voice echoed in the heart of the male in front of him.

  - Si Yan is his, and no one else can see it!

  He almost instantly moved closer to her body, his tall body blocking her in front, and the male's long tail circled her. It

  completely blocked the view of others.

  "Why don't you wear the clothes I made for you? Don't you like it?" His voice was a little cold. If an outsider heard it, he would probably be scared to tremble.

  Si Yan's vision was dark, but she answered honestly, "I don't dislike the clothes you gave me. I offended the old turtle and didn't want him to recognize me, so I didn't dare to wear it for the time being."

  In the darkness, the dark purple snake pupils looked at her. Even though his vision was dark, Wang, as a snake beastman, could still see the beautiful female in front of him clearly.

  Wang picked up a white animal skin and put it on her. His voice was still cold, but no longer suppressed. "Wear this first, I'll make you a new one later."

  Si Yan refused, "No, it's too hot."

  "Be obedient."

  "It's too hot, it's too hot this day, I really don't want to wear animal skin!"

  She is a fish now, what's wrong with wearing a swimsuit, this dress is really not much different from a swimsuit.

  But the snake beastman in front of him didn't want to give in.

  "Yan Yan, be obedient." He lowered his voice with a hint of coaxing.

  Si Yan still didn't want to.

  The blood-red lightning in the Dark Sun Lake was so loud that it alarmed the snake beastman and the fox beastman.

  When the lightning was there, no one dared to approach. After the lightning passed, the snake beastman and the fox beastman came to the lake one after another.

  Hu Bu and She Ying brought their respective orcs to stand behind Wang.

  Hu Bu stood and asked disrespectfully: "Lord, do you know what the lightning was just about?"

  Wang turned his head coldly and did not answer.

  The snake orcs all stood still. For them, no matter what happened just now, they just had to obey the orders of the Lord.

  The red fox Hu Ling saw that something was wrong with She Wang. He was circling something and didn't turn around.

  Hu Ling twisted her waist and stepped forward.

  As soon as she stepped forward, countless male foxes focused their eyes on her.

  Hu Ling, the well-deserved number one beauty of the fox clan!

  "Lord~" She was full of charm.

  "Lord, it's been so long, why don't you come to Hu Ling's place to sit. Hu Ling welcomes you all the time."

  As she said, she tried to step forward to see what Wang was circling.

  The cold-blooded snake orcs were not happy to see this.

  A red crystal snake orc shouted, "Hu Ling, if you have any shame, don't go near our lord. Our lord already has a female. They have a good relationship!"

  "That is to say, shameless females, stay away from our lord!"

  It is rare for them to have females, and the females like him very much.

  It would be bad if Hu Ling caused their lord to fall out of favor!

  In order to be favored by the lord, the snake orcs in the illusory territory are really worried!

  "You have a female? I don't believe it." Hu Ling said seductively, "I am so beautiful, the most beautiful woman in the fox tribe, but I can't impress you. Where in the world is there a female who is more beautiful than me and can impress you more than me?" Hu Bu

  also chimed in at this time: "Hahaha, don't joke. Everyone knows that the lord is a male who hates women. How could he suddenly have a female? In order to prevent females from outside from approaching you, the lord can think of any tricks."

  Wang lowered his head and looked at the little female he had circled, staring at him with a pair of beautiful eyes.

  The male foxes said one after another: "My lord, Hu Ling is so beautiful, she is more than enough for you. Why don't you agree to become Hu Ling's male. This way, our snake and fox tribes will be closer."

  "What do you mean you already have a female? You are a snake orc, how can you have a female who loves you. Hahaha, you snake orcs are so funny. You tell such a lie just to reject a female."

  "Everyone knows that our fox tribe is charming and enchanting. How could there be a female prettier than our Hu Ling in this world."

  "Yes, Lord Wang, Hu Ling is the most beautiful female in the world! You two are a perfect match, talented and beautiful."

  Hearing the fox people praising Hu Ling like this, the mermaids in the lake were full of disdain.

  The most beautiful? ? ?

  You're dreaming!

  They're not as beautiful as the mermaids.

  Si Yan heard all the noises outside. Her black and white eyes slightly curved. She smiled at She Wang and asked a very vulgar question: "Great Demon King, who is prettier, me or Hu Ling?"

  Wang lowered his head, and stretched out his hand to hook her little nose, and whispered: "You are beautiful."

  Si Yan was happy.

  "Great Demon King, can I correct your name?"

  Wang didn't understand it a little.

  But at this time, Si Yan's little hand gently rested on his chest.

  Feeling the soft little hand on his chest, the anaconda snake orc was stunned, as if he could hear his heart beating wildly.

  But she climbed up with his body, her soft little hands and feet resting on his body.

  The snake orc felt an indescribable numbness again.

  She crawled out of the encirclement of the delusion, and her small head popped out from his shoulders. Her

  long black hair poured down.

  Her little face was pink, her cherry mouth was rosy, her pair of beautiful big eyes were black and white, and her eyelashes were as long as an eyelash fairy.

  Her body was covered with pearls and oyster shells that the mermaid had hung on her.

  Her slender milky white arm was wrapped around the male's neck. The contrast between strength and weakness was quite visually impactful.

  She tilted her head slightly, her black and white eyes curved, and she smiled very harmlessly and greeted the orcs from the illusory territory in front of her.

  "Hello everyone, my name is Si Yan, and I am the legitimate female master of your lord."