
Farming in the Beast World: The villain cub is super clingy

[Females are few and males are many, farm and raise cubs, space power] After a bomb blew up the base, Si Yan traveled into the book. When she woke up, she saw four cute snake cubs who would kill her in the future. In the original book, her legs were broken by the fourth brother, her arms were broken by the third brother, her eyes were blinded by the second brother, and she died after being stabbed in the heart by the eldest brother. Si Yan kicked her legs. No, I can't lie down! However, after she was whitewashed... The eldest brother: "I think that black tiger can be our second father." The third brother: "The white eagle is more suitable." The fourth brother: "Obviously the silver wolf is better." The second brother: "..." Snake Wang: I always think about putting a hat on him every day. He is really his good son.

wina_aubre · ファンタジー
300 Chs

Chapter 121 Si Yan fights Lang You!

Since coming to the beast world, she has been suffering from the distress of not being able to practice. Her strength is at the bottom. She just relies on her brain to deal with it. It has been a long time since she had a serious fight.

  The days of frustration are almost over.

  What is more satisfying than to fight directly? !

  Si Yan felt the boiling power in her body.

  Now, she wants Lang You in front of her to be her whetstone!

  Lang You licked his right paw and asked with a smile: "Should I fight you or Tyson?"

  Si Yan raised the corner of her lips: "Of course it's me."

  Lang You's wolf-like eyes were slightly raised, and the corners of his mouth rose: "Okay."

  "Lang You. I didn't agree, don't act on your own!" Lang Xin was a little unhappy with Lang You's self-assertion.

  Lang You seemed to not hear her talking, and he walked forward on his own.

  He licked his paw excitedly, "Si Yan, this is the second time I fight you."

  After Lang You finished speaking, there was a small sound on the field.

  "The second time, Lang You said the second time."

  "Did they really encircle Si Yan? Lang You admitted it?!"

  "Why, Lang Xin, can't they just let them live?"

  Si Yan's eyes became serious: "Yes. So I don't plan to be polite with you!"

  Females invite males to fight, this kind of thing is really the first time in thousands of years!

  "Females fighting? Hahahaha! Is it a joke?"

  "Hit me quickly, am I dreaming? A female wants to fight with the Red Crystal Orcs!"

  "Fuck, you really hit me, fuck, it's real, I'm not dreaming, females really want to fight!!"

  "Can females practice? Females against males, how can they fight?"

  "Lang You, be gentle, don't hurt people, Tyson will be angry with you!"


  Si Yan chuckled, these words had no effect on her.

  Tyson stopped her worriedly, Si Yan smiled slightly and looked at Tyson firmly.

  Tyson was startled, pursed his lips, and let go.

  She suddenly exerted force on her feet. She was always very fast, and she dodged directly to Lang You's side.

  She kicked him with her legs, and Lang You's eyes changed. He stretched out his hand to block!

  However, Si Yan's attack was quite powerful. If it was a green crystal orc, he would have been kicked over. Even Lang You took several steps back.

  After Si Yan landed, she took advantage of the force to jump, and slashed across with the hand holding the snake scale.

  Lang You clearly felt that there was a big difference in the strength of Si Yan now and before.

  He leaned back, and the snake scale brushed against the tip of his nose, and a blood mark appeared on the tip of his nose in an instant.

  But he reacted quickly, his posture was agile, like a forest wolf, and his eyes were fierce.

  Lang You: "Si Yan, the strength of the red crystal orc is not as bad as you think!"

  He retreated quickly, and then turned around in an instant. He was very fast, and all his physical strength was blessed by the red beast crystal!

  His claws were sharp, and they flashed coldly under the sun.

  "Don't cry if I hurt you, little female!"

  Lang You's claws stabbed forward, and Si Yan dodged to the side.

  "Si Yan." Tyson was very nervous.

  Dong Chi and Nan Mo: "Mom!" Mom!

  She was small, but unexpectedly flexible.

  Lang You suddenly got excited.

  "Interesting, very interesting!"

  Si Yan hurriedly stepped back, and a few stones that she had just touched appeared in her hand, and she threw them at Lang You.

  Lang You dodged, and a gap appeared in his body. Si Yan seized the opportunity and rushed to this gap.

  Lang You blocked it!

  Si Yan grinned. "Here it comes!"

  She slammed her hands on the ground, and then, a blanket of rose thorns suddenly emerged from the ground! ! !

  "Superpower!" Lang You opened his eyes wide.

  The orcs of the Yanxiang tribe rubbed their eyes.

  "Oh my god, Si Yan is really good at fighting!"

  "Females can actually practice?!"

  "Am I blind? Am I really blind?"

  Many beastmen have felt that their worldviews have collapsed!

  "Superpowers?! Such abundant wood-type superpowers, oh my god!!! How could Si Yan do that?!"

  "Wood-type superpowers?! Borrowing the superpowers of her beast husband?"

  "Does she have a beast husband with wood-type superpowers?"

  "She can actually borrow the superpowers of her beast husband to this extent?!" "

  You should be concerned, she actually has a beast husband with wood-type superpowers, oh my god, is Si Yan's family very powerful?!"

  After the females in the beast world have a contract with the males, if they have a certain degree of control over their abilities, they can borrow the abilities of the males to a certain extent!

  But no one could have imagined that this was not a borrowed superpower, this was Si Yan's superpower!

  Si Yan felt full of power and didn't want to suppress it at all.

  Si Yan burst out with a roar, and the rose thorns were so fast that they instantly wrapped up Wolf Right!

  "Strangle him!"

  Wolf Right was trapped in this plant, and the thorns would pierce his skin if he moved a little.

  He gritted his teeth and struggled to break free from the thorns even if his skin was injured!

  "Twist!" Si Yan continued to exert force on her hands, and the rose thorns became denser and tighter.

  If Lang You is made of steel, Si Yan's move is soft!

  The thorn vines bound Lang You tightly, and he, a red crystal orc, couldn't break free.

  The orcs of the Yanxiang tribe were dumbfounded.

  "A female can actually use the borrowed supernatural power to this extent?"

  "Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

  Lang You clenched his fists, and his muscles exploded.

  "Lang You!"

  "He's too cruel!"

  As expected of Lang You, he was tearing the thorns violently at the risk of his skin rotting!

  Seeing that he was about to break free successfully, Si Yan grabbed the snake scales and sprinted forward, and the snake scales barely approached Lang You's neck.

  Lang You's eyes widened and his body leaned back slightly.

  "Spare his life!!!" the village chief shouted anxiously, "Si Yan, I beg you, spare his life!!"

  Si Yan's hand barely stopped in front of Lang You.

  The village chief ran over with an expression that was uglier than crying. "Si Yan, we were wrong, we were all wrong. Don't kill Lang You, he is the only red crystal orc in our tribe... Don't kill him, I owe you a favor, don't kill him..."

  The village chief regretted it, and now he really regretted it.

  He recalled the look in Si Yan's eyes when she left, and the words "You will regret it".

  Yes, he regretted it, regretted it so much that he couldn't regret it anymore!

  Why did he, why did he choose to force Si Yan at that time.

  Their tribe could obviously have Tyson, Si Yan, and the orc with wood-type supernatural powers that they didn't know yet.

  How powerful is Si Yan's family now.

  Si Yan's snake scales pressed against Lang You's neck, and Lang You remained in this posture and didn't move.

  "You lose." Si Yan said, "Head-to-head battle, Lang You, you lose."

  The female posture is refreshing and extremely heroic.

  But who would have thought that this male with tiny wounds all over his body would laugh, and he looked extremely excited.

  "I'm very happy, very happy!"

  Si Yan: "..." What a fool this male is. This made her feel like she was fighting a pervert! She

  couldn't even kill him, and there was no sense of accomplishment at all!

  Si Yan gritted her teeth, turned around and pointed at Lang Xin.

  She tilted her head slightly, and her little female expression was very evil.

  "Lang Xin, this time I stepped on the strongest male, and next time it will be you. Clean your neck, I'll kill you at any time!"

  Si Yan looked at Lang Xin, whose expression was gradually becoming terrified.

  Instead of killing the female directly, she wanted her to pay a price for her previous behavior.

  Is it okay to live in fear?