
Farming in the Beast World: The villain cub is super clingy

[Females are few and males are many, farm and raise cubs, space power] After a bomb blew up the base, Si Yan traveled into the book. When she woke up, she saw four cute snake cubs who would kill her in the future. In the original book, her legs were broken by the fourth brother, her arms were broken by the third brother, her eyes were blinded by the second brother, and she died after being stabbed in the heart by the eldest brother. Si Yan kicked her legs. No, I can't lie down! However, after she was whitewashed... The eldest brother: "I think that black tiger can be our second father." The third brother: "The white eagle is more suitable." The fourth brother: "Obviously the silver wolf is better." The second brother: "..." Snake Wang: I always think about putting a hat on him every day. He is really his good son.

wina_aubre · ファンタジー
300 Chs

Chapter 102 Have you ever tried the feeling of a hug?

The three-year-old cute little girl in front of him had a big round face like an apple, a rosy complexion, big eyes, but her expression was still blank.

  After hesitating for a moment, the snake beastman boy left the country bumpkin.

  Three days later, the snake beastman boy was hungry again, and he chose to enter the country bumpkin again.

  As soon as he came in, he saw a small plate of food, and he ate it without caring.

  If he didn't eat, he would starve to death. He had no choice in this matter.

  After eating the food, he looked back and saw that the cute little girl was still sitting there looking at him.

  There was no spirit in her big eyes with clear black and white.

  After the snake beastman boy licked the plate clean, he walked to the opposite side of her.

  Looking at this silly cute little girl, the boy's childish voice filled his ears: "They say that you are the second lady of Wanshou City."

  The cute little girl looked at him with her big eyes.

  "The second young lady of the City of Beasts, you live in the best house in the City of Beasts, and eat the best meat in the City of Beasts. But no one takes care of you. Where is your father?"

  The cute little girl said nothing.

  "I have been observing you for a few days. No one takes care of you except when someone brings you food. You look bright and beautiful, but you are just as pitiful as me."

  The snake beastman stretched out his slender hand and poked her tender face.

  "Little fool, they think you are stupid and dislike you, right?"

  Her face was very tender, and it felt so good to poke.

  The snake beastman looked at the pure little fool in front of him, and a bit of badness rose in his heart. He said:

  "Poor little fool, I ate all your food, and no one found it. You didn't say anything, and you didn't know how to complain. If I eat your meat every day, you will starve to death."

  The cute little girl said nothing.

  The snake beastman withdrew his hand.

  Looking at the little girl who didn't know how to resist, his eyes were filled with a kind of joy that he had never seen before. "Little fool, have you ever tried the feeling of being hugged?"

  A hint of doubt appeared in the eyes of the cute little girl. The

  snake beastman child said, "Since you are so pitiful, I will let you experience it once. I have only been hugged once."

  After that, regardless of whether the cute little girl minded or not, he stretched out his arms and hugged the three-year-old girl.

  A six-year-old boy hugged a three-year-old girl.

  At this moment, in the world of the snake beastman child, things became slow.

  I don't know how long it took before he finally put the little girl down, but he was in a trance.

  She is just a fool, she doesn't know what a hug is.

  He is too boring.

  He put her back on the bed and sat her down, and the snake beastman child looked at her again.

  It was as if he was looking at another self.

  "Little fool, you look so pitiful. There is no one to talk to."

  You look so pitiful, there is no one to talk to.

  "How about this, I will teach you to talk, you call me brother, as long as you call me brother, I will protect you in the future."

  How about this, I will accompany you, you will accompany me, and I will protect you.

  The cute little girl looked at him in a daze.

  The snake beastman cub slowly came back to his senses. There was a lot of warmth in his eyes when he looked at the cute little girl that had never appeared before.

  He said patiently: "Little fool, call... brother. Pronounce it with me, brother, brother."

  The cute little girl didn't know if she understood, she pursed her lips.

  "Brother, call brother."

  "Ya... Yan." The cute little girl opened her mouth in a baby voice.

  Hearing her speak, the snake beastman cub was very surprised.

  "Yes, open your mouth and pronounce it with me. Brother... brother."

  "Yan... Yan." The cute little girl opened her mouth, "Yan Yan."


  Si Yan watched the snake beastman cub and the cute little girl talking. This was the first time she saw patience and joy in the eyes of this cold-blooded beastman.

  Although it felt a bit like talking to a deaf person.

  The gecko stretched out his little claws and scratched her neck with a smile: "Grandson, do you remember anything when you see this?"

  "What do I remember?" Si Yan said in a daze: "You mean, this is... me? This is the original owner?"

  The sky is very bright, and even the air is very fresh.

  This proves that the big devil likes this memory very much.

  "I always thought... he didn't know the original owner."

  The gecko lay down lazily.

  The scene in front of him continued.

  After chatting with the cute little girl, the snake beastman cub stayed in this earthen bun.

  This earthen bun can shelter from wind and rain, and someone will deliver food regularly.

  This feeling is too good.

  Young Si Yan is young and has a small appetite. The orcs in the City of Ten Thousand Beasts who don't care about her life or death don't know that there is an extra mouth in her earthen bun.

  So there is not much meat delivered in a day.

  The snake beastman cub who stole the meat was also bad and didn't care whether she was hungry.

  He ate all her meat in one breath, so the cute little girl had to starve.

  In this way, the snake beastman cub starved her for two days.

  This three-year-old cute little girl can't talk, cry or shout.

  The nasty snake beastman not only starved her, but also frightened her sometimes.

  The cute little girl had been hungry for about three days, and the snake beastman was showing his teeth and claws in front of her.

  He turned into a snake in an instant, and purple vertical pupils suddenly appeared. A not-so-big snake head appeared in front of the cute little girl.

  The cute little girl was stunned instantly.

  For the first time in such a long time, she showed an expression called fear.

  She cried immediately, and cried loudly.

  She was thirsty, hungry, and scared.

  "Little fool, you are afraid of snakes." The snake beastman laughed without any guilt.

  The cute little girl cried even harder.

  The little girl kept crying and crying, and the snake beastman suddenly became anxious.

  "Hey, don't cry." The cold-blooded snake beastman spit out his tongue.

  His comfort was of no use, and little Si Yan cried even harder.

  This startled the cold-blooded snake orc cub. He hurried forward and saw that her face was red from crying. He put his hand on her head.

  Why is it so hot?

  "Little fool, you are sick."

  Xiao Xiaowang's first reaction was to call someone to treat her.

  He threw stones in front of the orc who came to deliver food, reminding him to go in.

  However, the orc glanced at the bumpkin with disgust and turned away.

  He went to the Beast City to find a witch doctor for treatment.

  But when the other party heard that she was the second lady of the Beast City, no one was willing to come.

  It turned out that even if she was the second lady of the Beast City, no one would treat her.

  He returned to the bumpkin disappointedly and saw the cute little girl crying loudly.

  With a long sigh, he sat on her bed and hugged her from behind.

  "I'm telling you." The snake beastman cub murmured, "Little fool, no one is willing to save you now. I don't know how to treat diseases, so there is no medicine. You can only rely on yourself." "

  If you feel hot, just get into my arms. I'm cold. I can't do anything else except accompany you. Whether you can survive depends on you."

  After saying that, he sighed again.

  "You have to get well, brother, I won't steal your meat from you in the future."