
Farming in the Beast World: The villain cub is super clingy

[Females are few and males are many, farm and raise cubs, space power] After a bomb blew up the base, Si Yan traveled into the book. When she woke up, she saw four cute snake cubs who would kill her in the future. In the original book, her legs were broken by the fourth brother, her arms were broken by the third brother, her eyes were blinded by the second brother, and she died after being stabbed in the heart by the eldest brother. Si Yan kicked her legs. No, I can't lie down! However, after she was whitewashed... The eldest brother: "I think that black tiger can be our second father." The third brother: "The white eagle is more suitable." The fourth brother: "Obviously the silver wolf is better." The second brother: "..." Snake Wang: I always think about putting a hat on him every day. He is really his good son.

wina_aubre · ファンタジー
300 Chs

Chapter 100 It's the blessing of this long worm

On the way back to the cave, it was very quiet, so quiet that Si Yan thought time was forbidden.

  It was not until she returned to the cave that the insects outside started chirping again.

  In Si Yan's space, the noisy gecko who was trying to scam her seemed to be tired and finally quieted down.

  Gecko: "I'm tired, I'm going to sleep, dear grandson, don't call me grandpa if there's nothing wrong."

  Si Yan, who always had a good temper, rolled her eyes at this old gecko who liked to take advantage of her and called her grandson.

  "You like to sleep just like that snake."

  The gecko opened his eyes, scanned the entire cave, and his eyes fell on the adult snake beastman in the cave.

  "You are talking about this snake beastman." The gecko's eyes were rolling, and his voice was a little more serious.

  "He suffered a very serious injury in his early years. If he hadn't made a contract with you, he wouldn't have survived. His body is a colander, and no matter how much he sleeps, it can't be repaired. So in order to save his life, he can only sleep. But it's useless."

  "Ah?" This time it was Si Yan's turn to be stunned. "He survived because he made a contract with me?"

  If the old gecko was not lying, then when she was pushed into the cave, he did not eat her but made a contract with her. Was it a subconscious behavior?

  "Ah, what? You are my blood, my only blood in this world! It is normal for him to subconsciously yearn to make a contract with you. It is a blessing for this long worm to get rewards after making a contract with you."

  "..." Si Yan looked at the gecko in the space.

  Doesn't this gecko consider himself a worm?

  Si Yan seized the loophole in his words and said, "I gave birth to four cubs. You said I am your only blood, then what are my cubs?"

  The gecko was not stumped by the question: "The two little long worms here are your cubs."

  Si Yan's breath suddenly turned cold. "Get out."

  She turned a blind eye to scolding the snake, but not her cubs!

  The gecko immediately hugged her bucket tightly: "No. I was wrong. It's not a worm, it's a snake beastman cub!"

  Si Yan: "..."

  The gecko was flexible and said: "These two cubs obviously inherited the bloodline of the big worm. They didn't inherit my bloodline, so how can they be said to be my descendants?"

  Si Yan understood what the gecko said.

  Because her four cubs are snake beastman cubs, not gecko cubs. So the gecko doesn't think they are his descendants.

  Si Yan looked inward at the gecko in the space.

  Isn't it just a gecko beastman? Look at what you can do.

  The gecko smiled again and said: "Why don't you give birth to another child, maybe we will have an offspring."

  Si Yan's face darkened: "... Go away."

  Si Yan was tired of bickering. Seeing that the gecko couldn't be driven out, she couldn't do anything, so she simply kept him for the time being.

  The cubs slept together, and Si Yan walked to the cubs and lay down.

  Not long after, the two cubs, Dong Chi and Nan Mo, subconsciously got into her arms and hugged her.

  It is the nature of snake beastmen to love their mothers.

  When Si Yan fell asleep, a black gecko with a little golden light on its body crawled out of Si Yan's space.

  It climbed onto Si Yan's head and looked up at the dark purple anaconda snake beastman in front of it.

  This fate, it changes over and over again, it's also quite interesting.


  Grandpa will take you to his dream.


  "I hate cold-blooded snake beastmen!!!" A female shouted in hatred in the cave, and around her, there were more than a dozen males.

  But among these dozen males, there was not a single cold-blooded snake beastman.

  "Female master..." The male who was a male knelt in front of the female, "Please bear with it, please bear with it."

  This female was taken away by a wandering cold-blooded snake beastman, forced to mate, and contracted a partnership.

  After the partnership was established, the female used the power of the female master to make this cold-blooded snake beastman pay the price of his life!

  "I don't want it..." The female was full of hatred and anger, "I don't want to give birth to a snake beastman, I don't want to give birth to a snake beastman. I will lose face if I give birth to a snake beastman. Everyone will know that I am a female who gave birth to a snake beastman. I don't want it, I don't want it!"


  "I want them to die, I want all these cubs to die!"

  The males went to comfort the female. The male who was a male was anxious and worried, "Madam, you are already pregnant, you have to give birth to the cub. If you don't give birth, it will be bad for your health."

  The other males also nodded. There are many females in this world who have had miscarriages. Females who have had miscarriages have all suffered from serious illnesses without exception, and some can't even get pregnant again.

  "Madam, if you really don't like them, we can wait until they are born and then kill them." The males said.

  Si Yan stood aside, watching this scene with some surprise. On her shoulder, the black gecko slowly climbed up.

  "Hey, finally got in."

  Si Yan: "Where is this?"

  Gecko: "The dream of the worm."

  Si Yan: "..."

  "This worm, sleeps too much, and is bored in dreams, so he can't help but dream about these past things."

  "Is this his past?" Si Yan once again looked into the female's belly. "He's in the belly?"

  The gecko nodded his little head.

  He was in the belly, listening to his mother discussing how to kill him.

  I don't know what he thinks at this moment.

  The female is about to give birth, and a dozen males are waiting anxiously. The eggs of the anaconda are larger than other snake eggs, and the female is sweating profusely when giving birth.

  Si Yan counted them beside her.

  One, two, three... six.

  Si Yan asked the gecko: "Do the eggs of the anaconda beastman need to be hatched?"

  The gecko nodded and said: "Of course they need to be hatched, and they need to be hatched for two months."

  Si Yan: "..."

  She didn't think the female would hatch these six snake beastman cubs.

  Sure enough, the female had just given birth and was still weak and sweating profusely, so she quickly moved her body away from the six eggs.

  "Hurry, kill them, kill them!"

  The eggs have been laid. The female beast husbands care about the female's body, not the eggs, so they don't hesitate or get tangled. They raised stones and were about to smash the snake eggs.

  Si Yan hurriedly blocked them: "What are you doing? These are your family members, they are lives too!"

  Si Yan's words were meaningless. She only saw the ferocious female and the executioner male.

  The gecko whispered, "This is a dream. They can't hear it."

  "But... this can't be possible!"

  Everything that the four cubs suffered replayed in Si Yan's mind.

  Even if they were snake beastman cubs, they were also their family. How could they do this!!!

  However, at this moment, the snake beastman cubs, which were supposed to be born after hatching for 2 months, began to push their eggshells frantically.

  The instinct for survival made them come out early even if they gave up the time to hatch and grow!

  A red anaconda cub came out, and a male took a stone and slapped it to death.

  Another anaconda cub came out and wanted to escape, but was picked up and crushed to death by another male.

  Another anaconda cub wanted to sneak away, but was trampled to death by a male who rushed over.


  Seeing these scenes, Si Yan was shocked and speechless.


  Hell on earth.

  Finally, she saw the light purple anaconda break out of the shell.

  He broke out of the shell two months early, his body was not well grown, and his flesh was pink.

  But even though he was so small, he had to find a way to escape.

  He secretly hid his body from the eggshell and prepared to slip away.

  Si Yan squatted beside him anxiously.

  "Big Devil, hurry up, hurry up. Don't let them catch you!"