
chapter 1

huh where am I?

An unfimiliar hut made of wood .am i kidnapped? no how could it be i was in the room playing games.

bam suddenly he felt like his head got electrocuted.un familiar memories started playing in my mind like video i can even control the dream.After watching the dream i understood that i crossed.into a unfamiliar world of fantasy .This world is an ancient world where people can cultivate immortality . sects are everywhere Martial arts are norm And i crossed into a average cultivater of martial arts his family only had father mother died during his birth and his father had a farm using the money from his farm he was admitted to a small sect in the town but after hearing the news that his father died from a snake bite he resolutely quit from sect knowing that he will not be able to progress without money for cultivation but while he was returning to his home the the merchant caravan was attacked by bandits even though he fought and was able to kill all the small bandits he still was injured so after returning home it worsened and died.Thats how i was transversed to this body.Currently this body does not have cultivation because of injury .But when he started to check his injury he found that it have been healed only a tiny scar was left how was it healed .

ding.ding..Host has been healed and woke up.

farm system has been activated

starting quest

Bind a farmland

Reward novice set

So i got a gold finger .How can a traverser be without a gold finger.

system what are your function?

suddenly system starts to repeat the quest.understanding that the system is without a ai he started to try to check the blue panel in front of his when try to think of it to close it closed .i tried to check my personal stat but it just stayed on the quest bar.

Currently i have a big farm from father let's try binding it.slowly woke up changed my cloth from the teared one .the hut is bare minimum with a small bed and a kitchen which I think is not used because when I checked only thing all the pots have are rice . There are some currency too 5 gold coin ah right this is the time the bodies father sents money but he died before sending now I know why the original owner quit so fast as he didn't have any money for the next month's resources.in the sect there are many ways to earn money but it's time consuming and risky that's why original owner decided to come and farm.Putting those gold coin in the coin bag .i started to go to farm .after seeing the farmland i found that half of them is rice and another half is different types of small herbs and other vegetable. they are also ready for picking.go to the warehouse built i see that alot of rice and vegetables are left this should be for selling . A merchant usually comes here to buy these.after that i quickly starts to collect rest of my vegetable as I had doubt whether binding will erase those vegetable .After a days work i started feeling hungry.so i closed the ware house and went to small podrige shop.in the village.after alot of people comes to eat here this village most people are farmers.This podrige shop owner is also a farmer when someone ate his podrige at home feeling that is good he published it due to popular demand he started this small shop .

as soon as I reached the shop Jose started taking a bowl and podrige he came near me and put his hand on my shoulder as if he understands me.

'I heard you arrived injured?.'

no it was small wound it was the blood of bandit i lied .ah the merchant told be about it. he is staying in the village chiefs house.After eating the podrige i went to grave .Here nobody keeps the dead for alot of time as there is a chance of becoming a undead.Mostly in villages they don't even burry the dead instead it's cremation as in graveyard a cultivater Is required to standguard so that someone may to steal the body.Evil cultivater who use undead are not uncommon.After paying respect to dead i went to Village chief to talk about the farm.as the person with largest farm in the village the original persons father was well connected with others.i Have doubt whether they would want a piece of pie of my farm but still without the village chiefs seal i can't use the farm.things was not as expected.when i went to chief, carvan was parked there and as i started entering the door the merchant was talking with chief after i waited . after a little time the merchant got out the house.

Hey Rey i will come to to collect the goods he says .i replied to find me last as i still have vegetables to harvest.after that i entered the vilage chiefs house.His name is Ham after he saw me he started telling me about my father how he died to a snake bite. consoling me after that he took out deeds and started changing the name in deeds.also gave me the last will of the father.

Things was not hard.but i realised that the original owner is no more as i felt something something loosening.and becoming free.The will only have some small content of transferring his farmland.and also about the 5 gold coins. then his dream of wanting to see grandson and such .everything was a normal will.after i accpted the chaged deeds i returned to my farm to harvest the rest of vegetable before evening everything was collected .After which i started bind

ding ding..binding successfull.

senting novice bag

system space activated.

suddenly in the pannel i see that a new pannel of status,storage,farm was activated.when i clicked on the status

Lvl 1


it was a only this.after i selected storage a pannel like game started to open it contained a farm tool set and hemostatic herb seed wheat seeds.And a farmer.i felt weird as it says a farmer.first istarted taking out tool as soon i thought of taking out it came out and was nearly placed near me.

it contained alot of tools from spade to scythe to a grind stone.after then i started taking out seeds.then i tried farmer.but when I checked he was not nearby.where is the farmer?.

did the system lie?.

after checking that the farmer has not arrived i started returning that tools and seeds to storage .after which i went to storehouse to check whether i could store my harvest before binding to the storage.As soon as I arrived in the warehouse and thought of storing everything near me was stored when I checked in storage i found that it automatically arranged into order in storage it even tells about the information of things i stored .i didnt know but when i tried to think about knowing what the the thing in the storage is it gives me the details of quality and weight and other things about the stored item


name rice

category mortal lvl 1


i started checking every vegetable i understood that everything was mortal lvl1 items .i understood that there will be many new items to go.

While i was checking i saw someone in a peasants dress walking he was coming to me after teacher

"Farm master i arrived "

when i looked into it a new panel was seen


lvl 1




Farming lvl1

there is no loyality setting when i thought about it.an information came to my mind.

Every unit in farm system have 100 %loyalty only if you harm them will this change

Every unit are real persons they need to sleep eat and do what a human should do.

i started asking will about his home.but he replied that farm master's home is my home.i asked about his parent.He replied that they will also come when you upgrade the farm.He seemed to now want to talk about his family .Even though loyality is 100% they still have restrictions i think.

i asked him to sow the seeds i got in novice gift he quickly started taking the seed and tools and started doing the farming.knowing that he will also need place to sleep i returned to my house and started cleaning.it while i was cleaning it someone from merchant came telling that he will not come today.After that i went back to farm ground to see what will is doing.After arriving i was stunned as he already completed the big farms sowing his level has also increased to lvl 2 and it's as if he is a cultivater