
Farm of the Dead

Skeletons filled the warehouse with tomatoes and potatoes, death knights milked cows, vampires gnawed on watermelons, succubi were busy in the kitchen, and the Lich King was quietly licking ice cream...

Daoist4SQVL9 · ファンタジー
121 Chs

Twilight death knight

Night Three More silently opened the skill description of Death Light Entanglement:

[Death Light Entanglement]Consumes 1 soul energy to release 1 strand of death light, capable of causing harm to living beings or healing undead. Note: This skill now includes a camouflage effect, feel free to use it.

"Are you undead?"

"You're undead!"

The two exchanged horrified glances.

Especially Sha Wencheng, his hands holding the sword and spear trembled, but he frowned for a long time without taking the next step.

"Hey, compatriot..." Night Three More took the initiative to wave.

"Who's your compatriot!"

"Oh, same kin."

Night Three More immediately corrected himself. This time, Sha Wencheng's face turned red, but his lips moved for a long time without retorting.

"Since we are both undead, why don't we have a good chat?" Sha Wencheng turned his head. "I won't talk with the shaman of the orc tribe."

Night Three More rolled his eyes, then snapped his fingers to switch the camouflage effect of the goblins and the old man, revealing a series of skeleton frames in front of Sha Wencheng.

"What is this..."

"Still can't see? These are my minions! Don't you have zombie minions too?"

Night Three More rubbed his chest; the broken sternum made breathing uncomfortable. Still, he couldn't hold his breath to talk, so he had to breathe slowly. Fortunately, Sha Wencheng's healing milk was slowly working.

Sha Wencheng's face changed several times, and finally, he sighed, covering his mouth, coughing heavily twice.

"Those are not my minions but the undead resurrected by the aura on my body."


Night Three More frowned, "I didn't feel your undead aura, not even from those zombies. Why is that?"

Sha Wencheng picked up his helmet and gently placed it on the coffin lid.

"Because I didn't actually die, and..."

It turned out that Sha Wencheng had been suffering from a cough since he was a child. In severe cases, he couldn't sleep even if he coughed faintly, and sometimes he even fainted from coughing. His father sought famous doctors, but none could cure him.

When he was about to die from coughing, the undead catastrophe broke out.

The war quickly reached Thunder City. After several cities fell, his father finally withstood the undead in Thunder City, personally went into battle, and killed the enemy general, gaining fame in the empire.

Unfortunately, after the war, Thunder City was still contaminated by the plague. Sha Zhan had to lead the people to evacuate, leaving Sha Wencheng behind. Also left behind were the undead willow armor and the sword spear he had captured when he killed the undead general.

"You mean your father, to prevent you from dying from coughing, put the undead willow armor on you to suppress your illness?"

Sha Wencheng smiled bitterly, touching the helmet. He nodded.

"The cold flame attached to this armor greatly suppressed my cough. However, a terrible side effect came to me."

"I became an undead."


"Yes, undead, a living undead." Sha Wencheng looked at Night Three More. "You are also an undead, right?"

Night Three More shrugged, not answering. In fact, he was not sure what he was.

But Sha Wencheng didn't mind. It seemed like it had been a long time since he had talked to someone, making him feel both strange and excited.

"Fortunately, there were many undead everywhere at that time, and Thunder City was on the front line. No one could discover my anomaly for a while."

"But my father, to cover up my situation, directly announced my death to everyone, arranged a funeral for me, and this place is my grave."

Sha Wencheng touched the coffin beside him, full of self-deprecation.

To live, he became an undead, and he had to witness his own funeral. This kind of experience was not something anyone could understand.

"When you came down, you should have seen that square stele, right?"

"Yeah, I saw it." Night Three More nodded.

"That's why you can't feel my undead aura. The stele has a shielding barrier that prevents the aura of the entire Thunder City from dissipating. Also, this sword spear has the same magic array; my father replicated it from above."

"Amazing?" Night Three More's eyes lit up, but then dimmed again.

Magic arrays would fail once slightly moved, and the stele was so heavy that it was unrealistic to move it back.

And Sha Wencheng's weapon...

Sha Wencheng smiled bitterly, shaking his head. "Amazing? In a few months, the energy of this magic array should be exhausted. By then..."

Night Three More naturally knew what would happen, as he had experienced it himself recently.

"So, what about those zombies? Why did your father arrange so many corpses for you?"

"Arranged for a funeral?! I didn't die! Cough!" Sha Wencheng gasped and coughed again.

"Those are corpses I picked up from outside. Don't look at me with that kind of look; I don't have that hobby."

Sha Wencheng thought for a moment, then opened a coffin in a niche on the aisle outside. The zombie in the coffin immediately sat up, swaying beside Sha Wencheng.

Night Three More looked at his attire; he should have been an ordinary human soldier when alive.

"Maybe because the aura on my body was shielded for a long time, whenever I coughed, it released some death energy, and the surrounding corpses were affected, resurrecting them."

"But I can't control them. Don't be fooled by their current obedient appearance. Once there are living creatures nearby, they will expose their true nature and go crazy. So, for safety reasons, I spent the past few years digging up corpses outside and burying them in these niches."

So that was the case. No wonder the burial method was so intelligent and concealed; it turned out to be intentional.

"Maybe due to the barrier, these corpses have hardly decomposed. Over time, they have accumulated more and more, after all, this is the front line outside Thunder City."

However, Night Three More discovered a crucial point. He frowned and asked:

"Since your weapon can shield the undead aura, why have you been staying in Thunder City for so long? Aren't you lonely?"


Sha Wencheng glanced at the empty coffin; if he weren't lonely, how could he wander alone in the deserted streets, watching the sunrise and sunset for twenty years, then lying back in the coffin his father personally made for him at night?

"I can't leave." Sha Wencheng sighed suddenly.

"Although I don't have an undead aura, this armor is too conspicuous, and I can't take it off. As long as I expose myself to the public, my father and I will be finished."

Hiding undead was a more serious crime than treason, so Sha Wencheng dared not venture too far from Thunder City.

When Night Three More heard this, he scanned Sha Wencheng up and down, then suddenly lowered his voice and asked:

"How about you join me?"