
Chapter 01 Meet Ann

Ann's POV

I like my breakfast quite heavy because I barely get to have lunch, in fact I'd rather say I only eat breakfast and dinner but I can snack in between though.

"Mom, can I please get some more toasts??"

I requested because my job is really demanding, people around me think I just like to eat too much but I just know i don't like to be taken unawares by the days work.

"Lord knows I try my best to help you with your weight..." mom replied

"I'm good mom, I only weigh 47kg I mean it's not so bad"

"whatever..." mom replied waving her hands in the air.

Ever since mom divorced dad, life has been quite unfair like it wasn't in support of mom leaving dad. a few times as I can remember, dad was quite abusive, emotionally per say; I just guess mom couldn't handle anymore so she left.

"you know you have to leave for work before 10:00am honey so you don't get a query"

mom said with concern.

I looked at my phone screen and it screamed 8:35am.

"I still have got some more time Ma"

I said while munching on my last toast.

Yeah, yeah I'm 19years old and my friends think it's quite unfair that I have to work at a very tender age, true though, but like I said, life has been very unfair ever since Pa left and I just have to support.

I work in a plastic making company where I have to stand for 9hours working, I started the job three weeks ago and initially, it was hell. However I've shown signs of adaptation since then.

"I've to get dressed now mom, I won't be late" I said

"and thanks for breakfast Ma,"

I'm used to mom not answering my thank you's after meal, she said I don't eat the way she wants me to so I shouldn't thank her but I still do anyway.

I hurriedly ran off to my room to change, I wore a blue colored boyfriend Jean and white top which I tucked into the jean.

I really don't think about my outfit to work everyday because I'll still have to change into work uniform so???

I heard my phone ring from my already packed bag, 'but whoever it was I promise to call back' i muttered.

Ready for work, I reached for my bag and stole a quick glance on my phone screen it was a group call from the girls....

"Bye Mom" I shouted admist hurrying out.

"Be good baby, Love ya".