
Fantasy Treasure Collector

When MC stumbles upon a whimsical mouse with a knack for finding fantastical treasures, his mundane life takes a magical turn. Join them on a thrilling adventure through enchanted realms, solving riddles, outsmarting mythical creatures, and discovering treasures beyond imagination. for additional arts and chapters https://www.patreon.com/SUN_MOON_EARTH

KLNovel · ファンタジー
51 Chs

0025 : Boat

The contents of the diving skill weren't as simple as just diving; it also introduced a lot of specific information about sea creatures or monsters.

In terms of diving, being able to walk on the seabed was only the most basic element. The most dangerous aspect of diving on the seabed was the creatures that grew there.

According to the records of the diving technique, if one were attacked by this kind of animal, they would die immediately, and even the lightest attack would cripple them.

As for those bitten by Flood Dragons, as long as they swallowed a small piece of the Flood Dragon's scale armor, they would immediately return to their normal state. Although Xue Yang wasn't confident he could defeat such a ferocious Flood Dragon, he decided to take the risk to investigate the inside of Sinking Ship Monuments.

When the old man heard that his son might be saved, Li Qi emotionally held Xue Yang's hand and said, "Are you serious? In my opinion, you don't seem like someone who would lie. If what you just said is true, then even if I had to go to the sunken ships sea ten or a hundred times, I wouldn't hesitate at all."

The old man was actually so excited. Xue Yang continued to nod his head and said, "Just take me there, and leave the rest to me."

Xue Yang prepared a large amount of green jade. The quality of the green jade could be good or bad, but the total price added together was at least over a million.

When he arrived at the coordinates of the sunken ships, Xue Yang immediately used a web to store all the green jade and jumped in.

Towards Xue Yang's direct action, Elder Yu was so shocked that his mouth gaped wide open. He had seen people who cared about their lives before, but never this much.

This was the deep-sea region, and there were often carnivorous fish like the desert passing by. Therefore, even the old fishermen would not dare to rashly enter this place, not to mention that Xue Yang did not wear any kind of protective gear on his body.

However, Elder Yu had thought of what Xue Yang had told him before he jumped down. No matter what happened here, they would have to wait for him for three hours.

At this time, Xue Yang was immersed in the ocean water. The ocean here didn't seem to be anything special? Xue Yang surveyed his surroundings and then used his own abilities to sense the surrounding seawater, but he still did not find anything strange. Because he was holding a large amount of green jade, he was also quickly descending.

It only took him half an hour to reach the seabed. At this time, although Xue Yang's skin and bones had undergone special strengthening, he still felt a little uncomfortable being submerged in such a deep ocean.

Only after reaching the seabed did Xue Yang realize that this place was much more prosperous than he had imagined. There were all sorts of silent boats here. From the most ordinary wooden boats from ancient times to the current one, the Iron Giant had all kinds of boats. Some of these boats were lying on the ground, with nothing left to look at anymore, but some were still sitting there steadily, as if they were a model. Although their surface was already stained with rust, the overall structure was still perfect.

It was a living exhibition hall for ships.

Towards those iron boats, Xue Yang did not have much interest because that type of boat was really too close to the current era. There shouldn't be anything bad inside. However, regarding those wooden boats that were obviously a lot older, Xue Yang quickly swam over.

Walking freely in the middle of these boats, Xue Yang felt like he was strolling in a market. However, there were simply too many boats here, and the area that the sunken ships occupied was way too big. With Xue Yang's speed in the water, even if he walked for a month, he would probably not be able to see the entire area.

The reason why he came to this place was to look for ancient artifacts. After walking for a long time, he did not smell even the slightest bit of jade, which made Xue Yang feel very disappointed.

On the other hand, there were many different kinds of coins stored inside the wooden boat. This kind of ancient coin could be sold for a lot of money on the shore, but Xue Yang did not have any plans to do so.

Although he liked money, he was not a person who only knew how to make money. If he sold so many things, he would definitely be questioned by many people. He just left a few ancient coins as experience, then began to look for some jade-like things. After all, those things were what he was most interested in.

According to logic, when a person died, they should have floated on the surface of the water. Such a hidden underwater situation like this was rarely seen, but Xue Yang understood the reason why; it was definitely because the master of the jade stone was extremely fond of the jade stone. When this happened on the boat, he didn't want to let go of it, so his body directly sank into the sea, and forever held tightly onto the jade stone.

Xue Yang didn't even need to pry away the green lance on the jade stone to determine that this was definitely a good item. Some of the reason was due to his intuition, and another was because of his deductions.

Xue Yang was not greedy. The goal he set for himself was to find two good stones and immediately retreat. But when he walked with the stone under the water, he suddenly felt a very rapid change in the water flow. This change directly made Xue Yang unable to stand firm.

This flow of water immediately shattered a lot of wooden boats. Xue Yang hurriedly swam forward with all his might and directly swam to the side of an iron boat, grabbing onto the handrail inside the iron boat. Only then did Xue Yang heave a sigh of relief, but at this time, the iron boat directly carried a huge object and fiercely crashed into the bottom of the water. An iron boat that was at least ten meters tall directly dove half into the water after this collision.

Towards such a shocking impact, even an adult whale would not be able to accomplish such a feat. Xue Yang looked at this frightening force, and if he wanted to turn his head back, he would not be able to see anything.

And just as he turned his head, he realized that a large eye with a diameter of at least half a meter was waiting for him. The large eyes moved back and forth and seemed to have a lot of spirit energy. When it saw someone inside, the large eyes suddenly disappeared from the window, and what Xue Yang was about to face was an even more violent strike.

The entire iron boat was about to be smashed into the bottom of the lake.

Inside the underwater rocks, Xue Yang thought to himself that if he did not run now, he would never get another chance to escape. He immediately grabbed the bag of purple jade beside him and fiercely threw it towards the door. The water resistance was extremely large, and even though he had already used all his strength, the jade only threw two meters, but this distance was already enough.

Suddenly, Xue Yang opened his mouth wide, pushing the reputation of that place to its deepest parts, and then, Xue Yang saw a gigantic body. The iron

 boat had wrapped up the entire body, but not long after the jade was swallowed, the gigantic body disappeared into thin air.

Xue Yang tried to stretch his head out and look around, only to realize that he couldn't see the gigantic monster anymore.

Xue Yang hurriedly climbed to the top of the iron boat because just now, when this huge monster was violently attacking the iron boat, some of her scales were left on top of the iron boat. There weren't many of them, only a complete scale, but it was completely enough.

Xue Yang hurriedly wrapped the broken pieces of the stone inside his clothes, and that strange stone with green fur, he carried it tightly in his embrace. At that moment, Xue Yang used his free hand to directly take out a folded leather pouch from his pocket.

The two chemicals were separated by a thin layer of plastic paper. As long as the plastic paper was punctured by him, the two chemicals would mix and produce a large amount of gas, resulting in a gas bag that carried Xue Yang and the stone directly to the surface of the river. The whole thing took about three hours.

But to Xue Yang, these three hours at school were as if he had spent three months on land and were truly very sad and long. In this entire process, he was constantly facing the risk of his life, and luckily, the diving skill in his brain wasn't lying to him.

If this flood dragon-like object was not satisfied after obtaining all of his green jades, then he would undoubtedly die.