
35Chapter 35 Gongfa Building

Although there are legends of immortals in the Qin Dynasty, they are too vague and no one can confirm them.

The Gongfa Building appeared overnight. Not only were they surprised, but even Old Man Wu was also surprised. He was a master of the ninth level and had seen a lot. Such means, let alone a master, might not be able to do it even if he was a great master.

What kind of heaven-shaking means can do all this?

Old Man Wu looked at the Gongfa Building, and a gleam of light flashed in his turbid eyes. The Qingfeng Sect really had a big secret. Perhaps the poison could really be solved here.

However, he did not immediately confront Qin Ye, but waited.

Qin Ye did not immediately explain the origin of the Gongfa Building to everyone. The more mysterious it was, the more awe-inspiring it was. He just sent a message to Wu Xuan'er and Wan Chen, asking them to go to the Gongfa Building to find the Gongfa.

The Gongfa Building has its own Gongfa, and there are all kinds of Gongfa in it. If people go in, they want to get Gongfa, it all depends on chance.

Wu Xuan'er received the message and rushed over without any hesitation.

When she saw the Gongfa Building, she took a breath and thought that her senior brother was becoming more and more mysterious. She couldn't help but wonder if the inheritance that her senior brother mentioned was really the inheritance of immortals?

"Could it be that the Gongfa collected in this building are all Gongfa collected by immortals?"

Thinking of this, Wu Xuan'er's heart beat uncontrollably. If this is true, then any Gongfa in it would probably be a priceless treasure.

"Miss Wu, is this building the work of Sect Master Qin?"

Blood Killing Leader Liu Jing had been familiar with Wu Xuan'er during these days in Qingfeng Sect, so when Wu Xuan'er came, he asked her.

"This is naturally the work of my senior brother."

Wu Xuan'er said with pride.

"Then is there really a Gongfa here?" Blood Killing Leader Liu Jing asked.

"Of course there is." Wu Xuan'er replied.

"I'll go in first." Wu Xuan'er didn't say much, walked directly to the door of the Gongfa Building, and then stepped in directly.

A flash of white light flashed, and Wu Xuan'er disappeared at the entrance of the Gongfa Building.

When Wu Xuan'er entered, she found herself in an empty space. There were no bookshelves, no books, and no secret manuals.

Wu Xuan'er frowned slightly. How could this Gongfa Building be empty? Senior brother couldn't lie to her, and there was no reason to lie to her.

Did she overlook something?

At this time, she suddenly looked up and saw that the sky above her head was densely packed with colorful light spots. Each light spot was different. Some light spots were large and round, some light spots were small, and some light spots had different shapes. Some were similar to swords, some were similar to knives, and there were other various shapes of weapons. Some light spots were quite active, jumping up and down or moving left and right, while some were floating up and down, as if they were absorbing spiritual energy, and some were like sleeping, stagnating in the air, motionless.

Wu Xuan'er was not stupid. She thought of something in an instant. Her beautiful eyes widened and she thought in disbelief that these light spots were Gongfa, and each light spot was a Gongfa.


She didn't dare to think about it anymore. If this was true, how many skills would there be.

"It's really a collection of immortals. Only immortals have such means!"

Wu Xuan'er was more convinced that Qin Ye had inherited the immortals, and only this could explain all this.

"Then how can I get this skill?"

Wu Xuan'er suddenly got into trouble. This was her first time coming in. Although she guessed that these colorful light spots were skills, she didn't know how to get them.

She tried to fly up and grab the nearest blue light spot, but the blue light spot that was originally stationary suddenly disappeared in front of her eyes, and when it appeared again, it had moved to another place, leaving her empty-handed.

She tried several times in a row, but she didn't get a skill, which made her a little anxious.

"Why don't you go back and ask my senior brother——"

Since I can't get the skills for the time being, I might as well go back and ask my senior brother. Once I know the method, it won't be too late to come back to get the skills. Anyway, the skills are here, and they won't run away.

As soon as Wu Xuan'er entered the skills building, Qin Ye already knew. This Gongfa Building is a fairy weapon. No matter who comes in, Qin Ye will know it at the first time, and he can also control who can enter and who can't. This is the news he learned after he recognized the Gongfa Building as his master.

Seeing that Wu Xuan'er had not received the Gongfa for a long time, he knew that Wu Xuan'er had not found a way to obtain the Gongfa, so he sent a voice message to Wu Xuan'er: "Junior sister, if you want to get the Gongfa here, you have to comprehend it here. You are choosing the Gongfa, and the Gongfa is also choosing you."

"Junior sister, just show your talent here, and don't do anything else." Qin Ye reminded.

"Got it, senior brother." Although Wu Xuan'er was surprised that Qin Ye's voice could be transmitted to the Gongfa Building, getting the Gongfa was the main thing at this time, so she didn't think much about it, sat cross-legged, and began to comprehend.

As she comprehended, some light spots began to shake up and down, as if they intentionally chose Wu Xuan'er.

Wu Xuan'er felt that her mind seemed to feel the activity of some light spots, as if these light spots were spiritual, which made her feel a little strange. There was no time to think about it, she still had to comprehend it now.

A total of a dozen light spots seemed to be jumping for joy and rushing towards Wu Xuan'er, but suddenly a scarlet light spot burst out with tremendous momentum. The other light spots seemed to be afraid of this scarlet light spot. They just protested a few times and then quieted down.

In the end, this crimson light spot chose Wu Xuan'er, turned into a red light, and entered Wu Xuan'er's mind.

"It seems that Xuan'er has good talent and luck, and has learned a good technique."

Qin Ye, who saw all this in his eyes, nodded slightly.

Judging from the explosive momentum, this technique is probably at least heaven level, and maybe even immortal level.

Wu Xuan'er is currently receiving the inheritance of the martial arts. Qin Ye can just use a spiritual thought to pay attention to this side. As for them, they can do whatever the people outside the Gongfa Building tell them to do.

Wan Chen has gained a lot in this sect competition and is making breakthroughs, so he hasn't come to the Kung Fu Building yet.

"I wonder if Marquis Yangling has received the news?"

Qin Ye, who was sitting on the sect leader's seat in the main hall, had a strange light shining in his eyes.

Qingzhou, Yanglinghou Mansion.

Marquis Yangling had just come out of his concubine's room when he saw the housekeeper from the front yard crawling in. As he walked, he cried: "Master Marquis, Master Marquis, something happened, something happened..."

Marquis Yangling's good mood was suddenly disturbed by the butler. He slapped the butler away from the front yard and said, "Made, am I not here? How dare you curse me——".

The housekeeper in the front yard rolled up and cried loudly: "Master Marquis, something happened to the second young master."

Marquis Yangling was slightly stunned and said, "Didn't I send him to Qingfeng City? With Mr. Mo following me, what could happen?"

A small place like Qingfeng City didn't even have an innate realm, and he had sent so many innate realm guards, and there were masters like Mr. Mo following him. Naturally, Marquis Yangling didn't believe that anything could go wrong.