
You are my baby Short film: Romantic , Comedy, mystery Author: Morn kunthea

* Greek mythology shows that the two angels lived in divisions. Angels born the same parents . Because the statistics of the human race have changed so much that all the angels have been summoned. Population growth in the human quarter slows down because individuals suffer from environmental obstacles and changes in living environments. For a long time, all angels have experimented with all human beings, letting them live and have different instincts than animals, but human beings have embraced greed and negative thoughts which are always destructive and The land that God has given . Even the kings of hell have tested mankind, like a tree that struggles to see of instincts they all have reach the point where they are dominated by darkness and the world of human lands is also lost. It is like testing the instincts of human beings, like giving parables set by angels and observing the limits of their competition for success and the purpose for which God is blessed. But because everyone is greedy and insatiable, from generation to generation there are always wars and endless ambitions. Even history, which enlightened the world to avoid misery and genocide, has been massacred. The angels who symbolize the form of human beings are controlled by the demons inside human that make everyone destroy and kill each other. Because dark instincts are ubiquitous and in places where people have always been superstitious and overly selfish, the human condition today has lost much of its human senses and is no different from animals. Even the trees that represent human nature wither when everyone stops worrying about reproduction. The large number of old people, which greatly reduces the situation of loss of younger generation interests. Although poor countries are experiencing strong population growth, the population is in a stable state, which leads to a severe shortage crisis. So they need to reduced births in poor countries to ensure stability in the world. Seeing the personal situation of these people, the leaders of all people try to solve all the problems, they made different political laws according to their country, but discrimination is everywhere. although the children of all these poor countries, as capable as they are, they are not widely accepted by another country. And obviously when there is a problem or an epidemic, the number of people in progress countries goes down, especially the number of old people whose deaths have died. If each of them is to be open-minded and racist, their situation will return to normal when all people can live together as one nation without racism. Then they can regain their stability by allowing all those challenged to increase the number of births in progress countries. And poor and developing countries demand a reduction in fertility. All of them have been transformed into trained, educated, professional and truly capable of eradicating their poverty. And all human souls are stable in the rebirth and reculture of the human presence. This is why the devas have united to form a little angelic nature that clings to the positive and the negative, with the mission of bringing stability and peace to the earth. The spirit of the angelic child is that she lives in a mysterious box of parables, mingled with the many danger boxes that the angels have sent to earth to test, and this mysterious box of parables awaits the moment when sincere people will show their love and their peace There are those who want this box to destroy the world of these people, if they are poisoned by endless ambitions. Many boxes of parables, like fireballs. When they find out and fill in the fields, they can ask for whatever they want. But they often forget what they thought they were living in simplicity, peace and love for each other, seeking this mysterious parable, always asking for a wish for themselves. Angels are very angry and human ambitious. This is why angels are always restricting and creating various natural disasters. Not wanting to lose the human race, the angels did not restrict them too much, forming other members of their psychic instincts who were hiding everywhere in search of the parable of hope. And give pleasure and confidence, hope and freedom to the people around. They show the change when they have the idea of ​​being together.

* A couple of civil servants who have been married for many years but have never had children. They try very hard to have children and also always talk to the doctor, the doctor found that the couple did not have reproductive health problems. But do not know why they have not been able to have children for many years. Husband after leading staff to complete the mission. On the way, he saw a strange box in an antique shop near his house. He also decided to buy the item for his wife because his wife likes to take care of antiques. His wife was overjoyed when she received the strange box. She rotated the strange box up and down the arrow. Then she saw a piece of purple candy in the box, she thought maybe her husband bought the candy in the box. Then she took the candy and ate it. She did not ask her husband in advance because she saw her husband busy with piles of documents in his office. When they were about to go to bed, their husband put his hand on his wife's belly and said, "If we have children, our family will be happy." She really wanted to have a daughter, and I hope that the angels will be able to have a child with her. In the middle of the night, the couple was asleep when their husband heard that his wife was in great pain and he turned on the light to see what was happening to his wife. his wife has a big bulging belly like a man is pregnant. And her stomach ached like a woman about to give birth. He rushed his wife to the hospital. Doctors said his wife was about to give birth and they were shocked to find out why they had a baby or a request from an angel is really sacred. The baby's voice at birth is crying loudly. He hurried to see his wife and children and blessed his daughter, who was beautiful, and looked like a child in a Greek angel painting. This baby is so beautiful and so weird, it's born to smile at her parents, and each of them is not talking about weird things, they are so happy when they having a child like this, they decided to name her Candy. From year to year, their children get older, can go to kindergarten, and are very smart, even her eyes are blueberries. She can also speak many languages, which is an incredible miracle, and she is good at asking questions and finding information related to things around her. And her play is different from other children, she always hides in the book room and always makes tools that look like scientists. The girl is not forgetting her mission to stabilize the population. She is not only hiding in a book room, she is also using voice signals transmitted to their brain wives to communicate with other people. Let them complete missions in their countries. While discussing the mission, her mother opened the door and brought her a plate of cakes and a glass of milk. Her mother always wondered why her children were sitting alone in the book room talking. She was shocked to see his daughter holding a condom. She did not expect her daughter to be holding such a thing in her hand. And she asked her daughter where she got this from. The girl knew what her mother wanted to ask and what it meant. She pretended not to know anything. I found it under your bed, Mom, and I'm ready to blow it into a balloon. Isn't it chewing gum? Her mother was outraged at her husband for not taking care of his belongings. She did not question her daughter further. She just kissed her daughter on the cheek, put the food in her room and walked out. The girl tightened her grip on her chest, saying quietly that she was going to die. In fact, the girl is in talks with her members about sending condoms to poor countries and restricting their use of contraceptives on a regular basis. And she also found a way to create a medicine for people to receive and may want to have children again. As hollaween time approached, the girl brought a lot of candy, which implies a couple who can eat this candy and make them have children immediately That they operate only once night. But she does not give all these candy to every family, she will give all these candy to any family who is in crisis and can not have children. It is a moral issue that cannot force everyone to have children if they are not responsible or want to have children. In addition, she also plans to advertise online or through the media from a happy family when there are small children. And they can give love to their children and move forward for the happiness of their families. She also called on governments in developed countries to enact new laws to encourage their people to reconsider their fertility. Reducing tax expenditures and easing of services, especially education.

* After thinking and planning, the girl asked her mother to go to the candy store near her house. In that shop, there are a lot of interesting and familiar candies that she feels like she has been eating for a long time. But she did not remember when she ate it. Unable to control her appetite, she tore the bag of candy and tried to eat it. Suddenly, the shop owner yelled at her from behind, thinking she was a thief. When she turned around and wanted to give a reason to the shop owner, this owner was startled and with tears in her eyes, ran to hug her. She said that her daughter was back. She did not understand what the owner was saying. But she felt so warm. Then a boy who looked two or three years older than her came out and called his mother. The boy's face also turned pale when he saw her. After everyone regained consciousness, she began to ask them why they looked at her, she seemed to see a ghost and thought this was a member of their family. They look at each other and point to a photo with incense. At that time, she was very surprised at a girl who looked like her. The shop owner realizes that the girl is not her daughter because her daughter was in a car accident while crossing the road back home a few years ago. The owner just thought that maybe there were similar people in the world, but for her senses she had already taken that girl, her daughter. She gave her lots of candy too. When she returned home. The girl was very curious about herself and those incidents. She tries to communicate with her superiors. But what they replied to her was that it was a secret she could ask for something when she fulfilled her wish and help people regain their hope. She has to take that hot box of hope to those who have sincerely given God's plan of success and blessing to save mankind. When she found out what was to be done, she hurried to her mother's room and picked up the box hidden in the cupboard. Then run out to the candy store again. This time she came to meet the boy, she told him all her stories and secrets, asking him to help her. The boy just feels like she's his sister because she always cares about the people around her and the people of the world. The boy decided to help her without reluctantly. Halloween is upon her and the boy and she are dressed in a Halloween costume. And knock on the door of each house designated to exchange candy for them. Unlike other children who come to ask for candy. The girl also wrote the boy name and told her members that the boy was the one who planned the whole thing for her. So that the boy can pray in the parable box. After the plan and results were as successful as expected, she asked the boy to pray for the parable and everything was settled. She returned to her home when she heard voices from her superiors asking her what she wanted. For her, she lives with everything and she does not want anything more out of the questions she wanted to know before. When she finished talking about her proposal, the girl felt very sleepy, she fell asleep in her dream, talking about what happened in her past. The girl was running across the road back home when a large truck broke down and hit her as she ran to help a cat running across the road. The girl was living happily with her mother and brother. Because her father loved her so much, he fell seriously ill and died after the girl was in a car accident. Before the girl's father fell ill, he walked past the antique shop and picked up a box of hope, turned it over, and the box opened. He felt like buying the box because his daughter loved the strange parable box. He also put a candy in the box, he said, "My daughter really likes this candy, if she was alive, I would have bought this box for her." Then he walked away. Because the unlocked puzzle box is half ready without complete the conditions. Only can collected her concentration into candy . And when her current parents opened the box for the second time, wanting to have a baby , it make her back to life again. It's like that box is given to three parable requests, like the Aladdin lamp. After the dream, she woke up and sat down in tears, excited about what she knew. Because She has parents who love her the most. Now she has added another mother and brother. she is so happy that those around her have given her love, especially her two fathers. And she also became a normal girl like other children after she completed the mission. She also told a secret to her family and to her past family. They believed her because they saw the photos and the story she told. The family party on both sides started happily.