
Time train by morn kunthea Short film: Romantic , Fantasy , mystery Author: Morn kunthea

* In many countries, they often use the train for their daily trips. The railway line is flexible for each area people want to travel to and is an easy way to reduce congestion and cut costs. At night, a mysterious train station appears as a triangular line with red and blue lines for special guests who are party members after completing missions in each area and boarding a special train to get to the last place they need to go. The train does not appear on the general train line. But it will appear on public streets that intersect in the city or on any street when members need to land to complete their mission. All members must use a code or nickname to hide their true identity on the train, there is a time rotation that allows them to get to where they need to complete the mission. Each room on the train refers to their mental energy from level one to level seven. After completing the mission, all members can also decide if they choose to live the time they have set aside and meet their loved ones. or start their own family with the appropriate group counseling for other members when they travel and know they are senior or junior members. But their memories will be erased because they are not the people of that time. Until they are dead, their souls will return to the train to roll into the room of a zero - where they will no longer have to complete missions just to enjoy the last trip. their family memories are erased, their souls will travel in the milkey ways of the universal or of choosing to be reborn again in the future of earthly life. They can also create the world of life they want to live. With their dreams, when they reach the goal of an undefined kingdom. And they will have the train they will drive with their loved ones and their passenger member. It could be the world they wrote in, scientifically, classically, and by magic, or whatever legends they wanted. On the train there is also a special recording for a family where they live and the leader of the group. Her husband is the driver, while the wife is the ticket agent for the special passenger. She has a chat cat that sends a voice message to everyone in the mission. And also other animals that follow their owners , ability depending by regions and species, like cats, dogs, horses, etc. The peculiarity is that each recording is not just a room, but a world of houses that their members dream of. There is also a selection of new members since they were babies, getting tested by each member every year until their teenage years is a real test. All of the members are not just friends or companions, but appear to be family. They have a role to play in tracking down those who cause chaos in the human world, those dark souls who swallowed up the original human soul. Therefore, they had to catch all the dark souls in a magic bottle so that they could be reborn after the trial. As for the leadership role of the couple, they are always on a mission with a group. They become ordinary people who live and support all the members behind them. and another can watch everyone like a TV show and support each other. Party members have unlimited treasures and reset them over and over again as magical creatives, they need performance sometimes being heroes or sometimes clowns until each succeeds in their mission.

* Ma asked her husband to let her pass into human life because her subordinates were stuck in the mission and were being deceived by members of the opposition. this couple has passed away several times in the past or in the future to completely help another member of the mission, but they are still husband and wife when they return to the train. sometimes they become brother and sister, father and daughter or family and enemy in human life. all members always have a headache from these couples and help them advise them as they will find fate through clues from members directly. but one of them always has an alarm clock . Sometimes the wife wakes up first and sometimes the husband wakes up first. She asked her husband to visit her group in the 21st century. But she must have entered the body of a woman she died of at the age of 16. The clock is ticking at 11:11 am and the real test to become a member is through a mysterious paradise in their Bibles, in search of souls and memories. Take what you are, whether it's bad or good. And when they do, they'll come back with a change of heart and real self-esteem at the same time. They will have a signal to give to the team members at 3 a.m. and each number is their parable and their test. After completing her assignment, she was able to become a member of the team, but sadly she passed away before they arrived. while walking through the door transport passage area entering the past or the future she was trapped, her original soul is in the past and loves living there with the members of our team who fell in love at the time . Her husband Da said what would happen if we were to find ourselves and age differently. She said to him: "Everything is fine, as long as we are not brothers and sisters" And if you are the first to wake up, you must protect me and give a signal to find my soul. Look in the eyes of both of us, you know the answer. But if you hesitate, someone will steal from me again and not blame me. We will be the mother and father of our member. Despite the different ages, we will meet like any other member whose partner they have found. And she joked to her husband, "If you're too old, you have to take care of me until you get on the train before me." If I knew you were trying to cheat on me, you would know how sassy I am. She also turned to their parents and told them to help them take care of their work while they went on a mission. Her husband simply nodded in his wife's stubbornness. And you have to remember that my eyes were not born with blue eyes. But it always changes color, because when my soul at all ages is dark blue, cycling eclipses the natural color with a change of purple when reflected by light. It represents pure blood, loyalty from afar. If my eyes turn orange, it means we managed to pray to complete the mission. And you also know that I have resin blood from old times like you. these are tough times if the enemy is trying to be lies and harm humanity. our family is magic so we need patience and courage in all honesty. After the discussion, their grandfather also said that he would join the mission, which might help them complete their mission faster. Talk about the enemy, there are those who invade and create fake news on social media to maintain their stronger positions out of jealousy of our group. They don't care about the peace of the human world. Only worry about power and money, which always creates endless wars. In contrast, our lineage focuses on sustainability, moving forward and increasing confidence, encouraging countries to move forward. Not only do they cause trouble by taking religion to cover their faces, but they also push young people to the point of killing each other, wanting to enslave people as their slaves.

* The weather started to get cold, Ma hugged her black cat to wait for the flight to Korea, where she had to meet with her party to discuss future development plans. She was shocked and amazed at the consciousness in a girl's body. Looks like the natural image of the girl is not bad, especially since her smile is very beautiful. She knew it was very dangerous for her because the power of her magic was so unusual. It is a blue jewel representing the sea. When she wakes up, she will be able to attract many people to use her energy to achieve their goals in a bad way. Therefore, she has to wait for her team members to come and rescue her or her husband in secret. She whispered in her heart that she would be a tiger when she met him because he had played a trick, she would discipline him to know the bitter medicine once. Seeing a sleeping tiger, don't assume the tiger is dead. She looked at the memories and adventures of the girl. Villains would often steal her dreams and erase her memories in order to gain the status of a secret person trained against the group. So she will fulfill this girl's desire to be one of the happiest girls in the world. She took her classic watch strap and stared at the clockwork mechanism, which spun back and forth like magical watch. She just nodded and taught the buttons what time the world was going back for 10 years. All the members of the event with the girls, they will come back ten years ago, all this is the power of time. The girl is still 16, even though she is 26. But for the bad guys, it will extend their life by 10 years. It is a condition of the exchange of time. She also thinks about what her husband has been doing for years. Why there is so much chaos. Before she wakes up, many people pretend to be her and exploit the work of her members. Perhaps the problem of the group of black magicians members, they want to maintain power and continue to appear younger or immortal with the oppression of young people for personal gain. No one can change beyond the laws of nature. She wondered why they were causing endless trouble like this from the previous generation, luckily she has the power of God to bless time because she represents the sea.

* A tall man with many bodyguards walked up to her. She didn't say much as they had to board a private plane. A man, sitting in the VIP lounge, grabbed her on his laps and put her neck on his shoulders. There is nothing strange about it, because he is her husband. She said my appearance is not bad, but the temper is not improving and hundreds of stuff. Then she lay down in his arms because he was so tall. As soon as they arrive in Korea. They did not rest, but went to their secret meeting place and immediately began planning their offensive. When these enemies cause unrest around the world to get people to sleep in the sale of illegal weapons. She knocked on the table angrily. After seeing reports that the enemy charged the food store to save the tyrants. And she used a deadly stare on her husband and told him to ask her team to create an antivirus program to destroy enemy data and unlock the radar weapon code in space to control all the wives of 'weapons immediately. After talking about the plan and the activities they need to do together, they spend the whole day preparing the plan and it is also successful. Her enemies also sent a message to her inbox with a white flag saying that they had surrendered and would negotiate a peace deal with them by dismantling the economically competitive structures and structures that escape the flames of the war. When their mission was successful, she and her teammates threw a party in the tallest building in town and used purple lights in the air to call her friends and family on the train to let them know they were had succeeded. To let them lead the train through another future era. And their group lived happily ever after, the time they didn't live and waited for the time to get back together on their train.