
Sky sea * Short film: Romantic , Fantasy * Author: Morn kunthea

* A girl who lives on an island with a modern house by the sea. Her father works in the telescope lab at the top of the tower. Because he was a scientist and an astronomer. On the island, he lives with his daughter. Her father said her mother had passed away since birth due to poor health. And her father doesn't let her go to school like other children. Because he said the outside world is full of scary people and dangerous things. So it was his father who taught him the education and the food they should get from fishing and a vegetable patch where his father was the creator in the forest near the house. At night, her father brought him a telescope to look at the stars in the sky and tell him about each star. He told his daughter that she was as beautiful as a star in the sky and in his heart forever. The story that fascinates her the most is the 12 zodiac that her father taught her about the different shapes and forms of the sky and represents the predictions of human nature and fate. The Earth revolves around our Sun once a year. Seen from Earth, our Sun seems to trace a circular path. This path defines a plane called the plane of the ecliptic (or simply the ecliptic). The zodiac is the group (or "belt") of constellations that fall along the plane of the ecliptic. It is through these constellations that our Sun seems to "pass" during the year. Although there are 12 astrological constellations of the zodiac, there are 13 astronomical constellations of the zodiac: Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Ophiuchus. The annual zodiac cycle was used by ancient cultures to determine the time of year.

* After looking at the stars in the sky, she always looked at the sea, which saw the constellations shining in the sky, like the blue light of a blue plankton in the sea shining with the light of the moon. She thinks that space is like an endless sea and that all the stars are like the souls of people who are waiting for them to catch the stars with a new birth to fill each person's empty body. And she thinks that when people die, their souls go back to space. The souls of all these stars, billions and billions, like the sperm of the unborn human race. Sometimes a star or a planet in the sky, people see it as the past of all these stars, because the light that can be seen and at a distance from the light, it can be a phantom star that has exploded. maybe our planet is also a past for other people who are also looking this far. When she came home, her father was cooking for her, and as always, her father was like her mother, so he could do anything for her. Before going to bed, his father always tells him about his adventures that come to put him to sleep. And she really wants to have experiences like her father, to travel the world and explore things like understanding the way of life, civilization and culture of different people. As always, she wakes up in the morning to prepare to watch the sun rise, but weird things are going differently from the state because she saw that the moon has not disappeared. It's more like another planet appearing in parallel with sunlight. She also ran to find her father, but she did not see her father in the house. So she ran to get a book about the planets. She wants to know what this planet is. It shocked her that what she saw was the earth . So what exactly is the planet she lives on? This incident only happens once, forget about it and it goes away and reverts to its original state.

* After the bizarre incident, she prepared to go to her father's lab and ask questions about what had happened. When she arrived at her father's house, she did not see him there, but instead saw a clock ball with a long hand pointing at 12 o'clock and a small hand pointing at 3 o'clock. But unlike other clocks, all digits are backwards, counting from the 12 hour clock to the 6 hour clock. She then walked to another room, which was her father's forbidden room. When she entered the room, she held her hand over her mouth because she saw her father are closing his eyes in a machine that appeared to enter data like a robot. At that moment, her memory seemed to come back to her, causing her severe headaches, dizziness and fainting in the lab. Code 1071 MK has been heard several times from the terrestrial signal transmitter to the spacecraft. No response from the pilot. After the pilot has flown in a triangular orbit, the interval between orbits at a specific time, which separates the foot and the arrow at 12 o'clock in the northern hemisphere. This mission is to fly from the inversion of the station area south of the antatrica poles to orbit below. The pilot was a courageous 26-year-old woman who graduated as an Air Force medic and former astronomer who had volunteered to take part in a secret Astronomical Observatory mission.

* As her spacecraft flew over Earth, it passed Aurora signals, which emitted light waves of rectangular diameter and the Earth's atmosphere. Suddenly her vehicle disappeared from the radar and the signal wave disappeared. When she regained consciousness and inspected her vehicle, she saw that the wiring was reconnected and she saw that her radar system was functioning normally, even though she tried to contact her members, no one contacted her. Made her decide to start traveling to Earth again, because her spaceship is not far from Earth, she saw that her spaceship had stopped between Earth's orbit and the moon. She wrote a text message to all space stations on Earth informing her that she was requesting a place to land when there was a space station in the Eastern Sea and a rescue team at sea. When she landed with success, what surprised her even more was that they were not the people of her time. But these are people who live in the future because buildings and other structures are completely transformed with advanced technology, which is in the year 3500, from the year of the test launch in 2025. Technologically advanced, some cities have developed a city with a glass screen covering their city. They can create astronomical views on the glass at night, and they can also create a layer of artificial oxygen in the glass. It is like growing plants in a cool place in a greenhouse and generating oxygen by plants in a conserved area. And science has created a multi-layered panel that covers factory exhaust pipes that can convert molecules into high-intensity electromagnetic fields to reduce ozone-destroying toxins and help support human health in the field with new atmosphere. Even seawater can be converted into water for human consumption. By creating a space and a method of evaporation into the atmosphere to extract of the rain into the water flow into the large water sources. It comes from the basic method of evaporate in sea area, following the evaporation of water in the marine environment. Just the taste is not completely fresh. With the number of animals and forests, it is increasing more than ever as people love and conserve the environment around them, even though they live civilized and high-tech life, they have a strong equality consciousness between nature and life. And the use of oils has been reduced by replacing it with electricity or solar heating.

* Transform those countries into environmentally focused ecosystems to balance human and natural growth. But all that is important to the environment is to be connected with modern technology so that each nation can move towards progress and stability. they discovered a number of environmental protections, such as electrostatic precipitators, which can convert toxic substances into molecular particles which can be converted into natural smoke. The meaning enters the atmosphere. It is an electrostatic precipitator that covers the panels of factory pipes or machine tank pipes. Crushing plastics without losing, burning or burying as before, in combination with a mixture of dissolved chemicals and biochemicals that can be used as fertilizer for the production of crops that do not affect humans and animals, but it becomes a very favorable nutrient for natural crops and also used to combine the change of dry land, or desert areas become land that can grow crops. As for the food that people eat leftovers and garbage, it can be converted into food for fertilizer or to turn degraded soil into fertile soil. And by encouraging people to earn savings points to reduce taxes by properly sorting garbage by community. The machine for converting sea water into pure water for use has been successfully tested by desert countries. And solar panels used instead of fuel. Large machines that convert condensed water are also installed in factories and water sources before entering the fresh water source. Large forest parks have been created in the city and in key areas that further protect against UV rays and fresh air. The younger generation has a higher level of consciousness and intelligence that they control, and their mind and soul use peace rather than violence. Each religion is also united in a new law that allows people to learn to understand the connection between spirit, compassion, mutual understanding, and the combination of mental training that heal their mental problems with Peace. Even the freedom and openness of people to secularism and race is much better than before, as they choose to create new discoveries that do not harm natural resources and live in greater prosperity. She walked out of the office where she was already working, she smiled at the blue sky with a fresh atmosphere. She believes that if the people of her generation saw their descendants build the nation would be at peace and at peace with a stable land with lush vegetation and a pure atmosphere, Their is really appreciated by their descendants.