
Introvert Movie Fantastic art, illuminated, mysterious, thinking mind Author Morn kunthea

People in society are very different, they think and focus on the environment they want to live in. In the Introvert, a group of people with different personalities have created a new society for themselves. Maria, who is the face of the clowns and Sandra is her boyfriend as a designer and author, created the place and the atmosphere for her and their band members. Her house has a sloping roof in the middle of the sunflower garden on the left and a fish pond on the right. But all of them are solar-powered rubber fish. If their group is having a party at their house, they should be given at least a year's time to prepare. Because she and her boyfriend had to redesign the house to accommodate them. The launch of the new satellite was a success for one of their members, so they were also throwing a party at Maria and Sandra's house as the group leader. Sandra was busy drawing , wearing only boxer shorts and a sock, and a vibrating coffee machine to serve coffee when he needed it. Maria wore her balloon costume with comedic heavy makeup to the supermarket to buy the materials Sandra needed. Her car had small wheels and a central steering wheel unlike other cars. On the way back, she saw a group of cyclists riding on either side of the road. She opened her car window which looked like a window house and took out a candy to the leader of the rider, but as soon as he got her candy, his wheeled bike fell and the person behind him fell on top of him after the other also fell too. Suddenly, she saw that her good intentions were causing trouble, so she hurriedly pressed the red button, put the missile locomotive on the rear wheel, and moved forward as fast as a runaway plane.

Once back home, she was quick to cling to her boyfriend, telling him what she had been mess up while he watched the victim biker's interview. She said it wasn't her fault at all but she cried in fear. Sandra sees this, wore an opera mask, and plays the piano to comfort her as he opens the music to a group of iron frogs and toy lizards blowing his trumpet to accompany his music. The song says that even though she cries she is beautiful like a grass that grows on a mountain that does not die easily and her face so thick as Rubber road so no need to be ashamed or afraid. She loves his compared word in the song as much as he shows his love for her. While they were dancing, the police arrived to look for Maria and Sandra told her to hide in the bathroom. The police searched their house but could not find her, leaving only the bathroom downstairs. Sandra's heart pounded rapidly as his white t-shirt on the right side was also hammered. He also wondered where Maria would run to hide if there was no window in the bathroom. When he shouted as the police opened the bathroom door, Maria was not found. Sandra's heart returned to normal and took on deep breath. The police returned with no choice but to issue a disciplinary card to their family as this was also an unintentional case. When the police leave, Sandra rushes to the bathroom again and looks down at the toilet that called her name. Because he was afraid she would run down the toilet because their sewer was too big and the hole could let her in. Maria started to answer and she was on top of him. Because she has circus skills, she could bend over her body and bend over in the closet. She came out breathing rapidly as if she was losing oxygen. They both talked for a while and went to cook together happily in the kitchen. In the evening, some guests didn't plan to come, so they had to cook more food for their guests. Due to the drunkenness, the male team started talking weirdly relative to the first member pointing at the second member If his son size was just Pea Eggplant because his was shorter than anyone. The second member refuses and says he has an eggplant, not a pea eggplant as everyone teases him, if everyone doesn't believe go ask his wife. The wife wears a one eyed hat and stares at her husband unsupportively as she does not like her husband being drunk and talking unhygienically. So she replied that her husband was the size of an eggplant, but he was choking on water and could not stand up like a rotten eggplant, she just finished talking , everyone went bursts out laughing. A group of drunken men fell to the ground, making the women very angry and wiped their faces with a dirty towel, and dragged them to sleep on the giant couch. after getting ready, a group of women rush to play the Uno cards until dawn.

Before the weekend party arrives, the couple go to an abandoned theme park, retrieve swings and hoops from the park, fix them up and place them in the backyard of their house for their group to entertainment. When Maria climbed the cube, which was a tall iron bar, she sat on it and took a hand to cover her eyes from the sun and thought she might be a vampire, because she wasn't not holding too long under the sun and her skin started burning red. Sandra, who came up behind her, handed her banana sunscreen and a pair of sunglasses like a bigger spoon and told her the temperature was 45 degrees, if it was that hot it would be weird if she didn't feel burned and he was told to come down and help him set up the swing. She complains that her boyfriend is a tree stump, doesn't understand the atmosphere and romantic drama like her. They fixed it until dinner time, they ordered a double pizza with lobster mixed with squid and fresh milk mixed with black coffee. Because they drank coffee that night, they couldn't sleep until dawn and fell asleep while the rooster crowed. One of the parties, everyone wears their favorite hobby, some couples wore TV hat, monster costume, alien costume, cosplay and so on. In the first room there is a newly created pool for children to swim in with water just up to their ankles. Next to the first floor is a room full of clocks, with a memory game for members who can punch the clock in each of the countries around the world and win a rubber butt and booby watch. The girls' rooms, which is a pink shower room, is full of small rooms with dolls that they like to play with. And the special room is the ping pong lounge with lights dancing to the beat like club lights. As they happily sang together, the sound of helicopters descended on their backyard, with high-ranking national police officers storming Maria's house through a window to capture all the members. The only police chief who walked through the door and demanded the immediate summons of their group to aid national security. Their group could not refuse and also accepted and surrendered to their country's Ministry of Defense. And it is also their role as a specialized scientific team with great expertise in all fields. The meeting ended with their team having to come up with a protocol to smash the star that was about to hit their country's national satellite. And the crash could detonate fragments in the center of their city. When they started their jobs, some officials made fun of their introverted appearance. But they don't care about them, thinking that people who like to look down on others are just dust like atoms, and smaller brains like a bean that sound cluk cluk when they shake their heads. To their brain, their senses are so bright and invisible that ordinary people cannot understand them, and only the enlightened can understand them.

Their team analyzed using only the glide protocol to fly the star out of orbit using the power of a missile from Maria's wheel. Suddenly, the satellite their friend had previously launched sent a signal that their satellite was also close to the asteroid. Sandra's friend ordered the baby robot from his satellite to fly and cling to the star. The robot immediately checked the data and found that the asteroid is more valuable than gold and diamonds and would be very valuable if the asteroid could be used on Earth. The quarrel between the greedy officials, when they heard this, also wanted to delay the removal of the star from the earth. But their group does not agree to change the plan if it continues to destroy the city and people's lives, especially the price of gold and other valuables on earth and become meaningless cheap, replaced by the star. The officers therefore attacked their group. A fight ensued and Maria shouted that she was not a godless who could be beaten at will. Although she was not held back, she was pushed back when she felt hurt and Sandra helped her by using fire hoses to shoot the officers. Their team also pulled a button to launch a missile to repel the asteroids and it would almost certainly hit both satellites. The officers were taken into custody by senior officials for work disruption and disruptive assignments. Their group returned after a successful campaign and presentation in front of national reporters who stood there smiling like horse show teeth and nodding. Maria rushed to look at her sunflower garden, which was partially on fire, and saw that it was her friend's fallen robot. They opened the robot's box and discovered that there were nearly a ton of asteroids that the robot had cut, which made everyone very happy and continued their party. Sandra took Maria to see the 5D glass fireworks in the room while everyone fell asleep. She was so happy that she enthusiastically jumped on her boyfriend's neck and they danced together in the room full of happiness.