
Fantasy Paradox

Reincarnating in a magical world, wielding a legendary sword, taming a dragon cub, adventuring with a strong and beautiful partner (or a slave) and finally, killing the demon lord and his generals with the power of friendship… Those are all the fantasies Sally Jake dreamt of to escape his mundane life and enter a magical world filled with adventures. ...not when he was reincarnated in an absurd and twisted fantasy world that has chickens for dragons and is destined to be destroyed in impossible ways, he realizes that his dreams were more than nightmares. Even with his literally broken-down system and an unpredictable game-changing ability: [Ultimate Skill: ROR (Reverse/Opposite/Reflect)], which allows him to reverse and reflect anything he wants and everything he doesn’t want, Can Sally Jake really overcome his fate and save the world? Or will he succumb to his own power and become the ultimate villain? Find out in this thrilling and hilarious story of fantasy gone wrong. -------------------- Author's Note 1: This isn't cliché, it's a PARADOX! Author's Note 2: Don't be fooled by the comedy tag and its initial premise. Author's Note 3: I really like the POV of side characters who watches MC doing crazy and unbelievable things. I'll be doing the same. -------------------- All characters and places in this novel are frictional and used only for pure entertainment and not meant to offend someone or something. The cover is created by AI-sensei.

Sin_Theta_San · ファンタジー
35 Chs

My Luck…

I sat on the floor, feeling disappointed. I was eager to have a worthy battle that would test my skills with that undead dragon, but fate had disappointed me once again.

"Who knew that the Guardian's heart was laying around the floor like trash? Damn, this is truly a cursed tower. I wonder why no one can clear it till now."

Rinrin had told me that the Old man had been sending people here for a long time, but I hadn't met a single one. Maybe everyone was already dead? Why couldn't anyone clear this tower?


I thought of something and opened my system.

"WTF! Forget about clearing this tower, no one can even survive on the first floor."


[Guardian of the First Floor – Cursed Great Golem of Tombark]

> Level – 78 (Summon)(Cursed)

> Health – 5,000

> Strength – 100,000

> Defence – 80,000

> Mana – 20,000

-- Title: Guardian of the First Floor.

> Gets control of the first floor. No one can escape from the eyes of the Golem. It will know the positions of all the visitors on the floor. No one can resist the effects of all the skills on this floor.

-- Skills:

> Cursed: When someone sees the eyes of the Golem, they will be influenced to attack it.

> Carnage Air: Will emit killing intent which can make anyone lose their mind in fear.

> Mountain: The weight of the Golem will be that of a mountain.

-- History:

> Once a loyal guardian of its Summoner. Now, cursed by a God and become a guardian of the Cursed Forgotten Tower.


As I read the details of the Iron Golem once again from a new perspective, everything started making sense. Every skill it possessed served a chain reaction, and no one could escape its grasp - literally no one. But, I was lucky enough to have a Unique Skill – ROR in my arsenal.

"I'm the only one who can clear this tower," I thought to myself.

After seeing the system, I closed my eyes and laid back. That wasn't just my proclamation; it was a fact. No one could clear the first floor - no one. However, if someone managed to clear it, even by pure chance, then they would be the only ones with a chance of getting to the next floor.

The Iron Golem's strength and defense were too high for a first-floor monster. The creator of this Tower hadn't taken any chances and had made this an impossible floor - impossible for everyone, except for those with my skill.

As I thought about it, the title "Guardian of the First Floor" became clear - it gave an absolute advantage. No one who came to this floor could resist the skills of the Golem, not even my Expert Skill – Comprehension, which had even activated when I first saw Lafa. As a result, the Iron Golem's title combined with its skill, Cursed and Carnage Air, made the first floor impossible to clear.

But my skill gave me so much power that I had ended up killing the Golem even under its effect. The second floor was no better than before.

As I deeply pondered the situation, I suddenly realized that I was in a rush and got up. I opened my system once again to check the remaining time. But soon after, light started to illuminate various parts of the room. Now that the light was here, I could see what was in front of me and what I had stomped on.

Feeling mentally exhausted, I wasn't even surprised after seeing what monster I had killed. With a heavy sigh, I got up and dusted off my back.

"I have 2 hours and 50 minutes. I have a feeling that I'll need a weapon for the next floor, but where can I find one?"

As I thought about finding a weapon, my eyes locked onto the carcass of the Guardian of the Second floor. I had accidentally stepped on its heart and killed it, and now seeing its body up close, I had to accept that it was a monster.

It had a gigantic green body, probably three meters from when it was alive, with scales and spikes covering it from head to tail. It had four pairs of legs, no wings, and a chameleon-like face filled with sharp teeth and horns.

As I looked around the room, the sight of the decaying dragon made me think about how impressive it must have been in its prime. Its spikes and scales once glimmered in the light, but now, most of them had fallen off, leaving only a heap of decayed meat and bones.

I searched around the floor for any possible weapons, but all I found was dust and a squashed dragonfly. Frustrated, I muttered to myself,

"Damn. This is a shitty tower."

The strong smell of the decaying Basilisk body was spreading in the room, making it hard to breathe. I didn't want to go near it, but I knew the only possible weapon was with that dead body. Holding my nose, I walked towards the broken head of the lesser dragon and broke off one of its long horns.

The longhorn was nothing like a sword, but more like a fish bone. I swung it a few times, but I didn't like the feel of it. With a sigh, I realized that I was running out of time and had to make do with what I had.

"Well, better than nothing they say."

As I spent another five minutes searching for the stairs, a thought kept swirling in my head. What if today was my lucky day? I had already slain two impossible monsters without so much as a scratch. Wasn't that enough evidence to consider myself Super Lucky?

I couldn't help but feel excited as I approached the door to the third floor. I took a deep breath, steeling myself for whatever lay beyond. Notifications from the system started to pop up, but I barely gave them a glance. There was an inexplicable feeling of confidence bubbling up inside me, and I knew without a doubt that I could take down the Guardian Monster without breaking a sweat.

"Time to check I'm lucky or not"



[You have entered the Third Floor of the Cursed Forgotten Tower!]

> You cannot leave the floor until you kill the Guardian.

> Stairs to the next floor will only appear when the Guardian dies.

[Guardian of the Third Floor – Cursed Acid Slime]

> Level – 85 (Acid Slime) (Cursed)

> Health – 100,000

> Strength – 50,000




[You have successfully killed the Third Floor Guardian – Cursed Acid Slime]



As I approached the Acid Slime, I remembered its weakness from my previous hunts in the Beginner's Area. Slimes have a transparent blue jelly-like body and a single monster core inside them. Remove the core outside or destroy it, and the slime becomes a paste. Most people don't bother destroying monster cores, as they can sell them in the guild for some coppers.

But this floor's guardian was different. Normal slimes were 15-30 centimeters in diameter and had a round core about the size of a golf ball. This monster slime, however, was three meters tall, with a red transparent body and a massive 30-centimeter core in the center. It was practically begging to be taken down by someone with my strength. And so, with just three steps forward, I killed it without breaking a sweat.

"Just like I thought"

As I caught my breath, I couldn't believe my luck. I had just defeated the Acid Slime, the guardian of the second floor, just be throwing the cursed horn of Basilisk. It was a risky move, as any normal weapon would have disintegrated before even reaching the slime's body, but I trusted my instincts.

As I fell to all fours, disappointment briefly washed over me. But then, a sense of madness took over. For once in my life, luck was on my side, and I couldn't contain my excitement.

"Finally! Finally!! For once in my life, I'm f*cking lucky!!!" I shouted to no one in particular.

The dark clouds around me seemed to grow thicker, making it difficult to breathe. I took a moment to compose myself and surveyed the room. The body of the Acid Slime was now molten and slowly crawling away, emitting poisonous fumes.

My luck had finally turned around, and I couldn't wait to see what else this tower had in store for me.

I didn't panic at the acid coming my way, instead, I started to look for the stairs to the next floor. Luck was truly by my side. In less than a minute, I found the staircases leading to the next floor just beside me. With absolute confidence in my luck, I ascended the fourth floor with a sense of pride.



As they say, too much of something can cause anyone to die. I couldn't believe my arrogance. I let my luck get the best of me and didn't even bother to check the notifications on my system. I charged into the fourth floor without any preparation, completely forgetting that this tower was created to be impossible to clear. I got what I deserved.

As I entered the fourth floor with a smug grin on my face, something hit me with so much force that I was sent tumbling down the stairs all the way to the third floor. If it weren't for my Skill – Comprehension and my instincts telling me to shield myself, I would have been dead instead of just losing 80% of my Health stat.

Coughing up blood, I felt every nerve in my body shaking with fear. Every movement sent waves of pain through my body as if I were being pierced by needles.

*Koff, koff*

"Damn it, this is the worst way to die," I muttered to myself, feeling regret for my arrogance. "If only I didn't let my luck get to my head, I might have been able to fight that monster a bit longer."

I was sitting with my back against the wall opposite the staircase to the next floor. The right side was blocked by more walls, and on the left, deadly acid slowly crept towards me. I knew the guardians couldn't leave their designated floor, so that wasn't a worry. My only concern was the acid, which was now only three steps away.

I hoped to rest until the last possible moment and then crawl my way to the second floor, but first, I needed to check the system notifications I had ignored. I willed them to appear before me.

Everything seemed to be going according to plan, but I failed to consider one crucial factor: the tower's creator was insane.



[You have entered the Fourth Floor of the Cursed Forgotten Tower!]

[Guardian of the Fourth Floor – Cursed Crazed Serpent]

> Level – XX (Great Serpent) (Cursed)

> Health – XXXX

> Strength – XXXX

> Defence – XXXX


[ERROR: Analyzing the Fourth Floor and its Guardian has failed.]

> Reason: The interruption to the System is greater on Fourth Floor and onwards.

> System can only figure out that the Guardian of the Fourth Floor, Cursed Crazed Serpent is Crazy with only its hunting instincts remaining and has the independence to travel to other floors once released.



I looked at the message from the system with narrowed eyes. Then, I lifted my head and stared at the dark staircase that leads to the fourth floor. My entire body, mind, and even all the cells in my body were concentrating on the stairs. I could feel my skin getting colder, sweat forming on my forehead, and my heart beating like a war drum.

Soon enough, I saw two vertical red eyes staring back at me. With a sneer on my face, I talked to myself. "As they say, if you stare into the Abyss long enough, the Abyss stares you back."

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