
Fantasy of Immortal

DaoistjE7izh · ファンタジー
3 Chs

Stone test...

(There is no equality between humans mortals and immortal Gods...we are mortal and always get torcherd by immortals.We know that one day our mortal will become immortal and destroy all the Immortal Gods

and Gods enemies are demons.)

Hello! Mortals....I am jong yu.Today, I am here to take some mortals with me.So,They can become immortals and help us to fight against demons...( jong yu )

I know mortals can't become immortal only in 100 years..(Du hai in his thoughts)

They only want to use us to fight against demons.By giving our sacrifice...(Du min)

Son,Do you remember what I said to you?(Du min to Du hai)

Yes, father I remember.....(Du hai)

Good, let's give test...(Du min)

I will try my best to hide my strength...(Du hai)

You are very genius and you are my son our whole kingdom depends on you so ,please try to protect us...(Du min the emperor)

Ok, father....(Du hai)

Now ,we start taking tests please come first emperor..( jong yu)

(He put hand on stone to give test)

Oh! Your cultivation is so low you will barely surpase heavenly relam...(jong yu)

Then , kingdom people your turnd..(jong yu)

(Only 6 people selected)

It's your turn young master Du hai.(Jong yu)

(He put his hand on Stone his power rank was less but suddenly the locket his father give him brust and his powers reveals)

Master Du hai ,you have surpassed celestial rank already....(Jong yu)

You are coming with us....(Jong yu)

No,no,no son...no(Du min)

Father, stone wasn't able to hold my powers.Now,I have to go with jong yu.. (Du hai)

I spend lots of money on these lockets..(Du min)

Take care of Du lio.(Du hai)

Never,let her get hurt... I don't know if I will get back or not.....(Du hai)

Young master,jong yu is calling you... it's time for you to come with us..(disciple)

Ok,bye father....take care of our family and take this jade stone it will tell you if I died or alive....(Du hai)

Sure son,(Du min)

I wake up the protector tomorrow's night....(Du hai)

Young master! jong yu is asking for you...(Disciple)

Ok bye,Father....

(They took their flying swords towards the fire celestial hall in heaven)

(After reaching there....)

You mustbe tired....recover your power...

We have to fight Demons tomorrow...(Jong yu)

What? That wasn't decided...(Disciples)

But now it's our immortal god order.. you have to follow if you wouldn't then die ....(Jong yu)

(At night in his room)

I have been start my cultivation since 16 years...and their are 10 levels to become immortal 1st level is Entry level and has 3 steps,2nd level is Martial relam have 5 steps,3rd level is foundation building and has 7 step,4th level is power production and have 9 steps,5th level is celestial realm having 11 steps, 6th heavenly relam and has 15 steps,7th is heaven define relam having 19 steps,8th is God having 23 steps,9th is saint having 26 steps,10th immortal have 35 steps...