
Fantasy in Azure.

Alex reincarnates in a fantasy world, he is not the protagonist but he cannot be considered the villain either. Follow Alex and his quest for power to control his destiny, repaying kindness, but also paying in spades for the evil received. Fantasy novel, with romance without harem.

VientoEnElRio · ファンタジー
4 Chs

Chapter 2

Episode 2.

5 days have passed since Alex returned to the mountain house, but he felt frustrated, there was no progress, mostly it was the form of training in Qi gathering but it was a basic method that if everything went well you would reach until rank 2 . As for being a mage, there is indeed a basic training guide, but it is for a Lightning element mage . Alex naively thought that having a larger mana reserve than most was enough to become a mage but It is not like that .

In Azure there are two paths to take if you want to become someone strong, the path of the warrior or the magician.

A warrior trains by a Qi collection cultivation method, there are different manuals to train, but most are in the power of those famous families or academies and there is no way for them to lend their methods to common people or other families, a good method can take you to the top in Azure. Even without having the opportunity to obtain a Qi gathering method there is a chance, there are actually records of warriors who reached rank 2 with only rudimentary training.

However the requirements to be a mage are more difficult, a mage needs to have a large mana reserve and immense mental strength, those requirements alone cause many candidates to be ruled out, however that is not enough, you still need to be suitable with some element, so you can train said element and advance accordingly.

In Azure the growth of a warrior or mage is measured in ranks ranging from 1 to 9.

Upon reaching rank 9, a warrior is practically invincible in battle. It is no exaggeration to say that a rank 9 warrior can defeat hundreds of enemies alone.

A rank 9 wizard is given the title of archmage, an army that has archwizards in its ranks will cause incalculable damage due to the range of the spells.

There are no methods beyond those ranks but there are people who crossed that threshold, beyond rank 9 is the Saint level. People who can eliminate rivers and mountains with their powers, figures who are respected and feared by many.

There are academies throughout Azure for both warriors and magicians in which they give you a method and guide you, if everything had gone in order and with the corresponding guidance Alex could have become a magician without problems, but time has passed, when most part of the students start at the age of 8-10, for him it is already too late. Liliana, Alex's sister, although to a lesser extent, also had bigger mana reserves and is currently studying at the Agnes Academy, which is the most prestigious in all of Azure. Even students from different regions travel for a long time just to be able to look for the opportunity to study there, just by being a student of Agnes academy you can enjoy a lot of reputation. Even so, Alex never heard what Liliana had to do to study at the academy, the only thing that he heard was that his father had to pay 20,000 gold coins as a registration fee for her to study, and not only that but he sent her a certain amount of gold coins so that she could buy necessary things.

"Such disparity in the treatment of children, why is this like this? …Am I really without possibilities? "

Alex's mind was in chaos, since he woke up he has tried to overcome adversity, but his resources are very limited.

Knock Knock!

"Young master, I can pass?"


City Viento en el río.

7 massive continents known so far exist in this world and the continent where the Niels duchy is located is the second largest called Azure, having the same name as the planet, within the Azure continent there are 2 Empires, a Kingdom and a Region. In the northeastern part of the continent is the Waterfall Kingdom and in the eastern part of the Kingdom is the Duchy of Niels right on the border with The Beast Mountain Range .

The Duchy of Niels is very rich in minerals and its fertile lands generate a great source of resources for the kingdom, many myths and legends were born in these lands, bringing with them fame and pride .

A legend of the duchy of Niels is the birth of the enormous Lake Victoria that is located right in the middle of the city Viento en el río, long before after the city was founded, legend has it that two Saint-level combatants had their battle in this place, the two combatants were rivals who hated each other to the death, so they did not hold anything back when attacking and one of those attacks was so devastating . That destroyed everything in a radius of 20 kilometers, as the years passed all traces of that incredible fight disappeared but the lake, according to some people, is a clear example of what a powerful Saint-level combatant can do.

Near Lake Victoria is a magnificent mansion, just to reach the main entrance two enormous sculptures made of stone welcome you, followed by an extensive garden full of plants, flowers and fountains of different sizes and you even can see that the garden has life, animals of different species make this huge garden their home. To get to the mansion from the city you have to take a path that crosses the middle of the lake, the view could not be more spectacular, of course there are other ways to get to the mansion but most choose to take this route .

<<Why 8 did they send for me, literally don't care about and are not interested in what I do, as remember since was years old have lived the cabin near mountain range from time to am called return, only a few servants with but now suddenly called. This cannot be good, can do? …I wish had enough power do whatever want I'm just normal person.>>

"Young master, the lady and the Duke are waiting for you in the main room, I only can accompany you here because I still have some tasks to attend to." Alex noticed that his mother was named first, generally in the Azure label who have the highest power is named first , no matter what gender or race it is, it will always be like that, following that logic that should be his father, a level 7 warrior and having the dukedom in his possession, he is undoubtedly the highest figure. Alex immediately felt a bad feeling about that .

The mansion is huge and during his tour Alex couldn't help but a conversation caught his attention.

"This time the young lady came and the madame was very happy, she couldn't stop smiling."

"You're right, and the boy who accompanied the young lady, this... What was his name? Ahh yes it is true his name was Arthur, he was very handsome, he and she make a very nice couple".

" You're right, he is very handsome and manly, even the madam spent a lot of time talking to him, although if you ask me that is very strange."

"How much do you two talk?"

Another maid who had just arrived immediately warned the two young maids.

"I know you are new working for the mansion but don't let others hear you, especially the madam, if someone hears you talking about it I won't be able to help you even if I want to, in the best of cases they will just fire you."

"Mrs. María, we know we were wrong, please be lenient. "Maria is the wife of the butler so she has high authority in the house, although she seems like a rather strict woman, she is actually very kind to all the workers and she often helped workers with their problems.

"Stop talking about things you don't need to and go do your homework."

As Alex advanced he couldn't help but sigh inwardly.

Knock Knock knock!


Bowing gently, Alex paid his respects. "Father, mother, it is a pleasure to know that you are in good health."

Elena didn't look towards Alex, it was Keneth who nodded towards him and asked him to sit down.

"Sit down, you've had a long trip."

"Keneth there is no need to sit down Alex, why did you take 300 gold coins without permission? …Don't you know that you shouldn't take what doesn't belong to you?" Alex immediately felt upset with Elena, first she didn't wait for him to rest and as soon as he came in she brought the topic to the table, he is her son yet they treat him worse than a stranger that her sister brought, this is outrageous.

"Father, you sent my sister to the Agnes academy, you paid 20,000 gold coins just for the registration plus what you send her every month ,even so I just took some gold coins to buy some books, but am I not even allowed that? …Am I not also a member of this family? "

Alex felt a mixture of anger, indignation and sadness. According to his memories, he was never sent to the academy how should be do it and he practically grew up alone if María had not sent someone to teach him to read, he would not even be able to express himself correctly. Although he has little memory of his past life returned and has a change in his personality, his feelings towards his family are complicated, he always thought that although the personality of his father and mother is cold towards him, they have considered him part of them, but how wrong he was and scolded the previous Alex for being naive.

"Stop it, you still have the nerve to raise your voice here, did your guts really grow that much? Guards, take him to his room and lock him up for me".

"You don't need to touch me, I can go myself." So Alex left the main room without looking or saying goodbye to his parents.

That same day but already at night Alex was sitting in his room, a moment ago María had brought him his food. The whole way from the cabin to the mansion is approximately 4 to 5 hours depending on the speed of the carriage and he had not had time to eat, however at this moment Alex was not hungry, he was frustrated by the circumstances in which he found himself. No matter how much he thinks, he can't find a solution yet , and he doesn't want to give up , even if it means leaving this house and never returning.

Night had arrived and a large part of the mansion was illuminated, however Alex's room was still dark, it was not because the room had a problem, rather Alex himself wanted it to be that way.

Suddenly a noise on the wall woke Alex up from his thoughts, more than anything because in that place there is nothing on the other side and there is an unbuilt area. A door opened and a lamp partially illuminated the room.

One silhouette was holding the lamp as it approached him, and a thought of I'm screwed invaded him, although he knew it would be in vain a thought about screaming appeared in his head, and when he was about to ask for help, a voice he recognized stopped him.

"Alex, don't make a noise, I'm your father, I've come here to tell you the truth of certain things and please listen to what I have to say,there is no time to lose".

Hello everyone, I hope everyone is doing well.

I wanted to thank you all for taking the time to read what I write, I know I have to learn a lot but I hope that thanks to you guys I can reach another level.

I will try to publish a chapter every third day and I hope that even if there are few people , what I write will please someone.

VientoEnElRiocreators' thoughts