
Fantasy in Azure.

Alex reincarnates in a fantasy world, he is not the protagonist but he cannot be considered the villain either. Follow Alex and his quest for power to control his destiny, repaying kindness, but also paying in spades for the evil received. Fantasy novel, with romance without harem.

VientoEnElRio · ファンタジー
4 Chs

Chapter 1.

Chapter 1.

What is death?

It is a question that I asked myself many times a long time ago, sometimes giving me a feeling of suffocation and helplessness due to the destiny that I would eventually have to face, I used to think if I would suffer in the last moments of my existence, you know, at some moments in your life you can get to have those existential thoughts. But returning to the topic, one definition of death can be the permanent loss of consciousness and the ability of the organism to function as a whole. For some religions, death is only conceived as a transition, almost like a change of clothing from the dense body towards another life or towards a rebirth. In any case, no one ever returned from death and gave explanations of what really happened after dying, only testimonies from people who were in a coma or went through situations close to death , who when someone asked, said they saw that light at the end of the tunnel. .

I have always considered myself average, in fact I feel that my life was full of very bad luck and part of that bad luck was my fault for the many mistakes I made, a son loved by my parents and a brother who shared good and bad moments, Despite the shortcomings I was happy, so I don't consider myself special in any way, but for some strange reason an event occurred to me that I never thought would happen.

Year 698 of the Julian calendar.

The beast mountain range is an area full of imposing mountains, extensive successions of mountains linked together, peaks that rise to great heights while their tops are embraced by the clouds, a pure and humid air that permeates the cells of any creature that lives in that place . The area is mostly inhospitable, full of mysteries and unimaginable dangers. On the edge of the mountain range there is a river that crosses through the middle of the mountain range, a river of clear water that is full of life, specks of light that have a bluish color come to the surface from its interior and sometimes you can seeing fish jumping which is a sign that the river is full of life, the river is surrounded by a bamboo forest that accompanies its flow throughout its journey, near the shore next to the mountain range there is a small house that is built of bricks and wood, the columns have a low elevation and lacks a capital. The roof is complemented by a large eave whose edge, especially in its curves, curves upward. Its structure is very similar to the houses that you can find in Asia, its appearance, although simple, is beautiful. Inside the cabin in the central courtyard, a leafy Ginkgo tree lies showing its splendor , close to there you can find a pond that is all covered by lotus with different types sizes and inside the fish swimming in tune.Next to the pond is a 16-year-old young man, it seems that he was just contemplating something, as if wanting to understand.

Two weeks ago he went into the mountain range, while he was trying to escape from a magical beast he had an accident , he fell into a cliff, fortunately more later he was found by a woodcutter, he was unconscious and on the verge of death, quickly help was sought and the identity of the young man was found it, he was the only son of Duke Niels, Alex Niels.

Obviously the Duke was informed of the event so that he could help his son, but his response surprised everyone. The Duke simply ordered that Alex be taken to the cabin to wait for a healer, but after two days no one arrived to cure him. Everyone present thought that Alex would not survive, but on the third day of the coma he woke up.


Alex still remembers the shock of finding himself in a strange place for the first time, remembering his previous father, mother and brother, he couldn't help it and burst into tears. The sadness of leaving them behind was such that the place gave him a feeling of suffocation, he felt that the air was not enough to breathe, everything was a feeling of oppression, he was like that for a few minutes feeling he would became crazy . But for some strange reason his chest began to glow and his mind began to calm down, giving him enough clarity to assimilate everything, after a few minutes he managed to organize everything in his mind and an accumulation of information came to his head . In a short moment everything was clear to him also his identity, he is the son and heir of Duke Keneth Niels, the owner of these lands .

The is a different planet called Azure, there are 7 massive continents on the planet and different types of races habit it, that's right, this is a fantasy world, just like the stories told in books and movies on Earth, a world with warriors and magicians, with stories that touch on the unreal, legends that evoke the fear and fanaticism of the masses, that is the kind of world he now finds himself in.

Unfortunately he is just an average person, when he was born the healers reported that the mana reserves in his body were greater than the average mage, he would be suitable for magic, but he never received any education or teaching so he couldn't take advantage of that resource, and that almost ended his life.

The reason why he entered the beast mountain range is that his mother Elena ordered him to look for the skin of a magical beast on the eve of his sister's birthday . At first he wanted to refuse but his mother did not give him the chance and his father well he always does everything to please Elena, so Alex gritted his teeth and with just a few guards he entered to the mountain range, but less than 4 hours passed when they were attacked by a pack of silver-backed wolves. Obviously they were not rivals for them and all the guards died, giving him some time to escape, in a carelessness he fell to the cliff.

"What a damn luck, I don't know where I ended up, but apparently my new family has a big problem, what's more, according to the memories I have, my mother has never treated me well and only shows her love to my sister." .

Alex remembers that most part of the time he was excluded by his mother and some of those memories is just her hitting him without any reason, one day he was playing with his little sister when suddenly she fell while she was trying to catch a butterfly, when his mother went out to look for Liliana the first thing she did was slap him despite that he was just a 5 years old guy, the blow was so strong that Alex's face swelled instantly, it was very painful but he knew that if he cried his mother would only get more angrier with him, so he could only cry in silence. Alex once asked her if she didn't love him, but she got angry and locked him in a dark and cold room without eating. The memories of his childhood are all like that, memories of a cold and controlling mother.

"I can't count on my father because he has always had a weak character in front of my mother, although he loves me there is no doubt that he loves my mother and sister more. If I remember correctly, my mother married my father due to a political arrangement, my father fell in love with her since he met her but from what I have seen she only treats him with indifference. Before Liliana was born my mother left a lot all the days and every time my father asked her where she was going she got angry and he just put up with it."


"You don't have to be smart to realize that she has never loved my father, but… Could it be that she was cheating on him?"

"Anyway, it seems that I must take advantage of my status as the Duke's son as much as I can and become stronger, I will have to find a way to be able to use his name before something happens."

<<Hmph, I don't know what will happen in the future but do is if take advantage of all resources at my disposal may regret it forever and can't afford that.>>


City Wind on the River.

Alex found himself currently looking for an introductory book on magic in a prestigious store in the city. He had larger mana reserves , so he decided that it was best to find a way to learn magic, It would probably be easier to search the guidance of a magician who would serve as a mentor but because his family's situation he did not want to take the risk ,and he also does not want his mother to find out that he wants to learn magic, for some strange reason he feels that it is best not to tell anyone . For so without saying more words he secretly took some gold and decided to go to the city and try to find a way.

"Excuse me, miss, I would like to take these two books with me."

"No problem dear customer,so do you have a membership to our store?"

"Excuse me? … If I don't have the membership, I can't buy the book?" Thinking that it would be a hard blow not to be able to buy the book, Alex asked in a frustrated tone.

"Yes you can, it's just that it's too expensive without the membership" the receptionist looked like she was very professional in serving customers, she noticed what Alex was thinking so she quickly explained.

"Ah, it doesn't matter, I'll pay the full amount."

So with two introductory books on magic Alex decided to return to the small house by the river. The atmosphere was quiet and the place was alone most of the time, a few servants served the place, but Alex could give them other orders to being alone, is the perfect place to do what you planned.

So with a determined mind Alex decided that he would take the reins of his destiny.

"This is my first time writing and English is not my language,I try to write this story cause is something that I was thinking for a long time,I hope you guys like it because I do this for fun, I hope to receive advice from you guys , I know you will find errors but I hope to improve in the future.

VientoEnElRiocreators' thoughts