
Fully Owned

Sleepily I went to roll over only to be constricted somehow from doing so. At the feeling of not being able to move my eyes shot open.

It was nighttime, but the interior of the bedroom hut was softly illuminated by candlelight. Wildly my eyes took in the fact that my hands were bound off loosely to the headboard.

Taino wasn't in the room, but his two wives were. I tried to sit up, but Winastra's hand to my chest pushed me back down.

Obediently I stayed down even as fear rocketed throughout me as to what could be about to happen. I searched for something to say, but surprisingly it was Wenzou that spoke, "We know that our ways are strange to you, but it is our way and now you are here to stay. Our ways are how we survive. Not all men can survive and thrive doing so as our husband does in this land. He is your husband too. We three are sisters and we serve him together. I will untie your hands if you promise to stay put and not fight either of us or our Master."

Somehow Wenzou's demeanor seemed kinder to me than before and I found myself whispering, "I promise."

Together they undid my hands and then Wenzou said, "Turn over."

I didn't want to, but I did. I was not prepared for it when both women started to massage me.

It was unexpected and yet without a doubt the most relaxing touch that I'd ever experienced. Time went by and as Winastra deeply massaged my shoulders, I felt Wenzou do something very unexpected.

Without warning one of her slim oily fingers pressed against the relaxed opening of my ass and to my surprise it slid all the way in. I started to rise up, but Winastra pressed me down.

I was caught completely unaware and with my ass clamped down on the finger within it, I whispered, "What are you doing?"

Instead of answering me though I heard Wenzou say to a third occupant in the room, "She is very tight. I don't think she's ever had this done to her before. With your permission I'd like to take more time in order to prepare her."

���Take all the time you want."

The sound of Taino's voice within the room was shattering to my nerves. The finger within my ass withdrew from me and in relief I closed my eyes.

The peace experienced at its removal wasn't to be long though. Wenzou lay down on the bed beside me and gazing into her eyes, I saw the steady knowledge that my torment had just begun and yet I saw no desire on her part to cause me pain.

Whispering, she said, "Whether you like it or not, our Master is going to take your ass tonight. It is a form of dominion and after it is done, you will never quite be the same. You will want him more all of the time this I can promise you."

So this was what Taino had meant by taking me hard. Tears came to my eyes as the enormity of experiencing what they were about to do to me only reinforced to me how savage this culture at the bottom of the world could be.

Winastra leaned over and reached forward to brush my tears away and said, "Listen to her."

I did my best to then as Wenzou said, "No matter what we do to get you ready for him there will be discomfort, but there doesn't have to be pain. As I push my finger in you need to breathe out. Focus on your breathing and always on relaxing. Okay?"

Numbly I nodded and then she was gone from view. Her small hand pulled at my hip and obediently I arched up.

I felt a pillow slide in beneath me and once again as Winastra's skilled fingers worked on the tension in my back, I felt Wenzou's oily finger begin to slide into my ass all over again. I breathed as I had been ordered to and there was surprisingly little if any discomfort other than for the strangeness of having something pushed into a spot that had never had anything pushed into it before.

I felt oil drizzled into the crack of my ass and if I hadn't been blushing before now I was doubly so. With the introduction of more oil came the passage of another finger into me and shakily I breathed out as my asshole was stretched wider.

Time passed by and with it came a third finger and then a fourth were stretching the opening of my ass wider than it had ever been before. When I wanted to stop breathing and clamp up Winastra would urge me to let go and Wenzou would dutifully pause until I regained enough control to let go and let what was being done to me occur unimpeded.

As discomforting as this process was I could not say that it was a painful experience. Not yet anyway.

Wenzou's fingers pulled at my hip again and dutifully I raised up further. A second pillow was slipped under my hips and now I was quite propped up and my feeling of exposure had never been greater.

My bottom was literally saturated with oil and it was no problem at all to take the spreading apart of even the four fingers that Wenzou now had pressed into my ass. Her fingers pulled free then of me and I felt both women shift on the bed.

I lifted my head and saw both of them lying down to either side of me even as I felt the bed shift behind me. A man's large, well-articulated fingers settled onto the spheres of my bottom and I knew a moment of absolute panic.

Winastra's soft voice spoke, "Do you want us to go?"

I shook my head negatively almost instantly. Both women placed a hand over one of mine that were now gripping the coverlet as I felt the head of Taino shaft began its virgin journey into my ass.

I glanced to Wenzou desperately only to hear her reassuringly whisper, "Breathe." I let my breath go out and as I did the invasion into my rear advanced and to my alarm it did not stop.

The feeling of a heated and heavily ridged shaft born all the way up inside of me in a way I had never expected to experience left me gasping for air. I could feel the curly hairs of his groin smashed into the soft skin of my upturned ass that was now fully gored to the hilt.

I simply couldn't handle the moment!

"Yes, you can!" Both women echoed out to either side of me and listening to them I managed to let go.

With a broken cry, I surrendered my bottom to the man behind me and he abruptly sensed it. Though very tight I was no longer actively trying to actively expel him and instead my ass relaxed to feeling the reality of the heat and pressure of his cock that wasn't going anywhere.

Steadily Taino drew his shaft back out of my ass until only the head of it remained and then he surged tightly all the way back up into me again and I clutched at the bed sheets completely overcome by the feeling of this possession. The two women's hands were gone from mine and suddenly I experienced the musculature frame of a very rawly passionate man stretched down across my back entirely replete with the knowledge that his cock was in a place no one else's had ever gone before.

His lips moved against the back of my neck and then his teeth gently sunk into my flesh. His bite hurt and yet it didn't hurt.

This wasn't so much a taking as it was a possession. There was something going on far more elementally then just the feeling of having his massive cock buried all the way up into my ass.

Emotional cries bubbled out of my lips as he continued to lick, suck and then bite at my neck as with an almost lazily restrained power he'd flex his cock halfway out of me only to then squeeze it hotly back into me on one steady slide. It was impossible to think let alone even breathe under his weight.

He had me. He had all of me.

He knew it too. His lips left my neck and I felt his hands drag down my sides until with their urging pressure my knees were folded over under me until I was brought to be kneeling prostrate before him.

Never had he left me and breathing heavily I lost all context of reality as my world was completely centered and reordered to be focused solely upon the feeling of his cock in me. Gasping, my mouth fell open in search of air as with hands holding my hips, he began to aggressively drive himself into me over and over again.

I was a complete ball of mixed emotions and overwhelmed senses and I jumped like touched by lightning as the feeling of two wet sucking clasps of sheer pleasure inducing contact formed at my nipples. In consternation I opened my eyes to see both women with one of my breasts each in their mouths.

Seemingly this was so wrong, but in truth was it? Really, was it wrong?

The heated shaft of a man who had kept me from being eaten today went deep and my breath came out in a keening wail, only it wasn't pain but rather pleasure that I was exclaiming. Everything became dim, then within my mind, even as I heard myself screaming.

The feeling of being deeply clamped down about the shaft within me so much so that he couldn't even move seemed to echo the reality that I had lost all control. As I held him pleasurably locked fast within my ass I could feel the hotness of his seed shoot even deeper into my body and yet again I was overwhelmed with the emotion of being possessed by him.

It seemed like hours that I was locked in a pleasure so intense that it was beyond description or even my voice's ability to do homage to even via the gasped screams of ecstasy that were emitting from me.

Finally, its grip on me loosened and as it did I collapsed forward onto my face literally losing touch with everything.


Breathing heavy Taino stayed buried to the hilt in the beautiful rear of an equally beautiful woman. Managing the breath to finally speak even as he enjoyed the orgasmic fluttering of her ass that was still constricting about him, as if still locked in proverbial orgasm, "Is she okay?"

Both of his wives smiled up at him. Wenzou spoke, "She just fainted."

Taino closed his eyes as the feeling of his new wife's ass was simply something sublime to be felt in the way that it was continuing to still clamp down in orgasm. Speaking with profound meaning, he said "Thank you for whatever it was you two did to provoke that kind of an orgasm in this woman."

Wenzou chuckled, "Actually, thank you."

Taino's eyes opened, "Why?"

"I orgasmed too."

"Me too." Winastra admitted softly with a smile.

Not wanting to, but recognizing the need Taino pulled free of the tight clasp of Tasy's rear. Reaching down, he pulled the pillows free from under Tasy's hips and the women helped him to get her on her side facing Winastra.

Tiredly Taino wiped his cock clean and lay down on his side behind Tasy. Wenzou purred like a kitten and cuddled into him from behind and with affection, he reached his hand back to pull her into him even more.

Within minutes the two of them were fast asleep even as Tasy was. Winastra got up off the bed feeling a bit like a beached whale in the process.

She went and checked on the two older children. They were fast asleep.

They were used to the sounds of their parents having pleasure with each other. That was a good thing, as maybe they would grow up to be likewise loving adults to their own mates.

The older girl was hers, but the boy was Wenzou's. It's didn't really matter. All children were everyone's to care for and love.

She went to the baby next, who had woken up hungry and sitting down, she nursed her back to sleep over several long minutes. The baby was none of theirs.

Taino and found her abandoned as so many babies were by the tribe, and brought her home. Winastra had already been lactating so it had only worked out too well to feed the baby.

The baby was a part of the family, just as the blonde girl now was. Going back to the bed she lay down beside Tasy and noticed that the girl was awake and very troubled looking.

Taino's hand now lay splayed over her hip quite possessively. Gently Winastra moved his hand aside and holding her arms open she made room for Tasy.

Tasy was a very emotional woman as evidenced by the quiet crying, she had been doing. She was also a very strong woman.

"Shh. I know tonight was intense. It won't always be so overwhelming like that, but there are those times that it will be, and yet next time you will be more ready for it."

Tasy was still crying and being the mother that she was Winastra lifted her breast and fed Tasy her milk laden nipple. At first Tasy rejected it, but Winastra was not to be denied.

As Tasy's lips experimentally formed into the actions of a suckle about her nipple Winastra softly began to hum and comb her fingers over and over through Tasy's beautiful hair. When all the milk was gone Winastra gently went about turning and pushing Tasy in against Taino.

Taino now lay on his back and reluctantly Tasy rested her cheek down onto his shoulder and let with Winastra's urging one of her legs ease forward to lay over the top of his even as Wenzou was doing on the opposing side. Both girls lay naked and pressed up against the body of a warrior able to keep them all safe.

Whispering into Tasy's ear Winastra asked, "Did you see what he was doing to Wenzou last night?" Tasy nodded her head slightly even as her pale cheek turned red.

"I bet that's you tomorrow at some point." Tasy tucked her face into Taino's side even more as if to escape Winastra's words.

She didn't see Taino's eyes open as he glanced over at Winastra who smiled over at him disarmingly. He shook his head and rubbed her cheek affectionately with his hand.

She'd known that he was awake to hear that and now he was under pressure to make it happen, not that he minded. For a woman who asked very little she had a way of getting a lot out of him though.

She took his hand stroking her cheek in hers and softly kissed it. Then she placed it against the white skin of Tasy's back even as she then cuddled into Tasy, but higher up on the bed so that her head could lay on a pillow.

She met Taino's eyes and softly said, "Your babies with her are going to be beautiful."

With the utter sincerity of the good heart that she knew he had, he spoke, "All of my babies are beautiful just as their mothers are."

Smiling and at peace she stretched her hand out over Tasy to let it lay on Taino. They all might belong to him, but reversely he was very much theirs in return.

She wouldn't trade that reality for anything in the world.

Taino spoke, "She speaks to the same God that you believe in."

Winastra smiled sleepily, "I know. You're surrounded. You should just give in."

She was asleep moments later, but Taino was not. He stared up at the ceiling as he found himself literally surrounded by the beautiful noise of three women sleeping peacefully, even as the beat of two of their hearts thudded against his rib cage and the third against his arm.

He had so very much to be grateful for in life. What was the point of being grateful though if you didn't have someone to thank for all that had been given?

For a long time Taino went over and over what he knew of Winastra's faith. Her faith was also Tasy's and in some ways even Wenzou seemed to be beginning to believe in this Creator God written about in the big black book that Winastra prized more than any other earthly possession.

What if there really was a God? If there was, he wanted to very much tell Him how grateful he was for this moment.

He didn't quite know how to though. Maybe he'd ask Tasy tomorrow.

Yes, he would do that.