
Fantastic Beasts of Records: Lecherous Prince Of The Sea

[ BRONZE WINNER OF WPC_ 312 ] Wyatt Jacob, a young man who hated the profession he once loved as a marine biologist after being brutally castrated and sexually assaulted by a pod of dolphins, had lived his life with pain and suffering as an impotent man having no other choice than to continue his work as a marine biologist with the emotional trauma that now accompanied it to earn a living. But that was until he met the 'Happiness god' who granted him the chance to be reborn in the 'World of Tharcania'. A world filled with wonders and mysteries as 'a pirate; -'a prince exiled by his empire and thrown into the sea. Now given another chance to live his life with his little brother intact, Wyatt will sail the seas of the 'World of Tharcania', exploring its beauty and wonders with the various pleasures that came with it. ................................. Disclaimer! The cover is not mine and belongs to its respective owner. Found on Pinterest. .............................. P.S. Please show your support if you like this book.

Shink_a · ファンタジー
226 Chs

Royal spirit

Borris's gazed at his hands as they trembled with such ferocity that it seemed as if they were dancing to the rhythm of an unseen force.

Truly, they were shaking!

The needles that punctured his skull felt like fiery stakes, and as time ticked by, the weight of his sword grew heavier, bearing down on him with each passing moment.

Suddenly, as if struck by a bolt of lightning, realization dawned on him with the snap of a finger. Knight Boris, the last ascendant of the Eser Kingdom, had lost faith not only in himself but in his entire kingdom.

The Grand Duke's head nodded with an air of understanding. "Ah, I see," He murmured. "Very well, if the favoured knight of King Kanit has chosen to take such a miserable path, I shall do my utmost to fulfil the promise I made to my junior brother and fallen King Kanit himself. I will do my best to guide you back onto the proper path".