
Fangs of the fallen

Could you ever imagine your peaceful turned to ruins in just one day. Well Elias could thanks to Werewolves They had supposedly ravaged the lives of humans since the beginning of time. No one knows where these beings came from but what everyone including Elias knows, is that Werewolves were nothing more than myths to scare little children into obedience. At least that was what he used to believe untill his village was attacked and destroyed. Vowing to take revenge he joins the Establishment - a magic welding group of humans set to defend earth. This story follows the journey of Elias - a boy fuelled by the death of his beloveds - as he progressives from a normal teenager to a mage adept at killing werewolves. But will his morals and motivation stay firm as he realizes that perhaps the world wasn't as black and white as it seems. extract lines "I , Elias , vow to murder everything single Werewolf alive and I will not stop until I die " "perhaps you shouldn't make promises like that too quick you might regret it " "who are you really ......."

Dante_Vlayd · ファンタジー
12 Chs

A mistake ?

"Ahhhh RUN , RUN AWAY . Please no please no I have a fam..." screeched a male. His voice faltering at the end. Straight after a choir of screams followed.

"whats happening ? we need to run " Elias screamed as he gripped his sister's hand. Whatever had happened at the village , had surely been bad news. But she shook his hands off almost immediately, her face filled with determination as she sprinted straight towards the burning village despite his desperate pleas. She had always been like , never one to think first or about herself. if anyone needed help she would spend hours even days assisting them. Elias was no genius but he knew better then to run straight into a village plunged in flames, that would be asking to die. But he couldn't abandon her, even if they weren't blood related they were still siblings. He had never shown his love for her openly yet deep inside he had thought of her as the biggest blessing he had ever had. And so after mere moments of contemplation, he opted to run straight into hell.

By the time he arrived at the village , smoke had already cascaded the area. it's thickness making his throat tighten and his face began to sweat profusely. He would only be able to spare a few minutes to find her , after that he wouldn't even be able to breathe in this air. Not only that but smoke had made it nearly impossible to see so he had to resort to squinting which hadn't helped him at all and with every passing second the likelihood of Elaine being harmed increased.

He desperately wanted to journey through the smoke but as if his soul and his body were two different beings, he couldn't command his legs to move. It was like someone had hammered them in place all of a sudden.

"come on, come on " he urged, his patience running thin. "Of all the places it's just had to happen here" he complained as he attempted to forcefully move his legs forward.

Click click

He froze . He had just stepped on something too hard to be a twig but too soft to have been a rock. Curiousity had gotten the better of him as his eyes trailed down to the ground despite every fibre and cell I'm his body telling him not to. His deepest nightmare had come true. Bones. Scattered all across the entire floor were bones, their whiteness a clear indication of how recent the massacre was. Covered by the disguise of the fog and smell of the burning huts Elias hadn't been able to notice the wretched smell of the blood and bundle of bones. It took all his strength and might to prevent himself from puking at the horrid site and whilst he regained his sense a daunting fact came upon him. Whatever had caused the dreadful demise of these innocent villagers was still here , it could kill Elaine or him.

He looked up not a second later as he observed the surroundings. Judging by the lack of human flesh the culprit must have been a predator but even with bears around during the winter , there had never been such deadly casualties before. Unless the Predator had been something the villagers had never seen before, perhaps this foreign creature had taken them by suprise. But what could be strong enough to have annihilated everyone in mere minutes yet sly enough to have been able to reach the village centre without being detected.

A werewolves . No matter how foolish the idea seemed, it was the only plausible one , but Elias shut down the idea as quick as he thought of it, for there hasn't been sightings of werewolf for a least half a decade and during full moons werewolves turned into humans. At least that was what he and all the other children were told.

But Elias didn't need anthor chance to ponder about it anymore as an ominous shadow appeared next to his own. Slowly creeping around.

His breathing fasten as the thumping in his heart increased to the point it had felt painful at times. He didn't even need to turn around to prove his suspicions for the shadow closing in on him had been a shape of a
