
Fangs {vamp vs wolf}

Drexel Stone is a man with the stone cold heart of an assassin with a moral code which had served him so well but that moral code was broken which lead him down a dark path away from the world of humans, is this fate's way of punishing him or helping him prepare for the battles he has ahead of him. It's one vampire, one pistol and one choice to make kill! or watch the world get claimed by a bunch of undead anomalies. .............................................. Hello author here please note that I upload new chapters three times a week i.e Monday, Wednesday and Friday and note no form of romance included. Thanks

Daniel_Louis · アクション
12 Chs

Chapter 6; Abducted?



I was home checking out some documents regarding the sales and some new introduced designs of the stallion group the automobile engineering company I started before Xi'an's call came through and he relayed what happened to me while I brood in silent anger a thought of a plan, Scar was a colleague or supposed to be one since I lost my parents at the age of fourteen and caught the fancy of a particular assassin who went by the name Triant who raised us both. 

So you could think we were actually supposed to take ourselves as brothers in anything but blood, however thats not the case, remember I said I was the reason he was named Scar that incident occurred the night after Triant's death went he tried to "settle the scores" as he said as a result of being better than him in some ways that matters. 

'How many of my supposed brothers am I meant to kill' I wondered before Xi'an's voice shocked me out of my reverie. 

" Are you there boss?" he asked 

" Yeah I'm here" I replied. 

" So what's your plan on this?" He inquired. 

" Well first of all, I need you to get me more recruits..." I started

" How many boss?"

" Two..."

" Just two?" I could sense his confusion and I affirmed to it. 

"The specifications?"

" A computer specialist and some one who can defeat me in physical combat" I said and he chuckled 

" I've not seen anyone who can actually defeat you in combat sir especially not now that you're a master vampire" he said making me also chuckle

" Yeah I know but just find two people with those specs and get here tomorrow" I said

"Okay boss" he said and went dark.

*** *** ***


I gained consciousness and met myself on a metal framed mattress and discovered that I was chained even though I was only half conscious I could feel the cold caress of steel on my wrists and ankles, I could also feel the splitting headache, I haven't been drunk in a long time so I can't comprehend what would make me feel this way, suddenly it seemed some dude in charge of my memory decided to turn on the switch because all that happened suddenly played back;

How I got cornered in my apartment by a pack of werewolves, drugged and dragged out, dumped in the back of a van and had some guy ran something like a wand over me which detected my embedded transponder and they had it savagely pulled out before receiving another dose of the sedative. 

Whoa! I've been through a lot, no wonder my body is slowly becoming a sea of pains, I briefly looked around, the room was empty but I knew a CCTV camera was probably mounted in some corner of the room and I ain't ready to alert my captors of my consciousness until my full faculties have returned, if I'm gonna take what's coming I need to be as fresh as possible


I flew back to New York City with the company I was required and got into Drexel's mansion to report with them, I met his Butler who said he was praying and I immediately understood Drexel Stone never prays I left Oscar and Oyumar with Bert to attend to and went to our secret planning room. 

I met him there with a cup of half finished wine(blood), from the look on his face it seemed he was far deep in thought. 

" Um Drex" I said and he look up in surprise

" You're here already" he said " er there was a question I wanted to ask you, how where you able to easily escape from those werewolves"

" Werewolves?"

" Yeah I was made to understand that Scar is now a werewolf and so are his men"

" What! Well I was attacked at eleven in the morning at Rome when it was probably five here you know the time difference"

" Yeah okay let's meet those recruits" he said and went upstairs and got to them waiting while I introduced them

" So, er quick question Drex are you actually a..." Oscar started and trailed off when he saw Drexel's fangs

" Did that answer your question?" He teased.

" Yep" he said and swallowed 

" Good" he said and led us back to the secret room " you guys agreeing to join me makes you my brothers now I need your help to rescue a fellow brother who's been captured" 

" By who? The FBI?" Oyumar asked. 

" No someone much, much worse" I replied. 

" What is he?"Oscar asked. 

" A werewolf" Drexel said and added " so what do we know about Scar"

" Well we do know that..." I began and trailed off upon hearing a ringing phone, it was Drex's who shrugged apologetically and went out to pick his call, I continued explaining about Scar in his absence only for him to rush back into the room. 

" Tap the location of this caller" he commanded and Oscar got to work immediately, taking over the supercomputer. 

" What's going on?" I inquired and he put the phone on speaker. 

" Um Xander, Xi'an's also here" he said and to my surprise Xander's voice reverberated from the phone's speaker. 

"Hello Xi'an!" He said

" What the hell! Xander how are you?"

" Not good, these guys gave me a hell of a beating" he replied

" Where do you think you are right now" I asked

" I don't know I was drugged here but I managed to escape the building and now I'm wandering in the forest around it" 

" Just stay as far away as you can from them" Drexel warned. 

"Yeah try to stay alive, the Calvary's coming" I added. 

" Okay I'll try, but those beasts, literally have the smelling sense of dogs I'm not sure if I can hold out"

" Just try and stay alive we gotta go now" Drex said and hung up, then we both simultaneously looked at Oscar 

" I've got him his at the Okefenokee wildlife refuge" he replied

" That's in Florida" Oyumar said and added " of all places why choose a forest"

" We've got to get there quickly for Xander to have any chance of survival" I said thinking of the fastest way to get there and Oscar spoke up. 

" Why don't you just mist us there?" he suggested and we all stared blankly at him. 

" I read somewhere that a master vampire can mist himself off to any location he has in mind with enough concentration"

" Wait I can actually do that?" Drex asked. 

" Yeah but the conditions are that you need to concentrate hard and desist from doing such in the presence of light the result of doing so is that you and what or who ever you're misting away with will heated to a thousand degrees and vapourise" he explained. 

"We've got to try it " I said. 

" Okay then we've got to go now the time is currently nine fifteen that gives us some hours, Oscar you stay behind and be our eyes, Xi'an, Oyumar c'mon" he said, we armed ourselves, Drex taking only two curved daggers, a pistol and two magazines of fifteen rounds each, we held hands and he closed his eyes in concentration, before long a powerful chill enveloped me and it suddenly seemed I went falling through realities. 

*** *** ***

Hey there readers, author here I'm sorry I haven't been faithful with the new chapter upload but I will now upload on Monday, Wednesday and Friday,

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Daniel_Louiscreators' thoughts