
Fangs {vamp vs wolf}

Drexel Stone is a man with the stone cold heart of an assassin with a moral code which had served him so well but that moral code was broken which lead him down a dark path away from the world of humans, is this fate's way of punishing him or helping him prepare for the battles he has ahead of him. It's one vampire, one pistol and one choice to make kill! or watch the world get claimed by a bunch of undead anomalies. .............................................. Hello author here please note that I upload new chapters three times a week i.e Monday, Wednesday and Friday and note no form of romance included. Thanks

Daniel_Louis · アクション
12 Chs

Chapter 1; How it all started


Hi, I guess, my name is Drexel Stone and I am a three year old Vampire with the full abilities of one of six hundred years. Though I had a life before that since I wasn't born this way but it wasn't a pretty one to talk about, how did it happen let me take you down the memory lane that lead to me being undead this is my story.

 To understand this you might need to learn a little about me, before I became a vampire I was formerly a professional assassin that goes by the name Forge mainly because I fight like a ninja and actually forge my weapons and minor body armor and I am part of a special crew of assassin I'm their leader actually but while we give deaths depending on what's expected of us, we only kill people who deserves it and we've got our moral code; we don't hurt pregnant women, old people or underaged targets the child doesn't even get to see an adult getting killed to avoid the imprint of that image on the child's memory forever. 

Anyway moving on, we're a minor crew of six highly trained professionals from different parts of the world starting from I; I'm from California USA, Xi'an from Japan the fastest fighter among us, Xander from Canada our sniper guy who delivers when needed, Anthony from Australia terrific at breaking and entering, Steiner from Russia our computer specialist, Osas from Nigeria the biggest of us none of us could pronounce his full name so we automatically christened it to Osas and from that to " Big O" he seemed unconcerned with his constant name change so we all got used to it sharing an easy comradship, and so it continued till we got a job that changed every one of our lives.

It was proposed by Xander who somehow got us a job concerning stealing some ancient relic from some d*ckhead amounting to a billion USD. The money was tempting but the gut feeling that had been serving me so well all these years decided against it I looked around and could evaluate the feelings of the others; Xi'an and Osas faces remained expressionless, Steiner and Xander looked excited while Anthony's excited, shocked and at the same time something darker, suspicious passed through his grey coloured eyes ignoring my sixth sense I prompted " what are the probabilities of failure?" I asked and could see that they were all surprised by my question for we never fail 

Osas immediately understood " boss if you think we shouldn't do this job we won't." He said in his deep baritone and they all locked gazes with me. Steiner, Xander and Anthony were obviously in the motion that we do it Big O was undecided just like me and I can't tap into what Xi'an was thinking so against my inner thoughts I said "let's do this"

 We arrived at Egypt that day late in the evening. The person with it currently has the place under strict surveillance as it turned he that he stole it also and was planning to sell it to some mafia Don via an encrypted transfer the following morning giving us just five hours to do what we've got to do.

As the leader I instructed Steiner with the aid of a specialized drone to map out key security features, Xi'an and Big O to stay on standby at the back of the perimeter fence and await further instructions. While I and Anthony loitered around till twelve midnight by then we had just three hours to the transaction going to take place. 

With the aid of a walkie talkie I gave the command and we scampered across the street to the fence where without breaking a sweat I boosted Anthony over the fence taking care to prevent shredding his hands on the shattered glass fixed to the top of the fence and climbed my way up myself landing quietly like a cat beside him then tapped my walkie talkie " we're in " 

" So are we " Xi'an replied 

" Good, tell Steiner to get working on their CCTV cam and refer the objective location to us "

" Already done boss, it's locked in a safe at the heart of the third building" Xi'an replied

" Copy, that's our rendezvous" I said and saw that Anthony was done double checking our equipment

" Roger that" 

We ventured into the building working by the sight provided by our night vision gear and entered the required room to find Xi'an and Big O already there drugging the occupants of that room a quick flash of a torch light revealed that it was Nigel the owner of the place and some girl probably some pro**itute arranged for him. 

"Xander what's our visual?" I said on my walkie talkie, located some distance away and covered in leaves for camouflage Xander was watching the back end of the premises with his favorite weapon a silenced 50 caliber barett sniper. 

" All clear" he replied. Anthony had already made some progress with the safe and without warning the door suddenly clicked open and the treasure was brought out it was a little disappointing really seeing as it was just a sword made of gold with strange hieloglyphics engraved on it.

" Great let's go" we had just gotten half way through the hallway when the heavy sound of klaxons rang loud enough to wake the dead.

"S*it" someone behind me said and soon bulletproofed guards with SMGs swarmed the building 

" Uh Xander?" I said into my walkie talkie

" Not good boss" he replied 

It took me only three seconds to form a cohesive plan " you guys follow me " I said and cocked my Glock we encountered heavy resistance on our way out the building and so had to dispatch Anthony and Xi'an while I and Big O covered them before returning into the building when they both had retreated to the safety of a waiting Jeep. 

 A lot happened between the space of the fifteen minutes we spent in there as we were boxed in by guards already I had a bullet wound in my hand and was bleeding profusely while Big O worked like an infatigable machine firing rapidly from his AK-47 and suddenly stopped.

" I'm out" he said

" So am I" I replied and threw three ninja stars with deadly accuracy and successfully brought down three men. 

" Look boss we stay here we die, there's a window leading to a thick jungle over the fence in Nigel's room if we can like hell make it there" 

I understood his plan and gave the signal for a go we ran off and on getting to the room he flew first using his massive body to break through freeing it up for me to dive through it was when we landed I saw that he had been shot too in the heart it was with his determination and momentum that he did what he did i said a prayer for him and tried to stagger on before hearing a snarl I turned and saw a huge bat hanging upside down on a tree branch looking at me obviously attracted to the smell of my blood. It flew down and landed on my shoulder in one quick motion and dug in it's razor sharp fangs in my neck I screamed in pain unable to get it off myself.

Suddenly I saw the flash of a metal and a knife dug itself into the bat's chest making it fall lifeless on the floor I looked through nearly closed eyes and saw Xander staggering toward me.

 I woke up to meet myself in my bedroom I could easily recognize my king size bed with my nearly infinite amount of weapons I stored there as an evidence of my art. I stretched and yawned before see traces of blood on my hands and the memory came at a rush; the job, the voice of Xander on the walkie talkie, Big O's death and finally the bat, thankfully Xi'an entered the room that moment. 

"I see you're awake boss" he said

" Where are we?" I managed to ask through the headache pounding my skull, I knew the question sounded silly but I couldn't help it I couldn't have been out for that long. 

" We got here three days ago, you were unconscious through out, would you like a shower and some food?" He asked coming closer and stopped. 

After the shower and with my food ignored, I had seated in front of me the last of my trusted men; Xander and Xi'an who explained what happened. 

" Have you tried to make contact with the rest of the men?" I asked. 

" Steiner and Big O are both dead, Steiner was just buried yesterday". He replied

"Anthony that snake I treated all of you equally there's no reason for him to betray us his brothers." I fumed and noticed Xander and Xi'an exchange a glance. 

" What is it! Or do you guys want to betray me too?" I asked

" No sir we'll never, er sir we believe that night changed you sir" Xander began but Xi'an cut him off

" Go on " I said. 

" Um sir your rejection of your meal proves this and we think that you might be a vampire" Xander explained.