
Fan-Fic Fairy Tail

A man was born, grew up, aged and died as an ordinary person, he wanted to reincarnate in a fantasy world like Fairy Tail, a world where he can live freely.

Xeeksot · アニメ·コミックス
16 Chs

Chapter 13

"Nero, wake up, we're leaving in a little while."

Waking up early as usual, after finishing my morning exercises, I will get ready for the trip, my journey is just beginning.

"uhn, just a little longer." said Nero, with a sleepy face.

"You can take advantage of this laziness, because after we enter Fairy Tail, I will train you until you pass out from exhaustion."

After hearing that, she got up running, it was funny.


Arriving at the bar, the two were already waiting for me, because of Nero, I ended up late.

"Sorry for the delay, shall we?"

"Yea." x2


On the train, we looked for a cabin for the four of us.

"Zafir, what happened? you look different from yesterday, but I can't tell you what it is." Selina said intrigued, and Nero also nodded, shaking his head.

Even Parsha agreed. "I noticed too, you look different."

Then she climbed on me, literally, and started sniffing me.

"It's different, as I can explain, you are closer to nature, this is good for magic, it becomes more powerful."

"Let's change the subject? How about starting with the rescue plan, have you thought of something?"

"Yes, let's first observe which members are in the guild and which are going out on a mission, so we can choose the date and time to make the attack."

"Yes, but we didn't get anything about the president, the only things we know that he and the president of Fairy Tail, Makarov, have a huge rift. In that case we would make up a little lie involving Fairy Tail or Makarov, so the president of Fairy Tail Phantom Lord, José Porla, would leave town."

Originally created by Geoffrey, former master of Blue Skull, to oppose Fairy Tail in revenge for their guild's expulsion from the city of Magnolia. The Phantom Lord was already known several years before the rise of another alliance, bound to eventually be considered the strongest in Fiore.

"It might work, but the chance of it going wrong is also incredibly high, first of all, do you know who José Porla is? he is one of the 10 holy mages, and do you know the origin of the Phantom Lord guild? originally created by Geoffrey, former Blue Skull master, to oppose Fairy Tail in revenge for his guild's expulsion from Magnolia City. Did you notice the rift between the two guilds? so it might work, but if he finds out the truth, we're dead ." I had to tell them the truth a little.

"Hahahahaha". Parsha clutched her stomach with laughter.

"What's the fun?"

"Everything, hahaha, how can you be afraid of a mere, 'Phantom Lord'?

"It's not fear. It's caution, our lives are on the line here."

"Listen, it seems I haven't talked much about my abilities, my magic is 'Lightning', and it's not just any lightning, it contains a curse that makes it impossible to heal any wounds, that is, if you receive some kind of fatal wound, don't there is healing, you will die.

Swallowing saliva 3x

"Wow, amazing! I've never met someone with such badass magic!". Selina was excited, it seems that finding someone as good as her or even better makes her excited.

"Let's rest, because then we won't have much time for that." Even if I say that, I can't stop worrying about Phantom Lord, I hope you don't make me angry, otherwise I'll find myself forced to do everything in my power to destroy them.

"Uhn, let's get some sleep."

"Okay, Nero."


Oak Town is located in the northeast part of Fiore.

"Until the end, we've arrived, I need to stretch my spine a little." Selina is quite excited today, even doing physical activity in public.

Soon the rest of the people get off the train, and Parsha with them.

"This full, what nostalgia, this city brings me good memories with its beauty"

"Yes, a beautiful city."

Oak Town is an old castle town. It is situated on a hill, surrounded by forests and mountains, with the river flowing nearby. The city is historic, with numerous towers and battlements. It is located on the spherical and completely covered hill on which it is located.

As many places in Fiore (Italian for "flower") refer to plants and flowers, the oak represents a species of flowering tree.

"Let's find a hotel and walk around the city a bit, let's relax a little, and Nero, I've changed my mind about your training, we'll start today, first we'll find out what magic you have so we can see where we can go."


After getting two rooms at the hotel, we went for a walk around the city, every time I go to another city, I have to take a walk, it became a ritual for me.

"Girls, do you want to visit the towers and battlements? it's a unique opportunity." when I look back, the girls are gone, I don't even see their shadows.

It looks like I'll have to go alone and I hope Selina is careful and doesn't draw too much attention, in fact, that goes for the others too.