
Fan-Fic Fairy Tail

A man was born, grew up, aged and died as an ordinary person, he wanted to reincarnate in a fantasy world like Fairy Tail, a world where he can live freely.

Xeeksot · アニメ·コミックス
16 Chs

Chapter 11

Selina... You can start talking.

"Where do I start... It all started, on my trip back to Oak Town, they were planning to kidnap Nero, to sell it to a noble of the kingdom, they said they had never seen a race like Nero, and that It would make good money."

"Since then, I decided to follow you to protect you from something similar, I even beat them up, however. It wasn't enough..."

I was surprised, I didn't think she had considered it so much

"Selina, thank you very much for your consideration, but you know that I will join a guild, I have the ability to protect myself, but I will not forget your help, it saved me a lot of trouble. I would like you to continue to accompany us on this journey."

She got her eyes shining, in relation to my proposal.

"Of course! I will! but I need to sort out some things in Oak Town."

"Do you need help? I don't want to take "no" for an answer, you've helped me so much, it would be rude not to help you now."

Selina was a little embarrassed. "Fine, I'll accept your help, but only if you let me be more than a traveling companion."

"W-What? We just met, it caught me off guard, I don't know if I'm ready for that kind of relationship, especially with someone I just met." What is Selina thinking? this kind of proposal all of a sudden.

"Idiot! that's not what you're thinking, I just want to be your companion, this time I spent with you was one of the best of my life, I've never had someone I identified with so much, I feel I should take this opportunity to change my life, maybe you feel like it's an exaggeration, but that's how I feel."

I was shocked, since I came into this world, I've never had someone who could be called a 'friend', maybe she is something closer to that;

With a smile on my face, I got up and gave him a warm hug.

"You know Selina, I never had a friend, and the people closest to me were my parents and recently Nero, so when you said that, I was really happy, I finally had a friend, and I hope it can last forever."

Selina was embarrassed and happy, it seems that accepting her invitation at that moment was one of the best things she ever did.

"Selina, let's talk a little more about us, it would be nice if there were no secrets, I'll start."

"My name is Zafir Olívin, I'm 12 years old, I was born in Clover Town, I've always had a dream of becoming a powerful mage, my magic is gravity and something else I was born with, I'm still exploring how to use it properly, my magic power isn't enough, he leaves home with the aim of getting stronger and joining the Fairy Tail guild."

"Looks like it's my turn now... Where do I start... I was born in Oak Town, my father was a Phantom Lord guild mage, he was quite powerful and user of shadow magic, very strong in sneak attacks, never had failed in a mission, until, the guild leader wanted my father to take an assassination mission, but my father refused, however the target turned up dead the next day and people started to distrust my father, until there was another disagreement between my father and the guild leader, so my father left the guild and has since been missing. When Phantom Lord found out that I have similar magic to my father, they came after me, so I'm running away them since I was 8 years old, now I'm going back to town, because I find clues about my father.

It's hard to imagine that she's been through all this, and they still hold on tight and strong, it's not for everyone,

"I'm sorry, now that we're mates, let's help you find your father, right Nero?"

"Uhn, yes."

Nero is still having trouble communicating, but he's doing better than before.

"It's getting late, let's go to the cabin and get some sleep."


Getting off the train, we came across the bus station, a very beautiful and busy place.

"We're here, let's find a place to stay first." I'm so tired, I don't know how Selina has so much energy.

"Zafir, stop being lazy, let's go,"

"Uhn." Until Nero.


After leaving the hotel, we spent the day walking around the city, we visited Teatro Onibus, but none of us liked it, the place is beautiful, but the plays were bland, but one place saved the day, this is Bar da Cidade de Bus. As in any other bar, here people come to drink or just to chat, but the most famous bar in Onibus Town, also serves as a meeting point for wizards to exchange information with each other.

"Selina, let's go to the most famous bar in Bus Town, there is a place where mages use to exchange information, maybe you can find clues about your father."

"Okay, let's act separately this time, so the search for information becomes more efficient, at 8 pm we meet in the bar itself to see if we can get anything."

"Nero, let's go, and Selina, good luck."

"Thank you, good luck.


I spent all day looking, there is about 1 hour to 20hrs, I was already losing hope of finding some information, so I decided to go back to the bar, but I passed through a somewhat remote square.

Until I saw a black girl sitting on a bench, she looked about my age, with long black hair, wearing a short black kimono and a cat mask on her head, with the moonlight reflecting off her, looked like a little angel, I ended up in a trance and she noticed me.

"Oh, what do we have here, good night boy and girl? what are you doing here at this time of night?"

What? Is this girl crazy or something? she's about my age and acting like she's an adult.

"I should be asking that question, what are you doing here at this hour? Her parents were worried."

damn boy. "Don't judge me by my looks, but I might be older than I look, by the way, my name is Parsha, I'm 15, how about you?"

I froze for a moment, "I'm surprised, how is it possible that you're 15 years old? Sorry for the rudeness, my name is Zafir Olívin, I'm 12 years old.

"Uhn, m-my name is Nero."

I almost forgot about Nero's presence, she's always very quiet, sometimes I forget about her presence, of course except when she has a few attacks of questions, when that happens, it's quite tiring to answer so many questions,

"What a cute kitten, what a desire to take her to me."

"Do not even think about it." Did not like.

"Ruun, kidding," (sticking out tongue)

"So Zafir, is there a reason you're here? You seem to be looking for something."

"Yes, I'm looking for someone who might have information I'm looking for, but I can't find anyone."

"What is it? maybe I can help."

Sorry for the delay.

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