
Famous Police Detective in Detective World

Senichi: A detective can only follow the criminal’s footsteps to catch him, but I can rely on future knowledge and stop the case! Conan: It seems that I need to go to Hawaii to train again! Senichi: Detectives often face the crisis of being killed by criminals, but my physical crime solving skills can reduce casualties! Conan: Don't make it so high-tech to solve crimes by force! ! Senichi: No matter how subtle it is, when you notice it, it may save a life! Everyone: You have persecution paranoia! How did you know that he was going to commit a crime? And it's so accurate every time! ! Senichi: Er... sorry~ I admit that I cheated~ ************** I am also publishing this novel on scribblehub with same username "Lightreaper". You can read advance chapters in my p@treon page!! p@treon.com/Lightreaper457 Please support this translation project if possible!! ************** This is not my story and is written by a Chinese author. This is a Machine translation. I have cleaned all the chapters I publish to the maximum of my capabilities. It's not perfect, but it's still an enjoyable read. **************

Lightreaper · アニメ·コミックス
444 Chs

Chapter 64: The Necessity of Fictional Reasoning

Queen Cleopatra.

This luxury cruise ship is the venue for the 60th anniversary celebration party of the Suzuki Foundation.

On April Fool's Day, after Kaitou Kid appeared, he left another notice letter to get the real "Black Star" today.

And at this moment, Conan and Senichi met again on this luxury cruise ship.

Needless to say, Conan came here with Mouri Kogoro and Ran, while Karazawa Senichi came here at the invitation of Suzuki Ayako.

But what Senichi was thinking at the moment was Kaitou Kid.

As the women's clothing tycoon Kuroba Kaito...ah no, the cases of Kuroba Kaito, because there are relatively few cases, and because he is the protagonist of another anime, Senichi is very impressed with the cases he participated in.

At this moment, he had already locked in on the criminal, contemplating in order to make everything reasonable.

For him, being able to know the future, but he can't just make illogical reasoning so casually, so "fictional reasoning" is very necessary.

Whether it's the Moon Shadow Island incident or the "Bandage Monster" incident, there is no need for the truth, just an appropriate and logical excuse is enough to make people believe.

On the contrary, people will believe in the fictional logical and harmonious reasoning, but they will ignore the bizarre truth.

Only in this way can Senichi use the plot to gain benefits without worrying about being punished if he is exposed one day.

At this moment, Senichi has already recalled the theater, and roughly framed the play on how to act and reasoning.

After Conan finished complaining, Senichi also found Ran and Sonoko, said "Come on" to Conan, and walked over with a glass of wine.

"Ah, Officer Senichi." Sonoko waved his hand and said, "You're here too, I need your help this time too!"

"I received the invitation from Ayako-san, how could I not come?" Senichi smiled, and pretended to be puzzled after ringing around: "Speaking of which, how come I don't see Ayako-san?"


After being reminded by Senichi, Sonoko immediately came to her senses, "Hearing you say so Senichi-san, it seems that it is really..."

"Call and ask." Senichi suggested, "Normally speaking, it shouldn't be. When Ayako-san notified me, she clearly told me the time."

By the time Sonoko got his mobile phone to make a call, Suzuki Sonoko's father had already started giving a speech on the stage.

After Sonoko dialed the phone, she learned that Ayako was still at home and that the police had notified her of a two-hour delay in departure and she consulted her father beside her.

This surprised Sonoko, and she couldn't help but exclaim, "Father is still at home?"

As soon as these words came out, Conan and Senichi, who had expected it for a long time, turned their heads to look at the podium where the speech was delivered.

And there, her father just finished his speech and was about to leave.

I don't know if it was a coincidence, but before the other party stepped off the stage, he looked towards his side, and happened to meet the two people's eyes, and showed a meaningful smile.

"Damn it!!"

Conan gritted his teeth and wanted to go forward to chase after him, but there were too many guests coming and going, and he had already disappeared in the corridor by the time he came out of the crowd.

But fortunately, I could still see the general direction. When Senichi and the two came to the bathroom and opened the door, all that was left was a set of clothes.

Senichi immediately reported this situation to the police officer and Suzuki-san.

"I didn't expect him to pretend to be my father..." Sonoko looked surprised when she heard what Senichi said, and Suzuki Tomoko beside her was the same.

At this moment, the police had already started the search, and all the guests started talking about it.

But although she was surprised that the phantom thief had sneaked onto the ship, Tomoko Suzuki didn't panic too much.

Because after the speech, she had asked the guests to bring the black stars that they sent when uploading.

At the moment, every guest on the cruise ship is carrying a counterfeit, and it is not easy to find the real one among them.

"But having said that, Ran is really slow." Maori Kogoro said impatiently.

"I guess she got lost. After all, Ran has a poor sense of direction." Sonoko laughed from the side.

"Then I'm really sorry for the bad sense of direction." Ran said angrily when she appeared behind Sonoko at some point.

While the two were talking, Officer Shintaro Chaki from the Second investigation unit of the Metropolitan Police Department began to speak, hoping that the guests present would gather in twos and choose a code to identify their identities.

But at this moment, the lights in the room suddenly dimmed.

Accompanied by a burst of laughter and smoke, the Kaitou Kid appeared on the stage surrounded by pigeons.

However, just after he uttered two mocking words, saying that he had obtained the Black Star, Tomoko Suzuki took out a pistol from his arms and shot him to death.

The blood stained the opponent's white suit red, and the opponent's body smashed directly onto the dining table.


Sonoko screamed and looked flustered, as if she never thought that his mother would be so reckless, and when he came up, she drew a gun and killed the Phantom thief who had just appeared.

And the rest of the guests also showed signs of panic, and the timid ones even screamed.

But the one who is the calmest is Senichi.

"Don't panic, it's all fake." Senichi patted the garden, signaling the other party to look at the Phantom thief lying on the dining table covered in blood.

But the man covered in blood who was lying in a pool of blood stood up directly amidst the screams. For a moment, Nakamori Ginzo, who was questioning Tomoko Suzuki, couldn't help but stop abruptly.

"Has it been seen through?" Tomoko Suzuki came over and praised: "As expected of the candidate strongly recommended by Ayako and Sonoko, he actually saw through the performance at a glance."

"I'm not that powerful, it's just that it doesn't smell like blood." Senichi smiled modestly, "It's kind of a clever trick."

It's not that Senichi is being modest, it's just that his inflated mentality after acquiring this talent has long been adjusted.

During the Godzilla case not long ago, Matsui cleverly tricked him with fake blood, making him realize that his sense of smell can't be trusted completely, so it don't help but be easily misled, and maybe even used .

While speaking, the handsome magician on the side had already started his performance, which attracted everyone's attention. Sonoko and Ran also became participants in the magic.

But when Ran and Sonoko were choosing a poker card, that card became the notice letter of Kaitou Kid.

「Like Julius Caesar kneeling down in front of Queen Cleopatra, 」

「I have come to you.」

「Kaito KID」

For a moment, the guests were in an uproar again, and just as everyone was panicking, Ran's pearl fell to the ground in a panic.

But when kind people helped to pick it up, the pearl suddenly emitted smoke, and immediately exploded!