
Famous Police Detective in Detective World

Senichi: A detective can only follow the criminal’s footsteps to catch him, but I can rely on future knowledge and stop the case! Conan: It seems that I need to go to Hawaii to train again! Senichi: Detectives often face the crisis of being killed by criminals, but my physical crime solving skills can reduce casualties! Conan: Don't make it so high-tech to solve crimes by force! ! Senichi: No matter how subtle it is, when you notice it, it may save a life! Everyone: You have persecution paranoia! How did you know that he was going to commit a crime? And it's so accurate every time! ! Senichi: Er... sorry~ I admit that I cheated~ ************** I am also publishing this novel on scribblehub with same username "Lightreaper". You can read advance chapters in my p@treon page!! p@treon.com/Lightreaper457 Please support this translation project if possible!! ************** This is not my story and is written by a Chinese author. This is a Machine translation. I have cleaned all the chapters I publish to the maximum of my capabilities. It's not perfect, but it's still an enjoyable read. **************

Lightreaper · アニメ·コミックス
444 Chs

Chapter 343: Conan - It's Time to Return to Hawaii...

After disarming the three thugs and handcuffing them, the side door of the car was opened, and James, amidst continuous expressions of gratitude, stepped out. Yumi Miyamoto, standing by, comforted James and helped him get out of the car.

"Thank you so much!" James, looking somewhat shaken, thanked them while placing a hand over his chest. "If it weren't for you, by the time they found out I wasn't the person they wanted to kidnap, I would have been in real trouble! The detectives from the Tokyo district are truly outstanding! They arrived just in time!!"

"Don't mention it. If you want to thank someone, thank those kids," Senichi waved his hand and said, "They reported to me, allowing me to rescue you."

"Oh! Are those Baker Street Kids who called you, Sherlock Holmes?" James's acting was a bit exaggerated. "You're really amazing!"

"Alright, enough of that. Let's get in the car quickly," Yumi Miyamoto patted James on the back and said, "Is your body okay? Do you need to go to a hospital for a check-up first, and then we can take you back for a statement?"

"Oh, okay! Okay!" James quickly waved his hands. "I have things to do with my friends. Can I leave first?"

"That's a bit troublesome..." Yumi Miyamoto frowned. "You're a victim; we need to check your body and take a statement."

"I'm fine!" James patted his chest. "Nothing happened to me. Those thugs didn't beat me. As for the statement, let me do it here."

"Officer Senichi, what do you think?" Yumi Miyamoto looked at Senichi, leaving the matter for him to handle. After all, she was from the traffic division, at most just assisting.

"Since there's something urgent, let's go with that." Senichi smiled and said.

"Thank you!"

Afterward, James briefly explained the kidnapping situation to the two. After completing the statement, his phone rang at the right time.

Answering the call, James, with somewhat awkward acting skills that looked forced in Senichi's eyes, returned the detective badge to Senichi. He bid farewell to the two, vanished like a gust of wind, leaving without a trace.

There was no other way; bringing him back would be troublesome, and who knows if it would lead to more complications. It was better to let him slip away smoothly and be done with it.

And at this moment, a Volkswagen Beetle arrived belatedly.

"Officer Senichi, why are you here?" Conan leaned out of the car window with an anxious expression as the Beetle came to a stop. "The detector indicates that the criminals are very close to us, presumably nearby!"

"Ah, you're talking about the case. It's already sorted out."

Senichi pointed to the three criminals handcuffed and escorted to Yumi Miyamoto's police car. "There you go, these three guys are the ones who kidnapped Mr. James."

"What? The criminals have been caught?" Conan looked puzzled. "What about Mr. James?"

"Oh, he left in a hurry after finishing the statement; his friend had something urgent to attend to," Senichi said, returning the detective badge to Ayumi.

Conan, on the other hand, couldn't hear Senichi's words at this point. All he could hear echoing in his mind was Senichi's phrase.

It's already sorted out...

It's already sorted out!?

By my goodness, in such a big case, how could it be resolved before I even got here!? Does this mean Senichi has already deciphered the message left by James?

Thinking about this, Conan couldn't help but ask, "Officer Senichi, did you unravel the mystery of the pendant?"

"Oh, that one? It's too simple." Senichi chuckled and said, "When I saw the message 'PA,' I immediately listed words containing 'P' and 'A.'

According to the message Haibara sent me, James probably likes animals, so I quickly thought of a word—'panda.'"

"So that's it!"

Conan, looking at the two parked police cars beside him, quickly grasped the key to the situation and said, "So this message represents a police car! These criminals impersonated police detectives, driving vehicles modified to look like police cars to carry out the kidnapping!

In this way, even if there are checkpoints, they pose no threat."

"That's right. A long time ago, some people used to call police cars 'pandas.'"

Senichi smiled and said, "And James, as a foreigner born in England, naturally knew about this.

After all, the former British police cars were black and white. Perhaps young people might not know, but people of James's age must be aware."

Conan, standing on the side, sighed involuntarily after Senichi explained the puzzle to everyone.

This time, it was another complete defeat.

Even though he knew the origin of the term "panda car" and was aware that this term originated in 1965 in Lancashire, Northwest England, where police cars were first painted in black and white and earned the nickname, knowing such details was useless. But not being able to recall it at the moment was just hindsight! It was utterly useless!

Thinking about this, Conan once again fell into a state of frustration.

He was the first to receive this message, and Haibara later sent the information to Senichi. He had the advantage, but Senichi surpassed him...

Thinking of this, Conan suddenly remembered another issue.

Officer Senichi seemed to have arrived very early. After all, when he and his group arrived, they had already subdued the criminals, and the statements were completed...

Then Conan roughly calculated the time and became uneasy.

Did you fly here or what? You'd have to speed like crazy to get here from that distance!

Conan didn't expect Officer Senichi to have such a trick up his sleeve.

Conan was once again shocked by Senichi's "hidden skill."

Being able to drive and having exceptional driving skills were undoubtedly different. Otherwise, what use would the profession of a race car driver have? Achieving a position that only a few people can reach in any field requires time, sweat, and extensive training.

Thinking about this, Conan felt a pang of anxiety. While he was still chasing and running, was the other party already diversifying into more fields to enhance themselves?

Thinking about the skills Senichi mastered and his demonstrated combat abilities, saying "able both in literary and martial arts" was not an exaggeration. Heiji Hattori was also quite skilled... Ran and Kazuha... seemed to be the same...

Upon careful consideration, Conan suddenly realized that everyone around him seemed to be good at fighting?

Am I the only weakling here?

The unintentional discovery once again hit Conan with a wave of self-reflection, but looking at his small arms and legs, the sadness deepened.

Whatever, it's time for me to learn some new skills when I have the chance.

It's time to go back to Hawaii and get some special training from the old man... Oops, it's time to go to Hawaii and have my dad give me some special training!

Combat skills and self-defense techniques are not of much use for my small body now, and I can compensate for the shortcomings to some extent with the gadgets from the professor.

But those specialized skills in various fields still need to be mastered or further learned!

Thinking about this, Conan couldn't help but feel motivated!

If your liver doesn't die, keep pushing on!

Let's do it!


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Early access to the following translations:-

⭐MCU: Druid's Adventures (MCUDA) - 100 advance chapters & 3 Chapters/Day

⭐Famous Police Detective in Detective World (FPDDW)- +163 advance chapters & 2 Chapters/Day

⭐Marvel: Little Genius (MLG) (⭐COMPLETE⭐) - Total Chapter 450

