
episode 1

(The opening shows Zack pulling a wagon that has a bunch of necklaces on it with Petunia in the kitchen)

(The family is putting on necklaces on split screens)

(Amelia is with Randy the beagle, Kit the hamster, Maple the male cat, and Kiwi the German Shepherd smiling, while in the bedroom)

(Tona is doing flips in a gym)

(Edward is playing on a guitar at a campfire)

(Luke pointing at the stars with his family behind him)

(Eddy is swimming with Kenny in a swimming pool)

(Josh and Haze are dancing on a stage)

(Dorry and Cash are arguing, while at the kitchen table)

(Kara and Jania is playing cards, while on a bed on opposite sides)

(Cyneley and Nia are dressed as a princess and a prince)

(Petunia and Ummayah is eating smores)

(Willow and Alexander is in a recorder room)

(Hannah and Jerry is doing tango)

(Itsuo and Hansuke holding wooden swords against each other)

(The family appear in a warehouse, where Kanisha and Mariah are at)

(Jania meets Aria and Clay)

(The opening ends with the family in the living room)

(The episode opens with the family talking in the kitchen)

(Hansuke, a 15-year-old boy who has brown hair with one piece of hair sticking out, wearing a yellow jacket, white shirt, blue jeans, and white jeans)

(Itsuo, a 12-year-old girl who has curly pink hair, wearing a red shirt, yellow skirt)

(Amelia, a 13-year-old girl with short blue hair, wearing a white dress with black stripes)

(Jerry, 14-year-old boy with long red hair, wearing a brown jacket with a picture of a cat on it, green jeans)

(Hannah,a 12-year-old girl with long brown hair, wearing a yellow fluffy dress)

(Alexander, 6-year-old girl who has short brown hair, wearing a sparkly blue dress)

(Willow,a 7-year-old girl that has brown hair that has hair which looks like chips, wearing a red/pink dress)

(Ummayah, a 4-year-old boy who has long/short black hair, wearing a brown overralls)

(Cya, 6-year-old gir who has red hair, wearing a pink buttoned shirt, blue jeans)

(Nia, a 15-year-old girl who has spiky maroon hair, wearing a peach shirt, teal jeans)

(Kara, a 10-year-old girl who has short green hair, wearing a dark blue dress)

(Jania, a 9-year-old boy who has banana-colored hair, wearing a sparkly white jumpsuit)

(Cash, a 11-year-old boy who has long blond hair, wearing a green shirt, blue jeans)

(Dorry, a 11-year-old girl who has long fiery hair, wearing a maroon dress)

(Haze, a 16-year-old boy who has brown hair, wearing a violet shirt, blue jeans)

(Josh, a 16-year-old boy who has long black/blond hair, wearing a black jacket, yellow shirt, blue jeans)

(Kenny, a 18-year-old boy who has hair that looks like a knife, wearing a grey shirt, red jeans)

(Eddy, 18-year-old boy who has long hair that looks like grass, wearing a brown shirt, blue jeans)

(Luke, a 12-year-old boy who has long white hair, wearing a red shirt, white jeans)

(Tona, a 12-year-old girl who has three black ponytails, wearing a black/red dress)

(Edward, 10-year-old boy who has black hair, brown skin, wearing a green shirt, blue jeans)

(Haya, a 10-year-old girl who has teal hair, wearing a white dress with green/purple stripes)

(Amelia is playing with Randy the male beagle, Kit the female hamster, Maple the male cat, and Kiwi the female German Shepherd)

Ummayah(looking sad): I miss Kanisha and Mariah.

Tona: I tried to call her, but each time it goes to voicemail

Kenny: This isn't like them.

Amelia: Maybe they changed their numbers

Haya (confused): Kanisha? Kanisha I'm too lazy to change my phone number ever.

Dorry: You got a point.

(The door opens revealing Petunia, a 4-year-old girl who has blond hair, wearing a pink/yellow outfit and pink shoes)

Petunia: Everybody, look at what I (reveals a necklace) have

Haze (looking bored): A necklace?

Petunia: Yeah, the owner is a friend of Kanisha's, and this isn't the only one (looks at the door) come in

(Zack, 17-year-old boy who has short green hair, wearing a maroon shirt, blue jeans, and white shoes pulling a wagon that has a bunch of necklaces in it)

Zack: This owner has some strange customers

Petunia: He had this guy who was acting like a pirate that nearly messed up the whole shop, then Zack helped.

Zack: It was nothing, plus that sword looked a little too pointy to be fake.

Petunia: So, that's why the owner was moving two feet away from the pirate.

Zack: Surprisingly he made us still pay, but it was only thirty dollars and twenty cents

Petunia: Good thing, I still carry change.

(Zack laughs nervously)

(Kenny puts on a necklace)

Haze (with a necklace): Not bad

Amelia (with a necklace on): How does the owner know Kanisha?

Zack (while putting on the necklace): He sold her this necklace similar to the one he gave to us.

Cash (looking at the necklace): It's glowing.

(The family looks at the necklaces glowing)

Josh (looking at the necklace): Make a wish, and it glows.

Dorry (looking at the necklace): It's glowing brighter

Petunia (while smiling): I wished we could go where Kanisha and Mariah

Cya (looking nervous): That doesn't sound so bad

Kenny: Unless they are kissing or in a different dimension.

(Episode ends with The family disappearing)