
Family doesn't end with blood

Moanah is a normal teenage girl. Only her life isn't normal. She and her brothers and sisters live in a beautiful house. Together with their stepmom, stepsisters and stepbrothers, they have become a huge family. But the silent life of Moanah takes a turn when she has to face Jimmy....

Kaia_Nova_Doyle · 都市
17 Chs

Chapter 13

Moanah blinks her eyes. She looks at Tristan. "Tristan?"

"Fuck Moanah, you scared the crap out of me" groans David. Tristan swallows. A silver tear rests under his eye. Moanah swallows and closes her eyes again. Tears rolled out of her eyes. She cannot believe that he saved her... She thought he didn't care about her. But he... She is still alive. Why?

Tristan lifts her gently bridal style and walks up to his room, leaving David in shock behind.

Soft like a bear who is handling his newborn cub he places her down on the black oak desk in his bedroom. He pulls out her clothes one by one. Moanah swallows, suddenly shy. Tristan looks at the blue marks on her body. He swallows and grabs a hoodie and jogging pants out of his closet. He helps her with putting the clothing on after which he lifts her again in his arms. He gently places her down on his bed, on his lap. He wraps his arms around her and waits until she is ready to talk. He doesn't care how long it takes. Heck, he doesn't even know if she'll ever be ready to talk to him.

David looks up from the wet towel to Moanah's phone. In the short time that he was busy cleaning the bathroom, it vibrated already almost a hundred times. He lifts the Samsung and looks at the screen. Eleven missed calls from Jimmy and an inbox full of texts.

Suspiciously he unlocks her phone.

-Moanah, did I say you could leave already?

-I wasn't done with you yet!

-Come back this instant

-See now I know you are just ignoring me

-Don't forget whose life is on the line here

-Moanah you stupid slut, get back here right now

-Do I really need to come to you

-Did you forget what we agreed? Well kind of 😉

-Guess I got to do as told then

-Yeah well, I'm tired of waiting, you have exactly ten minutes to come back inside and do as told

-That's it... Little mason will be thankful when I tell him that you are responsible for his broken nose... And face probably

David looks up. Anger boils into his eyes. Rage fuels his veins while he clams his fists. Jimmy was in danger...

Tristan looks up. He places his finger in front of his lips when David storms into the room.

"Tell me where he lives now!!!" Tristan shakes his head, not understanding. "That sick bastard. That disgusting pig!" "Shh, you'll wake her" whispers Tristan. "She is awake" David growls and looks at Moanah. Tristan turns his head and sighs. He looks back at David. "What's going on? What you found out?" David hands Tristan the phone. Moanah bites her lip and hides in Tristan his blankets while he reads the text messages. She shuts her eyes afraid. Tears burst out of her eyes. She ruined it... Everything was for nothing now...

Tristan growls softly and nods to David. "I'll handle it" he whispers and hands the phone back to David. David sighs deeply and storms out again. "Moanah" asks Tristan and lays back on the bed.

"I've told you already, hiding in a fortress of blankets or pillows will not make sure that I won't find you. The only difference is that the last time I had to say that you were five." He chuckles softly. "Sweetheart, I can't even describe how much I love you... you know that right?" Moanah swallows. She shakes her head. "Moanah" sighs Tristan. "I am so sorry if I made you think otherwise. I know things haven't been easy lately. But I realized today that I cannot live without you. You are and always will be my baby sister. I love you more than life. Now please... talk with me."

Moanah takes a deep breath and sobs uncontrollably. Tristan rubs her back and hugs her tightly. And then. Then it happens. Moanah just breaks down. She tells Tristan everything. Every little thing that has happened she blurts out. Tristan just keeps silent, listening to her. His rage, anger, and lust for Jimmy his blood grow with every word she speaks.