
Chapter 3

July 1, 2017.

I stood in front of the big, tall building made entirely of glass. The desks, table, clocks, everything, just glass. I hated it. I had always hated glasses ever since I watched the movie, "Why not". It was a movie about a stubborn child who always disobeyed adults and ended up dying by glass. Yes, glass. She jumped off the couch and jumped onto the glass table which impaled her killing her instantly. You think that's not something a little child should be watching? Tell that to my parents who always made me watch it whenever I did something wrong. All along they thought they were doing me good, but in reality they were scaring me.

I adjusted my tie and walked into the building with my heavy file. The ground floor had the receptionist desk, cafeteria, sick baby and some other places I couldn't recall. I walked up to the counter.

"Good morning" I greeted.

I got nothing in reply. The receptionist was focused on what she was doing. She didn't look up for anything. Nothing even for the numerous times after I cleared my throat to get her attention. She just sat there, eyes glued to her screen and fingers to her keyboard. I started getting irritated. I didn't want to be here in the first place and now I had to go through this?

I was angry. I dropped my file on the counter hard. It was risky, but at least it caught her attention. She looked up at me. She stared at me angrily. I stared back.

"You know you would have paid for that if it broke right?" She asked without shifting her eyes from me.

"No I wouldn't have you would" I replied with confidence.

"Excuse me? If you broke it, you would have paid"

"Not if I told them I did it out of anger because I had been standing here for over ten minutes without being attended to."

"Just who do you think you are?"

"Sorry, where are my manners. Hi, I'm Arielle De Rassi"