

Why is life so frustrating and unfair, why does things not always seem to go the way a person wants it? That has always been the question running through the mind of a very talented and young upcoming artiste(musician)named Mark. He has been dropping songs relentlessly, going for shows and performing in concerts relentlessly, but he isn't getting the fame and type of respect he wants to get as an artiste. His two friends named John and Henry who also had a passion for music started their music career the same time he started his had already blown up in the music industry and immediately forgot about him.This made him develop hatred in his heart for them. He is signed to 'COOL BOIZ' record label, his music manager 'Jefferey' and his record label boss 'Gary' are fed up and tired of him because his songs doesn't top billboard charts and his songs doesn't generate lots of streaming numbers in the music streaming platforms. Mark is so frustrated and fed up, and his mind is always filled with thoughts and questions. But would Mark later become famous and get the type of respect he wants as an artiste? follow through the episodes of this novel to find the answer to that.......

Jephthah_ · 現実
108 Chs

How it happened.

John stood in their way as he wouldn't let them go that easily, Ben's Immediate plan at that moment was to push him out of the way to create space for their movement. He didn't care if John was a celebrity, he was ready to put into action what his heart was telling him to do right now. But warning John was the best thing to do first before executing what his mind was notifying him to do.

"Get out of the way, or am gonna push you". Ben warned.

"You wouldn't dare, a superstar like me, you wanna push me, try it and see". John said with a grim expression on his face blocking their path much closely.

"Get out of the way, or am gonna push you!" Ben stated repeating his words more audibly.

John still stood in their path as he didn't move an inch.

Ben held him by the hand flinging him out of the way with so much force. John completely lost his stamina as he crashed down to the ground. The people watching the scene opened their mouths in awe as they couldn't believe Ben could fling John out of the way just like that.....a celebrity. But Ben couldn't care less as he signaled Mark that it was about time for movement.

John stood up from the ground with so much bitterness in his face and tone of voice,

"You guys dared to push a celebrity like me to the ground, YOU ARE GONNA PAY!! ESPECIALLY YOU MAAARK!!" He yelled out.

Mark and Ben kept on walking as they didn't care to turn around to take a glimpse at the yelling John, they kept him silent like a fool. But Mark couldn't help but wonder why John and Henry were like this towards him, their characters had recycled into something else. They were so arrogant, boastful, and haughty towards him, they weren't like this before. No doubt about it, Mark hates them a lot presently.

As Mark and Ben walked out of the event, people kept on staring at them as they couldn't still believe that Ben flung a celebrity out of the way causing him to fall to the ground. But Mark and Ben kept a straight face as they kept on moving not even turning aside for a second to glance at the people staring at them until they got outside of the event.

Everywhere would have been completely dark if not for the little light Brandon's concert was generating and the lights shining across the entire boulevard. The time was about 12 pm at midnight, and no single cars or taxi were moving about on the road. Brandon's concert was still ongoing but it was sure to come to its conclusion soon. It wasn't safe for a concert to keep holding at this late hour, but heavy bouncers and top-notched policemen were guarding the entranceway to the main building of Brandon's concert.

Mark and Ben didn't know what to do on getting outside of the edifice of Brandon's concert. No taxis were moving about on the road in which they could use in transporting themselves back to their homes. Jeffrey was screwing up, he was the only one that could transport them to their homes in his car, he brought them here, so he should carry them back, but he was f****ng up.

"What should we do now?" Mark inquired of Ben as he was confused about the next action to take.

"Not even a single cab on the road, maybe we should book a hotel around this environment where we would spend the night". Ben stated.

"Are there gonna be any available hotels at this time of the night? If we had known the situation would be like this, we would have prepared ahead of time".

"Yeah, but we had no idea the situation would be like this, so we ain't to blame, let's stroll about to see if we can discover any vacant hotel".

"It is very late and dangerous right now to be wandering about".

"But we've got no other option, let's get moving, the earlier the better". Ben said.

As they swiveled about to proceed with their movement, Jeffrey's voice echoed from behind,

"Where are you guys going to?"

They swiveled back to see Jeffrey standing behind them with his car key in his hand.

"We wanna see if there are any vacant hotels where we would spend the night". Mark replied.

Jeffrey chuckled, "finding a vacant hotel at this time of the night would be very arduous, the possibility is very low. Let's get going.....in my car".

"I thought you said you had somethings to handle?" Mark questioned.

"Umm, yeah, but I think am gonna postpone that as for now, let's get going, by God's grace, we are gonna arrive at our various homes safely".

Being reluctant to Jeffrey's offer wasn't even an option to Mark and Ben right now, so they wasted no time in hopping into his car. Jeffrey happens to be a lover of Benz cars, he owned two cars, both were Benz but were of different colors. Jeffrey wasted no time in putting the Benz car into motion. The highway would have been wholly dark if not for the headlamps fixed across it to maintain brightness.

They drove in silence for a long time before Jeffrey triggered a conversation,

"Mark, it seems like you were really acquainted with John in the past?"

"Yeah, he was a very good friend of mine back then". Mark retorted reluctantly, he wasn't in the mood for a discussion regarding John or Henry.

"Wow! that's cool, I am just discovering that right now, you were once a friend of a current trending celebrity. But it looks like you guys ain't cool anymore, he is an established global artiste at the moment while you are still upcoming. What happened? what is it that divided you guys friendship? the way both of you talked to each other indicates that you guys ain't on good terms at all. Tell me more about it, I want to know more". Jeffrey pleaded as he was still in control of the steering wheel.

Mark wasn't in the mood to explain things to anyone right now, especially topics regarding John and Henry. He stylishly diverted the workload of explaining it to Ben.

"Ben, I think I have told you the story of why John, Henry, and I aren't on good terms anymore right?"

"Yeah". Ben responded.

"Can you do the explanation for me please"? Mark pleaded.

"What the f**k! no, I won't, I don't have the energy for that".

"But it is just a quick and short explanation, and you are done".

"As I said earlier, I can't, and I won't".

Mark sighed, "Then I would have to explain it myself then, Is it safe to be listening to an explanation while driving?"

"Don't worry about that, am in full control of the car, I am using my hands to drive not my ears". Jeffrey uttered which caused Mark to stare at him unpleasantly, but he proceeded with the explanation anyway.

"I met with John and Henry back then in our secondary schooling years, we became very close friends because we loved one thing in common...music. We loved visiting the studio's a lot to record our songs back then, there were times when we used our last cards for studio sessions. Sometimes, when we had enough cash with us, we do drop our songs on the music streaming platforms. Though most of our songs performed poorly on the streaming platforms, we were still happy because we were doing what we loved and had a passion for. After secondary school, we gained admission into the same university and we studied the same course, music under theatre art,

"After graduating from the university, we continued with our best routine, making and dropping songs, by that time, we were already making very little money from our music streams. Not up to three months after we graduated from the university, we got signed into different record labels almost at the same time, it was just like a miracle to us. After some months of our record deal, John and Henry started making waves in the music industry, their songs topped charts and they became popular,

I tried my best too, I made good music and kept on dropping them continuously, but none of them came close to becoming a hit song, by that time, you hadn't become my manager and Ben hadn't become my producer yet. I tried contacting them to see if they could be of help to me, but they kept on ignoring my phone calls. I finally got in touch with John one certain time, he answered my phone call for the first time after a long time, but you know what, he denied not knowing me. This made me develop a very deep hatred for them in my heart, worst of all, they mocked and made fun of me".

So, that's the end of the story, that's how it happened". Mark concluded.

"Wow! what should I call this, a betrayal story or denial story?" Jeffrey asked Mark.

"Both, they betrayed the promise we made to each other and they also denied me. You know what Ben, I want us to record a song about them, I want to express my hatred for them through a song". Mark stated adding Ben to the discussion between him and Jeffrey.

"I don't think that is a nice idea". Ben uttered nodding his head in a way that portrays that he wasn't in support of what Mark just said.