
Fallow the star

JuicyxEl · ファンタジー
2 Chs


Get up~ . The wind cryed


Through the dark silent forest where the most dangerous beings are said to live a ,women with red fiery curled hair that would swayed by the force of the scared wind, ran through the forest with her elegant hands protectable covering the swollen bumpy stomach, causing the salty sweat to skate around her moon lightened black glossy skin, gasp could be heard escaping her dry well crafted lips and white perfectly placed pearl like teeth, bushy but well kept eyebrows that controlled her yellow eyes view of the destined path that her so called goddes had planted for her, button nose that quickly worked on taking in air to keep the body moving from the nearby danger, a long white skirt with a few golden pattern that dangled right beneath her bleeding red knee that would stain the skirt destroying the it's beauty but the red haired women gave no attention to it for there were more dangerous activity going around her.

"We must hide,… her time is near"~ the wind warns echoes the forest

"Wer- where ngh" the fiery haired women asked breathlessly , whilst her unprotected foot dashes through the forest

"Fallow ~" the ghostly wind commanded creating a trail of icy as it flys around the trees turning again and again till it reaches an old abandoned shabby hut far away, from those pestering, furry, brain rotten beings called wolfs, but this ones were the supernatural kind, the kind that can turn into human and animal once the moons was out, but it didn't mean they can't do it at morning once the sun had woken from its slumber .

"Won't they smell and hear us", the pregnant woman asked worriedly as she makes her way to the house

"No .. not if you want~", the wind spirit stated as it carefully creates a barrier around the little hut good for 2 people, the fiery haired beauty had finally entered the hut, but there seemed to be a problem, the hut … well it was too clean too well kept, she couldn't help but get wary.

"Don't worry I had asked the fairy's to keep it clean ready for a day like this~" the wind spoke up making the women to calm down, but only for a few uncontrollable seconds before another season of confusion mad it's way up.

"What does thy mean.. by in case of a day like this"?,The women asked .. but the spirit gave no answer

"wait so you knew it will happen but you kept it silent from me" she questioned

"…~" no answer were given once again

"why aren't you answering why are you choosing to be silent now"! She irritatedly yelled

"…~" silence once again was the only thing the wind could give

"I thought you was meant to protect me to keep me from danger"

"And I am~" the wind finally spoke up

"by doing what huh ?..keeping the most important part silent" she rebelled

"…" the wind gave no response

"huh?.. why … is it because you still think of me as a human who can't keep her mouth shut?!!"

"No because if you knew, …goddes know what would happen to you if I ever was supposed to accidentally blurted out even a single syllable of the future ~!", The wind howled out causing the room to rumble and anything that weren't too heavy to float,

"what do you mean.. I don't understand?" her eyebrows started to farrow to her eyes showing confusion

"You aren't meant to understand your too weak minded to understand…your just a human…well a mistake of one ~", the spirit accidentally blurted out

"oh… oh! I'm just a mistake of one huh..so why don't you go and search for a better one to ruin there life"!, The woman angrily yelled out with her eyes shuted close, not noticing the light that surrounded her unconditionally "Wai-.." before the spirit could finish its word it had vanished into nothingness.




Once her eyes had opened there were no sighn of another being or entente only her and her. Belly that was now starting to push.




*far away from the forest*

Sling~ the knife cutted perfectly through the males head, causing a blood shower to arise right after the body had fallen, creating a puddle of red substance to emerge from the body, dirtying the green natured grass and an unknown man's black boots, with some particles of the red substance hitting near his eyes ,red maddened eye's then sliding through his sharp jaw lines pausing near his battle scars some looked old, but there were around 9 that looked a bit like a scratch from both left and right cheeks which still had pinkness to it stating it was caused not too long ago.

"Find her if you all know what's good for you" a cold stomach churning voice was heard through the crowd of wolfs, creating different type of emotions to be born, some fear, some disgust, some worry, and weirdly enough some are excited.

"Well she can't of had gone far so this should be easy" one wolf man stated whilst proudly hanging his fingers around his thick hips

"Hey don't Jinx us" another jokingly stated causing a fit of laughter and jokes to swirl around the group.

On the other side of the camp stood a shadowy like figure but this one gives even the highest goddess and gods the goosebumps ,just thinking about it's appearance and its crimes, so much so that they forbid their subjects from saying it's name ( "♾️👁️‍🗨️〰️✔️💱➿") ,till some people started to forget about it, then the new generations came and that's when they forgot completely about it's existence, but it's not as if them not saying it or remembering it would do anything good for the ones that were in danger of it,

planet E they were at mostly the once in the biggest danger, for that is where it rests a few had seen its appearance and could only explain what they saw and experienced being in it's view" it was definitely 7foot tall or more no less",one said

"it hard enormously big horn like a Markhor or deer I'm unsure",one questioned "it's face well I couldn't realy see it but if I'm remembering correctly it had glowing eyes the color is what I can't remember but oh lord it has the most disfiguring smile", another explained

"I didn't really have a good look of it but on thing I know for sure is that its foot was not at all human it have like I think I sheep type of legs", another pointed out

"it's hands are very inhumanly long and pointy", said another

"it smells of dead corps that's for sure", one truthly said

"it wears a black cloak around itself so I didn't really think much of it", one shrugged

"I swear to the highest goddess above that I'm not lieying when I say there was a dark substance coming out it's body like smoke", another one pointed out and so on and so forth, but humans are very typical creatures, and once they don't see something they'd start : to call bluff or laugh at you, as if you just told the best joke or start creating lies to go with the story or to get a bit of fame, so therefor all this story's had to be stopped because the ones who had not seen or smelt this thing started to get bored and pissed of hearing this story's and this was how the horrific thing came to be forgotten, but now I guess it had woken from its slumber…

Sha~ the wind howled warning all the creatures and naturaly connected beings of the disturbance and the good news.

"The chosen one is here!" an old blind white haired wrinkled woman stated to the wild going on her knees whilst swaying her hands to the sky thanking the gods for their salvation.

"Mom get off the floor !", A young woman yelled helping the old wrinkled women up.

"She's here child she's here we are safer hahhaha", she laughed out hugging her one and only child.

"Mom stop your embarrassing behaviour", the young brunette stated in a hushed tone eyes wondering around all the freaked out passerby's.

"Let them be ,they have no sense of the goodnes that had just been born" the wrinkled lady grumbled out .

*back to the hut*

"Aaaaaaaaaaaah" the fiery haired woman screeched out whilst keeping her self up by the help of the table whils carefully parte her legs apart.


Pino(pih-n-yo )

JuicyxElcreators' thoughts