
Adventure: Start

Courier was broken out of his stupor when he went to check his Pip boy, he saw there was a message in the notes category. It Read 'Hey there Chase, or should I say Courier? Well when you wished for your world to be the same as the Fallout 4 world Godd Howard came down on me saying that I shouldn't interfere with his "Creation unless I was in the club" so I gave him privileges to see and edit what I did when I put you in the world, so in his infinite wisdom he has made me include the DLC for New Vegas and Fallout 4 so good luck champ. Also since your first wish was nullified we thought to give you a little compensation, so have some luck and a few extra SPECIAL points to finagle your way around. Oh and for simplicity's sake we went with the fallout 4 perk tree with New Vegas stapled on top so you have more info, good for you. Your proficiency's have been added in the next window to the left. The Gun-crafting system was added on with the ammo crafting so it keeps things simple. And finally good luck kid, you gotta make sure you are the house not the player, Cause the house always wins.'

Huh, Godd Howard was real, Figured. Well now i have my explanation lets get back to the

Vit-o-Matic, Let's see...



S-Strength -(5)+

P-Perception -(5)+

E-Endurance -(5)+

C-Charisma -(5)+

I-Intelligence -(5)+

A-Agility -(5)+

L-Luck -(10)+

Lets go with this and see how we do...



S-Strength -(6)+

P-Perception -(9)+

E-Endurance -(7)+

C-Charisma -(10)+

I-Intelligence -(10)+

A-Agility -(8)+

L-Luck -(10)+

No Negative stats. Huh, first time that has happened without console commands. Normally Charisma is a dump stat but I thought I would get effected by the low charm I have but since Godd Howard fucked up my wishes I might as well take it at face value. Let's see how much I can lift. 210 pounds, not too shabby, Oh i already have my starter stuff from Doc, let's see Stimpacks, 9mm rounds, and my suit. OK let's choose my Traits.




Where is my trait menu??? Hello GODD Howard? Um OK well I don't think i have traits, let me look in the pip boy... WHAT, MY ONLY CHOICE IS WILD WILD WASTELAND, SO UNFAIR GODD HOWARD, I NEED TRIGGER DISCIPLINE MAN. Fuck, whatever I will take it I guess, probably gonna kill me later.

Well my tantrum woke up Doc and we are doing the whole Rorschach test bull shit. I don't even have a menu to choose the best option for my proficiency, ugh, even in death Todd fucks me over with this buggy ass system.


Note Added

"Huh?" I say unconsciously.

"You say something Kid?" asks Mitchell, offhanded.

"No Doc keep doing what you are doing."

Note from Godd Howard:

Seeing as you keep cursing me I have a mind to let you out of there with nobody on your side and maybe spawn a Deathclaw on top of you so be careful what you say. Last warning, only because you bought my games so many times, Sucker.

P.s other god says hello kid.


Alrighty then, I have an omnipotent god looking over my shoulder. Might wanna keep my thoughts to myself. "Well Doc, am I certifiably insane or maybe i have a personalty disorder?" I say half-serious.

"Nope kid Just need you to sign these papers, just a formality you know."


Barter 27

Energy Weapons 25

Explosives 25

Guns 38 X

Lockpick 25

Medicine 27

Melee Weapons 19

Repair 27

Science 27

Sneak 23

Speech 42 X

Survival 36 X

Unarmed 21

Well let's see, I wanna go the marksman path but i kind of like the Wazer Wifle and most of the plasma weapons. And with Upgrades I could put on, the possibilities are endless. Oh wait Scrap, what, where, and how do I get scrap? well maybe it's like 4 i just scrap in the building system. might wanna see if i can get Local Leader pretty fast. Ah forget it i will go with Guns, Barter, and Speech.

"Now let's get you headed out, go and speak to Sunny Smiles if you need a hand, but other than that thanks.. Er, what was your name again?"

"Oh, I didn't say did I? Well my name doesn't matter so since I remember I was a Courier you can call me that." I said without much hesitation.

"Speaking of that, have this my old Pipboy, I don't need it and the stuff you had with you by the door quite the heavy firepower for a lone man dontcha think?"

Heavy firepower? Wait... THE DLC! Oh no here comes the infinite water canteen and the early game grenade launcher. I pickup the rucksack and wait for doc to leave, when i open it i am greeted with enough weapons to equip a small squad. Let's put this in the Pipboy.

(Author's note:

Do you guys want a flat inventory screen or do you want just a board at the end of every chapter with his Gains/Losses?)


9mm Pistol 13/33

Broad Machete

Merc's Grenade Rifle 1/19

Throwing Spears 10

Weathered 10mm Pistol 12/38



Super Stimpacks (3)

Stimpacks (8)

Bleak Venom (5)

Weapon Repair Kits (4)


Light Weight Leather Armor

Armored Vault Jumpsuit

Lightweight Metal Armor


Vault 13 Canteen (empty)

Scrap of paper (use to put into notes)

(AN like this or something more simple?)

Empty? What is hardcore on? Of course it is dumb ass this is real life now, now that I say that I need some food, I've been staving for a few days in that coma. OK let me check everything else out. The paper says 'Thought I'd forget about infinite water did ya? well sorry to ruin your fun this is more for your safety rather than to nerf you. This world is vicious and having infinite water is an easy way to get killed. Thank me later Bye. Love Godd Howard and Co.' OK I didn't think about it like that but damn that could kill me pretty easy. Well off I go in to This wild adventure!

My release Schedule is still in flux so keep this in the back of your library. Thanks for the criticism, I always strive to improve. let me know your thoughts down below or join my Discord at https://discord.gg/a9FHPU

Thanks guys keep it Classy!

Cooldudearino363creators' thoughts