
Walking the couriers path

The morning comes and Harkon is the first one to wake up, looking around he notices that they all must of fallen asleep while crying and now that he ain't in his open emotional state anymore he feels embarrassed and cringe for letting last night happen.

After a few minutes pass as he dwells in what happened last night, Harkon eventually forces himself to get up and to wake the offers, they each wake up one after another with groans.

Alucard is about to say something but Harkon just shush him while getting back up and getting himself ready for the long road that they have ahead of them.

Getting the memo Alucard and the rest start doing the same, within half a hour the entire group is read and start walking out of the old building and towards the Mojave which is south of them.

Hours and hours past with nothing of great interest besides fighting off local wildlife which thankfully weren't heavy duty apex predators like death claws or cazadors.

before they all could grow bored again from the last bit of action they had with the pack of feral dogs they face awhile back they come across from a distance a caravan being ambushed by what looks like 7 guys that they could see against the 5 caravan people.

Looking at each other they knew that they weren't heros or shit even good people but they did like fighting so the only thing Dracula said to the group is " raiders, caravan or both" which Harkon just yells " both! " and runs foward pulling out his 10 mm and firing a couple of shots two hitting the chest and skull of a tall raider wearing a leather gimp mask and another hitting a old looking man with a shotgun in the side causing him to collapse.

Harkon didn't even need to look back to know that his crew was behind him as he had absolute trust in them ... and it help seeing bullets coming from behind him going straight into a raider looking guy with a man bun entire body making having him fall backwards with a loud and wet slap.

Both the raiders and the caravan shout " fuck" and start shooting at us together making a weird and unlikely team up against us.

As that happens Harkon hears a sound that goes along with whatever wild wasteland stuff happens to the character.

" oh shit guys, things are going to get crazy"