
Fallout New Game +

Hey so this is basically another writing project for fun and creativity. the story will be about a guy reborn in the world of fallout and him becoming... well I don't know what he'll become but lets find out together in the wastes. Oh just a warning but this is a darkish story so if your not comfortable with serious gore, drug accident and probably other stuff then you probably skip this. Oh also I don't own the fallout franchise or anything like that .., I don't know why I need to say that but every fanfic does so yeah if you guys were wondering I ain't Bethesda.

kingmidas192 · ゲーム
30 Chs


As the door gets kicked open by Harkon the sounds of everything that is going on outside floods his senses, stopping him for a moment to try to readjust himself but snaps him out of it as he hears another sound of a explosion but this time much closer knocking him down and out of the house.

Scrambling back up Harkon just decides to run for it and thinks where he needs to go to get out of here but as he runs down the street he realizes he can't leave yet as he can't leave his friends ... his family.

Remembering that they usually hangout at the bar a few streets away where he is at he runs in that direction but as he gets closer and closer to the bar he hears louder and louder gunshots.

Once he turns the final corner he sees a bunch of brotherhood of Rust members shooting into the bar but they quickly go back in cover as one of the heavily armored members is taken down by multiple shots all over that eventually got through his armor taking him down.

He then hears Alucard yells out " die you rusty motherfuckers" and almost in response the leader of the Brotherhood of rust group who is dressed up in the most heaviest and protective armor just stands up and fires two Chinese assault rifles one in each hand

Harkon yells his rank and name to them so that they don't shoot him immediately " Raider Lieutenant, Harkon" which stops the fighting for the moment from both sides " what the fuck is happening, your attacking my crew when you guys should be either figuring out where the Explosives are being detonated from or stopping the fighting that's happening." he yells out and the captain of the group just looks at him and simply says " Lieutenant, your crew has killed two of our men, one before this and another that you just saw, so do you want to take there punishment which would be death if things were normal or do you renounce them which if you do then help us kill or capture them"

he is about to say something in response but he hears Dracula yelling out to him " Brother, don't let them lie to you, the first guy had it coming for being a scumbag and the second was just self defense but who the fuck cares we are raiders not some military and you hold no obligation to them expect whether you think you belong with them more than us"

"Shit another major choice for me" Harkon thinks to himself.

Should Harkon stick with his crew or with the Brotherhood of Rust