
Fallout 4: Rebirth At Vault 81

If you wanted to read 20 Chapters ahead, be sure to check my Patreon!!! Go to https://www.patreon.com/Tang12 _________________________________ Sico has always been hospitalized since he was a kid because his body is very weak and the doctor doesn't know what the reason is, so his parents always find a way to make him happy. They gave him a PS4 console to keep him from being bored and distracted. When he downloaded Fallouts, especially Fallout 4 it became his favorite game of all time but someday his body became deteriorated and became weak so he had to be bedridden. Because of that, he can not play his favorite game again and feels sad because of it. He asked his parent to cut his life support system so that he can rest in peace and when he slowly closing his eyes, he made a wish to be reincarnated in Fallout 4 world. Many people don't know because of that wish, a legend born in alternates Fallout 4 world.

Tang12 · ゲーム
334 Chs

12. Piper

If you wanted to read 15 Chapters ahead and more, be sure to check my Patreon!!!

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After finishing killing them, Sico counts that there are at least 30 raiders in this group so they begin gathering the loot in there and get 15 pipe pistols, 5 pipe rifles, 1.500 .45 ammo, 3 fragmentation grenades, 2 molotovs, 4 baseball bats, 2 machetes, 3.000 caps, 5 meats, 5 psycho, 5 jet, and 30 raiders armor. Then collected the head of the raider group and went back to the Diamond City bounty office to collect their reward.

When they arrived at Diamond City it was already nighttime and they quickly went to the bounty office to exchange their bounty for rewards. When they arrived at the bounty office, they saw a line of people who wanted to exchange their bounty so they got in line and waited for their turn. After waiting for a while it's finally their turn, they turn in the proof for the reward and get 1.000 caps for the mole rat, 1.500 for the pack of feral ghouls, and 2.000 for the raider's quest.

After getting the reward, Sico and Robert went to Choice Chops Shop to sell the mole rat meat. When they arrived, they sold it to Molly the owner, and got 450 caps for 50 mole rat meats. After that, they went to Arturo's shop to sell the raider loot they got.

Arturo: "Welcome welcome, how may I serve you?."

Sico: "Yes we want to sell these weapons and armor please."

Arturo: "Let's see, the condition is not too bad. So it's 15 pipe pistols, 5 pipe rifles, 1.500 .45 ammo, 3 fragmentation grenades, 2 Molotovs, 4 baseball bats, 2 machetes, and 30 raider armor, right? You will get 9.750 caps for all of this."

Sico: "Okay we take it thanks, Arturo."

After selling the weapons and armor they got from the raiders, they went to the Chem I Care shop to sell the drugs they got. When arrived at the shop, they met with Solomon the owner, and sold 5 mentats, 5 psycho, and 5 jets then got 800 from Solomon for it. After finishing selling all their loot, Sico and Robert went back to their house to eat dinner and tell Jenny and Curie what they got today and about the institute.

After arriving at their home, Sico and Robert saw that the furniture they had bought had already arrived, and Jenny already preparing dinner for them. Sico and Robert went to sit down at the dining table and then told their event while doing the job.

Jenny: "Hey you guys are already back! Please have a seat, the dinner will be ready shortly."

Sico: "Okay Jenny."

Robert: "Smells good little sis, what are you making?."

Jenny: "Well I make us some Brahmin steak with veggies."

Robert: "Yes! Steak I like it."

Sico: "Well Jenny, after finishing the bounty job we got 4.500 caps for it."

Jenny: "What really!? Great that can last us for at least a month, hey help me bring the food to the tables."

Sico and Robert: "Okay!."

After helping Jenny bring the food to the table their discussion is continue.

Jenny: "So how does it taste?."

Robert: "It's delicious little sis!"

Sico: "Yup it's really good. And by the way, we sold the loot we got from the job and got 11.000 caps for all of it."

Jenny: "Great job guys! We could use it in case there was an emergency."

Sico: "Yup. By the way, before we leave Diamond City for the job, there's a little girl named Natalie or you can call it Nat who selling this newspaper that's telling us that there's some kind of boogeyman in the Commonwealth."

Jenny: "What? Boogeyman?."

Sico: "Yup, so there's some kind of advanced organization called The Institute that kidnaps people in the Commonwealth and replaces them with some kind of robot they build with the name of Synths."

Jenny: "Wow, there's an advanced organization like that in this era!? But why do they do something like that? If that tech is in our hands at least we don't kidnap someone and replace it with a robot."

Sico: "Yup it's a shame and nobody knows how they kidnap someone that quick and replace it without anyone knowing."

Jenny: "How about we meet the writer of this newspaper and ask for more details from the writer?."

Sico: "Hey that was a good idea, now then let's go to bed it's already late at night."

After finishing eating their dinner, Jenny washed their dishes while Sico and Robert took some showers and then they went to sleep. While lying on the bed to sleep, the system talks to him suddenly.

System: [Congratulations Sico! You finish Quest 1: Go to Diamond City and find a place as your base there and here is your reward: an Electric Motorcycle blueprint]

Sico: 'Nice finally got that reward, now we can have transportation so that we don't have to walk again but I need to be secretive about it before having enough power if not someone will want us to give it away to them by force.'

A/n: sorry that in the previous chapter, I forgot to finish the quest and give the reward.

Then after getting his reward, Sico went to sleep. The next day, they woke up and ate some breakfast then went to the newspaper shop to ask Nat to see the writer. After they arrive, they see Nat who sells newspapers in front of the place, and quickly go to her.

Sico: "Hey there Nat."

Natalie: "Hello there Mister, do you want to buy a newspaper again?."

Sico: "Ah no, please don't call me Mister you can call me Sico and these three is my friend Robert, Jenny, and the robot is Curie."

Natalie: "Hello, my name is Natalie or you can call me Nat. So what brings you guys here then?."

Jenny: "So you see Bat, we want to meet the writer who wrote this newspaper."

Natalie: "Oh you want to meet my Sister? She inside."

Robert: "Wait your sister?."

Natalie: "Yup, the one who made and wrote this newspaper is my sister Piper."

Sico: "Well then Nat, can we meet your sister then?."

Natalie: "Sure, you can go inside."

Jenny: "Thank you, Nat."

After that, they went in and saw there was a beautiful woman who sitting and writing something on the table.

Sico: "Excuse me, are you, Miss Piper?."

Piper: "Yes that's me. So what do you guys want? And why did my sister let you guys inside here?."

Sico: "First of all let me introduce myself and my friend. My name is Sico and these are Robert, Jenny, and Curie. We are here to ask you about something."

Piper: "Oh hi my name is Piper. So what is it then? And please have a seat."

Jenny: "Yes so like Sico says, we are here to ask you about the newspaper you wrote."

Piper: "So you guys want to know about the institute? I thought everyone in the Commonwealth knew about it. Wait is that Pib boy? Are you guys a vault dweller?."

Robert: "Yes we are from Vault 81 and we just arrived at Diamond City yesterday."

Piper: "What!? Really!? Is it still functioning? I mean are there any people there besides you guys?."

Sico: "Yes there are, we are very proud to say that we have been successfully maintaining our vault for 2 centuries."

Piper: "That is amazing!."

Sico: "Now then, what can you tell us about the Institute?."

Piper: "Well from what I know and my research, The Institute is from the remains of the C.I.T or Commonwealth Institute of Technology that survived the Great War. Then someday they appear and start kidnapping people then replacing them with their synths, that's why now they are called the boogeyman of the Commonwealth."

Sico: "If they are the remains from the era before the Great War, then they must stay underground to survive the nuclear blast but how do they get inside and out?."

Piper: "We don't know about that, that's why it still becomes one of the mysteries in the Commonwealth."

Sico: "Hmm… really indeed. Well if you have any more information about the institute, please let us know"

Piper: "Why? I mean why do you take an interest in them?."

Sico: "Well their technology is something that I want and maybe they have a database from the previous era that could be useful for us to rebuild this world back to its previous glory you know."

Piper: "Wow what an ambition you have, okay then I let you know if I get something new."

Sico: "Thanks Piper really appreciate it."

Piper: "You welcome, then if you excuse me I have something to write now."

Sico: "Oh okay Piper, goodbye then."

After that they went out of the place and said goodbye to Nat, they realized it was already afternoon and they feeling hungry right now so they went to eat noodles at the noodles stand in the center of the market. After arriving at the stand, they want to order some noodles but the one who serves them is a robot and they don't care who serves it as long as they can eat but this robot speaks just one line that repeats over and over.

Sico: "Hey 3 noodles please."

Takahashi: "Nan-ni Shimasho-ka.?."

Sico: "What do you say?."

Takahashi: "Nan-ni Shimasho-ka.?."

Customer A: "Just say yes and you will get your noodle."

Customer B: "The robot just knows yes and no."

Sico: "Okay thank you. Eh yes?."

After getting their noodle and paying 10 caps each, they quickly devoured them and then went to the bounty board to see if there was any job they could get and do it tomorrow. After taking 3 jobs again, they took a holiday from a job themselves today to visit every single place in the Diamond City until night and then went back to their house to get some rest.


• Name: Sico

• Stats

S: 5,44

P: 3,44

E: 4,44

C: 5,44

I: 8,44

A: 2,44

L: 5

• Skills: intermediate Mechanic and Science skills, beginner Shooting and Medical skills

• Inventory: 20.510 caps, 10mm Pistol, 1500 10mm rounds, 22 mole rats meat, 17 mole rats teeth, 1 fragmentation grenade, 6 stimpak, 1 rad x, 1 fusion core, computer blueprint, modern TV blueprint, camera recorder blueprint, power armor T51 blueprint, and Electric Motorcycle blueprint.

• Active Quest:

Quest 1: Meet the Sole Survivor, Reward: Fusion Core Power Generator blueprint

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